Occurrence of mosaic viruses in melons in the Central Valley of California
The art of hearing God: Absorption, dissociation, and contemporary American spirituality
Pink Tree, and: Trauma Man, and: Christmas Cactus, and: The Impossible Dream
Humanitarian intervention after Iraq: Legal ideals vs. military realities
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Roman Law Linguistic, Social and Philosophical Aspects
Cooking in the Books: Cookbooks and Cookery in Popular Fiction
The Ploughman's Lunch Remembering or forgetting history
Mirabili visioni: from movable books to movable text
The Othello match of the year: Takeshi Murakami vs. Logistello
A few good women—on top management teams
Sex and the Colonial City: Mapping Masculinity, Whiteness, and Desire in French Occupied Hanoi
Film, media and popular culture in Ireland: cityscapes, landscapes, soundscapes
Lyric poetry: the pain and the pleasure of words
Data trash: The theory of the virtual class
Computer Literacy Skills for Computer Information Systems Majors: A Case Study
The Bar-On model of emotional-social intelligence (ESI) 1
You have no credibility: Nursing students' experiences of horizontal violence
Interactive multimedia animation with macromedia flash in descriptive geometry teaching
Outta This World: Merging Classic Animation Styles with Modern Technologies and Designs
Wireless sensor networks for personal health monitoring: Issues and an implementation
Set Up Running: The Life of a Pennsylvania Railroad Engineman, 1904-1949
The rationales underlying reincorporation and implications for Canadian corporations
The sovereignty of parliament: history and philosophy
Energy efficiency and consumption—the rebound effect—a survey
Cost-effectiveness criteria for marine oil spill preventive measures
Airline cost drivers: cost implications of fleet, routes, and personnel policies
A watershed-scale design optimization model for stormwater best management practices
How Latin America's History of Childhood Came of Age
Experience in hepatic transplantation
Weighing both sides: Morality, mortality, and framing contests over obesity
Into the midst of things: The autobiography of Sir Richard Kingsland [Book Review
Spirituality in the parochial and plain sermons of John Henry Newman
Applied statistical decision theory
Economic statistics and econometrics
Diffraction effects in semiclassical scattering
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
A spectre is haunting Europe': Napoleon's reappearance in British literature of the 1840s
LibGuides: Native American Studies Research Guide: Michigan's American Indian Heritage
The Powhatan Landscape: An Archaeological History of the Algonquian Chesapeake
Working the Navajo Way: Labor and Culture in the Twentieth Century
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Knowing places. The Inuinnait, landscapes and the environment
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Financial affairs? Money management in same-sex relationships
Anatomy and histology of the eye and orbit in domestic animals
The Life of Niccolò Machiavelli
The Life of Niccolò Machiavelli
FJ Furnivall's Last Fling: The Wyclif Society and Anglo-German Scholarly Relations, 1882-1922
The problem of universals and wyclif's alleged ultrarealism
John Wyclif's Political Philosophy
John Wyclif's Metaphysics of Scriptural Integrity in the De Veritate Sacrae Scripturae
Interview with Dorothy Livesay
Unitary phase operator in quantum mechanics
Quantum Effects in Transport Phenomena
Phase and angle variables in quantum mechanics
A guide to experiments in quantum optics
A survey on communication networks for electric system automation
Induced abortion: a world review 1986 6th ed
Malaria, a journey in time: in search of the lost myths and forgotten stories
Postmodern Indigenism: Quetzalcoatl and All That
Reel tracks: Australian feature film music and cultural identities
The handbook of industrial innovation
The economics and management of intellectual property
Free labor: Producing culture for the digital economy
Scouting for boys: A handbook for instruction in good citizenship
The adverse effects of intensive treatment of chronic schizophrenia
Semantic and pragmatic factors in Wason's selection task: state of the art
Understanding conditionals in the East: A Replication study of Politzer et al.(2010) with Easterners
The relevance effect and conditionals
For the patient's good: The restoration of beneficence in health care
Ethics of human enhancement: 25 questions & answers
Legal ethics and human dignity
Columbia, Columbus, and Columbianism
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: 60 Years of American Dialogue on Sex, Gender, and the Nuclear Family
Book Review: The Coronado Expedition from the Distance of 460 Years
Narrative and the self as relationship
The strengths perspective in social work practice: Extensions and cautions
From the Rio to the Sierra: an environmental history of the Middle Rio Grande Basin
A handbook for deterring plagiarism in higher education
Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books
Any evidence in the Family Court
Treating adolescents: legal and ethical considerations
Problems posed by schizophrenic language
Database resources of the national center for biotechnology information
Malice in blunderland: an anti-nuclear primer
Alice in wonderland or malice in blunderland
Literature in the EFL class: A study of goal-achievement incongruence
Consumer willingness to pay for pesticide-free fresh fruit and vegetables in Italy
Non-invasive investigation on a VI century purple codex from Brescia, Italy
Global warming: are we entering the greenhouse century
Wilde women and The yellow book: The sexual politics of aestheticism and decadence
Why wait? The science behind procrastination
Orphans of the Holocaust [Book Review
The Structure of the Kuun mong [A dream of nine clouds
The Application of Systems Thinking for 21st Century Operations (The Senior Scout Case Study
Consuming cultures: Power and resistance
Projecting Migration: Transcultural Documentary Practice
Under New Management: Universities, Administrative Labor, and the Professional Turn
Induced neuronal differentiation of human embryonic stem cells
Patterns of host specificity and transmission among parasites of wild primates
Collaborative and interdisciplinary health care teams: ready or not
Datura poisoning in the Federated Malay States
Thinking about logic: An introduction to the philosophy of logic
Feedback control of two beam, two joint systems with distributed flexibility
Nutritional value of a corn DDGS and effects on the growing performances of broiler chickens
Poor and marginalised increasingly silenced as impact of recession takes hold
Desarrollo y validación de un modelo de calidad universitaria como base para su evaluación
Comprehensive reform to improve health system performance in Mexico
Working through environmental conflict: The collaborative learning approach
Environment law, regulation and governance: Shifting architectures
Environmentality: technologies of government and the making of subjects
Thinking about dementia: Culture, loss, and the anthropology of senility
Melting chocolate and melting snowmen: Analogical reasoning and causal relations
Medicine in the mining industries
Postcolonial identities in Africa
Taking action: environmental volunteerism and civic engagement by older people
Systematic combining: an abductive approach to case research
Reexamining human origins in light of Ardipithecus ramidus
Darwin in mind: New opportunities for evolutionary psychology
The behavioral ecology of modern hunter-gatherers, and human evolution
The gestures of a gorilla: Language acquisition in another pongid
Fuzzy neural networks with application to sales forecasting
The doctor travels with Karl Baedeker
«London in all its glory—or how to enjoy London»: guidebook representations of imperial London
Relocating an Idyll: How British Travel Writers Presented the Carpathians, 1862-1912
Introduction to wildland fire. Fire management in the United States
«London in all its glory—or how to enjoy London»: guidebook representations of imperial London
The temporale narratives of the South English Legendary
The repertoire selection practices of Georgia public school elementary choral directors
An annotated bibliography of the choral works of Robert A. Hobby
Vocal range assessment of geriatric clients
The mathematics of computerized tomography (classics in applied mathematics, vol. 32
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Two and Only Kelly Twins by Johanna Hurwitz
Daniel: A commentary on the book of Daniel
The efficient virtual learning environment: A case study of web 2.0 tools and Windows live spaces
Wheels for the world: Henry Ford, his company, and a century of progress, 1903-2003
I See by Your Outfit: B Westerns and Some Recent Texts about Cowboys
A comparative study of structural models of corporate bond yields: An exploratory investigation
Finance journal rankings and tiers: An active scholar assessment methodology
A mind to go out of: reflections on primary and secondary consciousness
Old Testament biblical references to tuberculosis
Word length, frequency and similarity in the discrimination behavior of aphasics
Bone mineral status in childhood accidental fractures
Filming, faking and propaganda: The origins of the war film, 1897-1902
Food adulteration and food safety in Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries
The relationship between bond-valence sums and Tc in cuprate superconductors
A review on global wind energy policy
Canadian beetles (Coleoptera) injurious to crops, ornamentals, stored products, and buildings
Loopholes of Resistance: Harriet Jacobs' Slave Narrative and the Critique of Agency in Foucault
Tecnología de madera de plantaciones forestales: Fichas técnicas
Drawers of water. Domestic water use in East Africa
Landscape as medium and method for synthesis in urban ecological design
From Happiness to Hopelessness: A Decade of Adolescent Girls
History Girls: Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Historiography and the Case of Mary, Queen of Scots
Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna of Russia (1899-1918
Angry memories and thoughts of revenge: The relationship between forgiveness and anger rumination
Reconciliation: a gift from God
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Toward an understanding of consumer ambivalence
Dirty work: The social construction of taint
Cult archaeology and unscientific method and theory
Alien Saviors, Demonic Plots, Hidden Codes
Ties that bind in business ethics: Social contracts and why they matter
From Elfland to Hogwarts, or the aesthetic trouble with Harry Potter
Unraveling the rainbow: The remission of nation in post-apartheid literature
Deeper Realms: CS Lewis' Re-Visions of Joseph O'Neill's Land Under England
Ways of seeing: The scope and limits of visual cognition
Book review: masters of the universe, slaves of the market
Searching for the fantastic: an Australian case
A framework for measuring the performance of service supply chain management
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Water resources systems planning and management: an introduction to methods, models and applications
Efficacy and safety of immediate-release methylphenidate treatment for preschoolers with ADHD
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
Good game: Christianity and the culture of sports
Field test evaluation of aerobic, anaerobic, and wheelchair basketball skill performances
Walk a Mile in my Shoes: School Psychologists' ADHD Knowledge and Stigma Perceptions
Sushi Reverses Course: Consuming American Sushi in Tokyo 寿司逆流−− 東京におけるアメリカ風寿司
Playfulness in Lauren Child's picture books
Etherial Bride and Mechanical Bachelors: Science and Allegory in Marcel Duchamp's Large Glass
Modernist avant-garde aesthetics and contemporary military technology: Technicities of perception
Why are artists poor? The exceptional economy of the arts
A Technically Definable Stream of Postminimalism, Its Characteristics and Its Meaning
Modernism and the Specter of Psychologism
Playing the ball: Constructing community and masculine identity in rugby
Nourishment for our journey: The pentecostal via salutis and sacramental ordinances
Sleep and sleep disorders in Don Quixote
Mental and physical health effects of intimate partner violence on women and children
The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world
Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm
Combined location-routing problems: A synthesis and future research directions
The emergence of service operations management as an academic discipline
Tracking the evolution of the services marketing literature
Days of Past Futures: Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go as Speculative Memoir
Principled agents: The cultural bases of behavior in a federal government bureaucracy
Compositions Inspired by Shotokan Karate Katas
The Christ Must Suffer': New Light On the Jesus-Peter, Stephen, Paul Parallels in Luke-Acts
Helicobacter pylori infection induces gastric cancer in Mongolian gerbils
Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy technology
Stability and change in forest-based communities: a selected bibliography
Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications
Psychostimulants and artistic, musical, and literary creativity
Anne Sexton's Poetry: Reflections on Death
Fostering peace in postdisaster regions
Grammar and vocabulary for Cambridge advanced and proficiency
Corporate sustainability and organizational culture
Can consumers escape the market? Emancipatory illuminations from burning man
Movement of movements: Culture moves in the long civil rights struggle
What do human rights do? An anthropological enquiry
Textures of Time: Writing History in South India
Russians from China: migrations and identity
The Oxford book of gothic tales
Children€ s Wild Animal Stories and Inter-species Bonds
Teaching English as a second or foreign language
Digital rights management and the breakdown of social norms
Journal of the Royal Institute of Chemistry. August 1958
Emergency management, Twitter, and social media evangelism
Measuring the wealth of nations: The political economy of national accounts
Mass mortality of birds of prey caused by Azodrin, an organophosphorus insecticide
Historic Scientific Instruments and the Teaching of Science: A guide to resources
Operation enduring analogy: World War II, the war on terror, and the uses of historical memory
And I saw that the delicacies were many': A Commentary on Food and Eating in the Book of Tobit
The global distribution and population at risk of malaria: past, present, and future
Molecules to supermolecules and self assembly: a study of some cocrystals of cyanuric acid
GA-PSO based vector control of indirect three phase induction motor
Reliability of wind turbine subassemblies
Creep-O-Meter: A Satirical Guide to Creepers
Antineoplastic properties of Maharishi-4 against DMBA-induced mammary tumors in rats
Ghosting: The Role of the Archive Within Contemporary Artists' Film and Video
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The True History of the Kelly Gang at Last![Book Review
ce399| research archive (esoterica
Apuleian Logic the Nature, Sources, and Influence of Apuleius's Peri Hermeneias
Great is Diana of Shakespeare's Ephesus
Modeling meta-cognition in a cognitive architecture
Competition among multiple memory systems: converging evidence from animal and human brain studies
Intensive lifestyle changes for reversal of coronary heart disease
Intraracial rape revisited: On forging a feminist future beyond factions and frightening politics
Writing women out, folding gender in: the European Union Modernises social policy
Serum bilirubin distribution and its relation to cardiovascular risk in children and young adults
Nutrition for the foodservice professional
Changing the energy density of the diet as a strategy for weight management
A little information goes a long way: Expertise and identity theft
Coordination neglect: How lay theories of organizing complicate coordination in organizations
Endogenous versus exogenous shocks in complex networks: An empirical test using book sale rankings
All the news that's fit to sell
The woman's book of yoga and health: A lifelong guide to wellness
Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics
Long-term effects of aerobic exercise on psychological outcomes
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Field guide to butterflies of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Valley regions
Sugar and modern slavery: a tale of two countries
North American boreal and western temperate forest vegetation
The goose-egg farmstead planning method
The central hardwood forest: its boundaries and physiographic provinces
Looking under the canopy: Rural smallholders and forest recovery in Appalachian Ohio
Scenario planning: managing for the future
Gardens or Graveyards of Scholarship? Festschriften in the Literature of the Common Law
Early state formation in native medieval Wales
Lavinia's Voice: Verbal And Nonverbal Expression In Shakespearean Performance
Christmas Books and Victorian Book Reviewing
British Broadcasting: Radio and Television in the United Kingdom
Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging
Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging
Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging
Transverse coherence in rapid FLASH NMR imaging
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Be mindful of the future: information and knowledge management in Star Wars tie-in fiction
CALL environments: Research, practice, and critical issues
Lara Croft: Feminist icon or cyberbimbo? On the limits of textual analysis
Salinity and suspended matter variations in the Tay estuary
The Design of Book Inquiring System [J
Employment of the Engineer System in Light Contingency Corps Operations
Threshold concepts within the disciplines
Salvation and Sin: Augustine, Langland, and Fourteenth-Century Theology
Aphrodite's Island: The European Discovery of Tahiti
Working memory and comprehension in children with specific language impairment: What we know so far
The effects of instructions and reinforcement on thinking and language behavior of schizophrenics
A meta-analysis of behavioral treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Pharmacotherapy of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder across the life cycle
Infrastructure, programs, and policies to increase bicycling: an international review
Imperial Gothic: Atavism and the occult in the British adventure novel, 1880-1914
Philology, anthropology and poetry in Arthur Waley's translation of the Shijing
The Beautiful and Damned 之中譯與譯評
The Impetus for Reform in Erasmus of Rotterdam's New Testament
Fundamentalism and the family: gender, culture, and the American Pro-Family Movement
Ultrasound biomicroscopy study of direct and oblique 25-gauge vitrectomy sclerotomies
Marriage and divorce in Islamic South-East Asia
George Jeffreys, the Spirit of Christ, and Early Pentecostal Thinking on Spirit Reception
Elusive union: the process of economic and monetary union in Europe
Farming with rocks and minerals: challenges and opportunities
Corporate policies restricting trading by insiders
Barriers to international purchasing: the relevance of firm characteristics
Labour and the political economy in Israel
Are IFRS-based and US GAAP-based accounting amounts comparable
An experimental study on optimum usage of GGBS for the compressive strength of concrete
Conflict and collusion in Sierra Leone
Constituting Old Age in Early Modern English Literature, from Queen Elizabeth to King Lear
Action and Romance (Postcolonial Style
Theorizing neoliberal urban development: A genealogy from Richard Florida to Jane Jacobs
The origins of scaling in cities
The social project: housing postwar France
Introduction to nutrition, exercise, and health: student study guide and workbook
Trace elements in human and animal nutrition. Ed. 3
Sociality through social network sites
Historical GIS research in Canada
Self-regulated learning: Where we are today
Becoming a'Faith Community': British Hindus, Identity, and the Politics of Representation
Juvenile justice: Youth and crime in Australia
What it Means to Write a Novel After Novels Have Ended: Thoughts on Bolano's By Night in Chile
Some Australian writers and their books [Book Review
Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts
Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts
Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
Biology of insect eggs. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
Neo-Baroque aesthetics and contemporary entertainment
From orphan trains to babylifts: Colonial trafficking, empire building, and social engineering
The Last Formalist, or WJT Mitchell as Romantic Dinosaur
Community life: an introduction to local social relations
Men, sport, spinal cord injury, and narratives of hope
Unearthing Franco's Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain
Europe, modernity, and eurocentrism
The very nature of God: Baroque Catholicism and religious reform in Bourbon Mexico City
Genealogies for a new state: painting and propaganda in Franco's Spain, 1936-1940
Brochure: The Buccaneer Trail Travel Florida's New Seashore Route Avoid City Congestion
Browsings: A Year of Reading, Collecting, and Living with Books by Michael Dirda
Orientalism, the Balkans, and Balkan Historiography
A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews
Preserving deep-sea natural heritage: emerging issues in offshore conservation and management
Globalization, institutions, and regional development in Europe
Airline in-flight entertainment: the passengers' perspective
Category-based language models for handwriting recognition of marriage license books
Technology transfer and spillovers: Does local participation with multinationals matter? 1
Alex Grant and the Big Ditch: Building the Welland Ship Canal
Differences in the perception of national socialist and classicist architecture
Studies on Amerindian dogs: taxonomic analysis of canid crania from the Northern Plains
DPC LogoSmall Parish Pastoral Council Guidelines
E-books in academic libraries: Challenges for acquisition and collection management
Survey review: grammar practice books
Small, Not Insignificant: a Specification for a Conservation Pamphlet Binding Structure
Using International Standard Book Numbers as Uniform Resource Names
Our war: Ireland and the great war
Linguistic imperialism: African perspectives
Shades of dark tourism: Alcatraz and Robben Island
Nelson Mandela and the power of Ubuntu
South Africa and the African renaissance
American Jews in Text and Context: Jacob Behrman and the Rise of a Publishing Dynasty
Major Trends in Yiddish Parody
Investigating Firefly and Serenity: Science Fiction on the Frontier
The balance of power in closely held corporations
Comparison of the stratigraphy of the Black Hills, Bighorn Mountains, and Rocky Mountain front range
Histological and histochemical methods-theory and practice
Imaging live-cell dynamics and structure at the single-molecule level
First things first: Problems of a feminist approach to African literature
Minimalism in architecture with special reference to contemporary urban domestic spaces
Angiostrongylus vasorum infestation in the dog: a case report
Fundamentals of operative dentistry: a contemporary approach
The physics of stellar interiors. an introduction
CyberGuarder: A virtualization security assurance architecture for green cloud computing
Fisioterapia en la lesión de la danza clásica
The House of Books: Libraries and Archives in Ancient Egypt
The African lax question prosody: Its realisation and geographical distribution
The problem of the problem of environmental history: a re-reading of the field
The Most Beautiful Man in Existence: The Scandalous Life of Alexander Lesassier
Characteristics of the flow around two circular cylinders arranged in tandem: 1st report
Some Edinburgh Medical Men at the Time of the Resurrectionists
Eye for Talent: Interviews with Veteran Baseball Scouts
When chefs adopt a school? An evaluation of a cooking intervention in English primary schools
LJ Nonfiction Reviews: July 2017
Cross-cultural disgust: some problems in the analysis of contemporary horror cinema
An empirical investigation of three-city Chinese fast-food brand selection
Relational wealth and the quality of life
Subprime nation: American power, global capital, and the housing bubble
Wayfaring Strangers: A Case Study of Rural Developmental Writers in the Missouri Ozarks
The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist
Where's Mama? The Construction of the Feminine in The Hobbit
Fairy tale and fantasy: From archaic to postmodern
Tolkien's Sigurd & Gudrún: Summary, Sources, & Analogs
The Therapeutic Effect of Para-Aminobenzoic Acid in Louse Borne Typhus Fever
Trained Incapacity: Thorstein Veblen and Kenneth Burke
Local histories in northern ireland
Friends and the Underground Railroad
Leisure in your life: An exploration
Retinoic acid signals the direction of ocular elongation in the guinea pig eye
Training dogs with help of the shock collar: short and long term behavioural effects
Canine and feline pregnancy loss due to viral and non-infectious causes: a review
An atlas of surgical approaches to the bones of the dog and cat
Introduction to insect biology and diversity
The Iceman murder: one of a series of contract murders
Towards a Hermeneutics of Ambiguity: The Book of Esther and the Silence of Signs
The information literacy debate
The acid/base chemistry of montmorillonite
Periodical Vistitations: Yellow Fever as Yellow Journalism in Chalres Brockden Brown's Arthur Mervyn
Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland: A Family Tragedy
Enlightenment's Dark Dreams: Two Fictions of Henry Mackenzie and Charles Brockden Brown
The slaughterhouse of literature
Fated to perish by consumption: the political economy of Arthur Mervyn
Is Pain Really God's Megaphone? Responding to CS Lewis
Taxes and the Location of Production: Evidence from a Panel of US Multinationals
Renting and the transition to owner occupation in Latin American cities
The British population: patterns trends and processes
School quality and real house prices: Inter-and intrametropolitan effects
The emergence of Universalism: an affirmative Genealogy
An introduction to Plato's Republic
Virtue epistemology: Contemporary readings
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Endemic bird areas of the world: priorities for biodiversity conservation
Getting patients out of bed early in the puerperium
DataGraft: One-stop-shop for open data management 1
Jesuit mathematical science and the reconstitution of experience in the early seventeenth century
Computer-based treatment for anxiety and depression: is it feasible? Is it effective
Agricultural chemicals-book II, herbicides
Taekwondo Principles: Guidelines for a Balanced Life
Sports-related maxillofacial fractures: a retrospective study of 125 patients
Clima motivacional, ansiedad y supersticiones en deportistas de Taekwondo
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Taekwondo exercise protocols do not recreate the physiological responses of championship combat
The Europeanization of social movements in the Czech Republic: The EU and local women's groups
José Luis Castillo-Puche: con el viaje al hombro. Análisis de sus crónicas de viajes
Parodie und Pseudo-Übersetzung: Ein Märchen von Walter Moers
Closure: The rush to end grief and what it costs us
Grasping the world: the idea of the museum
Closure: The rush to end grief and what it costs us
Pulsars as the sources of high energy cosmic ray positrons
I've decided to become a teacher': Influences on career change
Get Active Orlando: changing the built environment to increase physical activity
Security and Self reflections of a fallen realist
Green Chile and Flour Tortillas: The Making of a Standard New Mexican Cuisine
One good story, that one: stories
The role of the laboratory in secondary school science programs
Pedagogical content knowledge and preparation of high school physics teachers
Solid oxide fuel cells for stationary, mobile, and military applications
Power plays: How social movements and collective action create new organizational forms
Türkçe ilk okuma yazma öğretimi
The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency
Soviet subjectivity: torture for the sake of salvation
The big push, natural resource booms and growth
CEO compensation, director compensation, and firm performance: Evidence of cronyism
The effects of labeled and unlabeled praise upon lower and middle class children
Listening to Madeleine: A Portrait of Madeleine L'Engle in Many Voices
Self-determination and mental retardation
The origins of an australian art icon
Leonardo da Vinci, the founding father of ichnology
Natural intelligence in design1
Separation/divorce sexual assault: The current state of social scientific knowledge
Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers
Ethnicity, democratisation and decentralization in Ethiopia: The case of Oromia
Oromia and Ethiopia: State formation and ethnonational conflict 1868-2004 by Asafa Jalata
Determinants of Rural Land Owners’ Migration to Urban Centers in Ethiopia
Profile: Franklin: Ideal Children's Literary Idol or Flavourless Turtle of Privilege
Place-based education and the Australian curriculum
Developing serious games (game development series
Guidelines for the effective use of entity-attribute-value modeling for biomedical databases
An assessment of a rational approach to drawing up local government zoning schemes
Governing finance: East Asia's adoption of international standards
Governing finance: East Asia's adoption of international standards
Linkages between forest soils and water quality and quantity
Is 'Postpoetry' Still Poetry? Jean-Marie Gleize's Dispositif-Writing
Piano Mécanique and Piano Biologique: Nikolai Bernstein's Neurophysiological Study of Piano Touch
Rave culture: The alteration and decline of a Philadelphia music scene
Radiolysis effects in muonium chemistry
The quantum theory of fields. Vol. 1: Foundations
Lepidoptera pupae: Central European species. Text volume
SWOT and AHP hybrid model for sport marketing outsourcing using a case of intercollegiate sport
Whose Fear Is It Anyway?: Moral Panics and Stranger Danger in Henry Selick's Coraline
Passing the clinical baton: 6 principles to guide the hospitalist
Fatal Attractions: American Comic Books and the AIDS Crisis
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Facing the future': Tourism and identity-building in post-socialist Romania
Hot-wire anemometry: principles and signal analysis
On the abuse and use of relativistic mass
The physical principles of magnetism
Bounded rationality and political science: Lessons from public administration and public policy
Power, distortions, revolt and reform in agricultural land relations
Production fragmentation and trade integration: East Asia in a global context
Mishima on Stage: The Black Lizard and Other Plays
From Hana to Yugen: Based on Fushikaden[J
The Medieval European Stage, 500-1550
Gender Politics in the select Plays of Caryl Churchill and Vijay Tendulkar A Comparative Study
Dramatizing the Dutch Revolt. Romantic History and its Sixteenth-Century Antecedents
Highland and other haunts: Ghosts in Scottish tourism
Monks and magic: Revisiting a classic study of religious ceremonies in Thailand
Stability and Change in the Family Saga: Eleanor Estes's Moffat Series
Gone But Not Forgotten: Children's Experiences with Attachment, Separation, and LOSS
The search engine as an Internet service channel
National Reading Day Activities, 2007
From the Lunchroom to the Classroom: Authentic Assessment and the Brown Bag Exam
A warning from history: Don't expect democracy in Iraq
War and mortality in Kosovo, 1998-99: an epidemiological testimony
Beyond image and reality: Critique and resistance in the age of spectacle
Pathway to the future? Doing Childcare in the Era of New Zealand's Early Childhood Strategic Plan
Clinical vampirism A presentation of 3 cases and a re-evaluation of Haigh, the'acid-bath murderer
Environmental chemistry of the elements
Evaluation of antismoking advertising campaigns
Frontiers of complexity: The search for order in a chaotic world
The road to Yucca Mountain: The development of radioactive waste policy in the United States
Review of air quality modeling techniques. Volume 8
Status of food irradiation in the world
The psychology of courage: An Adlerian handbook for healthy social living
Clinical study of vesical calculus in and around Gulbarga district
Navigation of an AUV for investigation of underwater structures
Cold atoms in space and atomic clocks: ACES
Political ecology and ecological resilience:: An integration of human and ecological dynamics
The poll as a news event in the 1980 presidential campaign
Coalitions, race, and labor: rereading Philip Vera Cruz
Sandra Cisneros' The House on Mango Street: Experiencing Poetical Prose
Tū Te Turuturu Nō Hineteiwaiwa-Maintaining Cultural Integrity in the Teaching of Māori Weaving
Old west, new west, postwest, real west
Parental acceptance of the human papillomavirus vaccine
Edible mushrooms and their cultivation
Whippoorwill by Joseph Monninger
Minimum wages and employment: A case study of the fast food industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
PID controllers: theory, design, and tuning
Challenges, strategies, and tools for research scientists: using Web-based information resources
Rapid Detection of Ophiostoma piceae andO. quercus in Stained Wood by PCR
Technical Reports of the US Government
The future of music: Manifesto for the digital music revolution
Making Canons and Finding Flowers-A Study of Selected New Zealand Poetry Anthologies
Wizard of Oz studies—why and how
Introduction: the study and history of genocide
The rise and decline of the state
Home» Economy» The Financial New World Order: Towards a Global Currency and World Government
US commercial banks and the developing country debt crisis
New public management is dead—long live digital-era governance
Nutritional Aspects of Depression: An Update
Health policy: The case for psychological treatment centres
Implosive (flooding) therapy reduces symptoms of PTSD in Vietnam combat veterans
Chaucer's House of Fame and the French Palais de Justice
Maritime Space as Law and Light: Retrieving William Clark Russell's An Ocean Free-Lance (1882
In-story information Alter ego
List of Indiana Jones characters Redirected from Mutt Williams
The politics of menopause: The discovery of a deficiency disease
Paroxetine reduces social anxiety in individuals with a co-occurring alcohol use disorder
Psychological approaches in the treatment of specific phobias: A meta-analysis
Gender differences in pain: do emotions play a role
Fan fiction online: Engagement, critical response and affective play through writing
Oriental materia medica: a concise guide
Keeping history at bay: absent presences in three recent Jewish American novels
Synthesis and SAR of novel benzoxaboroles as a new class of β-lactamase inhibitors
Reshaping ESL students' perceptions of writing
Cervantes and English literature of the seventeenth century
The Roman actor, metadrama, authority, and the audience
A brief history of decision support systems
Keri Hulme: Spiralling to Success
My favourite book!: young Aboriginal children's book choices
Regional container port competition and co-operation: the case of Hong Kong and South China
Cooling and ice growth across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
Macroeconomic forecasting: Debunking a few old wives' tales
Prophets facing backwards: Postmodern critiques of science and Hindu nationalism in India
Re) membering diaspora: Uneven geographies of Indian dual citizenship
Police Reform-the Need of the Hour
Mammals of Bolivia: taxonomy and distribution. Bulletin of the AMNH; no. 231
Marine invasive alien species: a threat to global biodiversity
Advances in marine conservation: the role of marine protected areas
The design of personal mobile technologies for lifelong learning
originale Shin Seiki Evangelion
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Introduction: the study and history of genocide
Social relations and the idea of externality
Race and the Violence of Love:: Family and Nation in US Adoptions from Asia
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Igniting a revolution: Voices in defense of mother earth
America's 'intellectual'diplomacy
The constitution, the Supreme Court, and the new deal
On the term structure of interest rates
Introduction to applied mathematics
Pricing and hedging of derivative securities
A comparative analysis of current credit risk models
ARCH modeling in finance: A review of the theory and empirical evidence
Faculty Perceptions of A Calculus Reform Experiment at A Research University
Early writings in the philosophy of logic and mathematics
Sustainability and sustainable development: historical and conceptual review
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
Bilingualism and Hispanic scholastic achievement: Some baseline results
Imagined destinies: Aboriginal Australians and the doomed race theory, 1880-1939
The Oxford book of gothic tales
Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) II: A Facilitator's Guide
Shift happens: Online education as a new paradigm in learning
Working towards agile manufacturing in the UK industry
The Royal Horticultural Society encyclopedia of herbs & their uses
Musculoskeletal problems in Iranian hand-woven carpet industry: Guidelines for workstation design
The Emperor's Humbler Clothes: Textures of Courtly Dress in Seventeenth-Century South Asia
Cosmopolitan domesticity: Importing the American dream, 1865-1920
Tribal Rugs: Weaving Modernity into Afghanistan
Illustrations, text, and the child reader: what are pictures in children's storybooks for
No man is an island: the life and times of André Michaux
Pollen terminology. An illustrated handbook
Biological uniformity and disease epidemics
Retrieving the dream: How students envision their preferable futures
Peace and milk, drought and war: Somali culture, society and politics: essays in honour of IM Lewis
An introduction to veterinary immunology
Protozoology. A manual for medical men, veterinarians and zoologists, vol. 2
The medieval machine: The industrial revolution of the Middle Ages
Jack-in-the-Box Faith: The Religion Problem in Modern American History
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
Medicine and surgery of South American camelids: llama, alpaca, vicuna, guanaco
The life table and its applications
Introducing the Spirituality of the Book of Common Prayer
Clinical research in ancient Babylon: methodologic insights from the book of Daniel
Managing the Co-operative Difference
Determination of hemoglobin and its derivatives
A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews
A novel GS1 data standard adoption roadmap for healthcare providers
Last charge of the knights? Iraq, Afghanistan and the special relationship
Deconstructing the energy weapon: Russia's threat to Europe as case study
Avoiding Strategic Inertia: Enabling the National Security Council
MARO-Mass Atrocity Response Operations: A Military Planning Handbook
Arthur C. Clarke and the Limitations of the Ocean as a Frontier
Hand Book on herbs cultivation & processing
Building resilient communities
The emotional labour of caring in teaching
Why farm the city? Theorizing urban agriculture through a lens of metabolic rift
Agroforestry—The next step in sustainable and resilient agriculture
Recycling of livestock manure in a whole-farm perspective
Early Greek philosophy and the Orient
The good society and the good soul: Plato's Republic on leadership
Intensional logic and the metaphysics of intentionality
Aristotle On Eudaimonia (Book I. 1-5 [1-3] And 7-8 [5-6
American higher education in the 21st century: Social, political, and economic challenges
An interpretative analysis of Chicano faculty in academe
Vasovagal syncope in the Canon of Avicenna: the first mention of carotid artery hypersensitivity
The uncanonical Dante: The divine comedy and Islamic philosophy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Other Excremental Visions
Tourism, development and terrorism in Bali
04.07. 01, Griffiths, ed., The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
Cleavage politics and the populist right
The idea of 'Europe'and the origin of the European Union-a sociological approach
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Creating a profession 'out of nothing'? The case of the Belgian auditing profession
Dealing with conflict in caring for the seriously ill:it was just out of the question
Preventing teenage suicide: A critical review
Parent care as a normative family stress
Women's empowerment and demographic processes: Moving beyond Cairo
The Sane, the Mad, the Good, the Bad: TS Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Design automation for customized apparel products
Depression in late life: review and commentary
Increased incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus among adolescents
The emergent literacy construct and kindergarten and readiness books of basal reading series
Storytelling, Folktales and the Comic Book Format
Dragons in distress: Asia's miracle economies in crisis
Water quality analysis of the Delaware River Estuary
Just like Rosa: History and Metaphor in the Life of a Seventeenth-Century Peruvian Saint
Protestant versus Catholic in Mid-Victorian England: Mr. Newdegate and the Nuns
Fort Shannon: An example of Irish coastal defence artillery during the second world war
The Coast Artillery Journal. Volume 68, Number 5, May 1928
The Coast Artillery Journal. Volume 64, Number 1, January 1926
King of battle: a branch history of the US Army's field artillery
Robots for anti-personnel mine search
Medications that should not be crushed
Star Wars fans, DVD, and cultural ownership: an interview with Will Brooker
War Correspondence: Maria Edgeworth and the En-Gendering of Revolution, Rebellion, and Union
Remembering and restoring the republic: Star Wars and Rome
Remembering and restoring the republic: Star Wars and Rome
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
En fallstudie i transmedialt berättande genom Mass Effect
Future development of global regulations of Chinese herbal products
Who needs a health librarian? Ethical reference transactions in the consumer health library
Tumors of the heart and pericardium
Cytokines sing the blues: inflammation and the pathogenesis of depression
Stress echocardiography: a historical perspective
In search of a good death: observations of patients, families, and providers
Palpable existentialism: A focusing-oriented therapy
From Husserl to van Manen. A review of different phenomenological approaches
Dementia discourse: From imposed suffering to knowing other-wise
Conformational changes of chloroplasts induced by illumination of leaves in vivo
Cyclic photophosphorylation and electron transport
Was Foucault a plagiarist? Hip-hop sampling and academic citation
Heavy metal: controversies and countercultures
Thomas Hardy from serial to novel
Centenary lecture. One hundred years of development in Analytical Chemistry
Measurement of the inclusive differential jet cross section in pp collisions at s= 2.76 TeV
Sensor signals for tool-wear monitoring in metal cutting operations—a review of methods
A review on machinery diagnostics and prognostics implementing condition-based maintenance
Prediction of cutting forces in machining of metal matrix composites
Architecture and implementation of a shop-floor programming system for STEP-compliant CNC
Australian broadcast journalism 2nd ed
British Broadcasting: Radio and Television in the United Kingdom
Structures of the CXCR4 chemokine GPCR with small-molecule and cyclic peptide antagonists
The elements of mathematical logic
The encyclopedia of philosophy
Conversion of sunlight to electric power by nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells
Strategy and technology to recycle wafer-silicon solar modules
Solar cells: operating principles, technology, and system applications
Grid-connected versus stand-alone energy systems for decentralized power—A review of literature
Piloting Salters Horners Advanced Physics
Oncological hadrontherapy with laser ion accelerators
Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial intelligence
The physics of charged-particle beams
Chinese thought, from Confucius to Mao Tse-tung
Chinese thought, from Confucius to Mao Tse-tung
Chinese religion: An anthology of sources
Chinese thought, from Confucius to Mao Tse-tung
Chinese religion: An anthology of sources
From Peace to the Panthers: PRC Engagement with African-American Transnational Networks, 1949-1979
The cultural representation of the farming landscape: masculinity, power and nature
Book Dedications and the Death of a Patron: The Memorial Engraving in Chapman's Homer
Cyberinfrastructure for classical philology
The Eyes Have It: Votive Statuary, Gilgamesh's Axe, and Cathected Viewing in the Ancient Near East
Religion in the ancient Greek city
Contemporary maritime piracy in Southeast Asia
Writing Australian Church History with Conviction
The use of scoring rubrics: Reliability, validity and educational consequences
Shadow education, American style: Test preparation, the SAT and college enrollment
Does practice make perfect? Independent reading quantity, quality and student achievement
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Quantifying sustainability: resilience, efficiency and the return of information theory
Working the skies: Changing representations of gendered work in the airline industry, 1930-2011
Giovanni Paisiello's Il barbiere di Siviglia at the court of Catherine the Great in Russia
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Metropolitan Opera's Sunday Evening Concerts and Verdi
La Cerva bianca di Antonio Fileremo Fregoso. Commento e storia del simbolo
Iron photoreduction and oxidation in an acidic mountain stream
Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book-Object
Nanotechnology: international developments and emerging products
John Frederick Adrian Sprent 1915-2010
Solving chemical problems of environmental importance using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
The effect of punishment on firm compliance with hazardous waste regulations
Applied body composition assessment
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Claude at the Beach by Alex T. Smith
Media package on fabric surface enrichment for women empowerment
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Many Faces of Spirituality: A Conceptual Framework Considering Belly Dance
Island dreaming: the contemplation of Polynesian paradise
Death by Publicity: US Freemasonry and the Public Drama of Secrecy
Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address
The political role and democratic contribution of churches in post-apartheid South Africa
The Struggle Between Sectionalism and Nationalism at Ante-Bellum West Point, 1830-1861
Guide to the Edmund Wilson Papers
Scarcity or abundance? Preserving the past in a digital era
Efficiency in legal transplants: An essay in comparative law and economics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Sources and formats of campaign information on YouTube
Personality in Greek epic, tragedy, and philosophy: the self in dialogue
The Silent Cry: Empathy and Elegy in Mavis Gallant's Novels
The High Priestess of Soul's Sunday Morning Visit to the Wall of Respect
The damage of separation: Krishna's loves and Kali's child
Tag Archives: St Colmcille's Holy Well
Spasmus nutans: a mistaken identity
Spasmus nutans: a mistaken identity
Dimensions of ecosystem complexity: heterogeneity, connectivity, and history
Agreement restrictions in Persian
Antipassive and ergativity in Tagalog
All but war is simulation: The military-entertainment complex
The protean career: A quarter-century journey
Addressing Wage Theft Through the Fair Labor Standards Act
Innovation: a guide to the literature
David Mitchell's Fractal Imagination: The Bone Clocks
The Temptation to be a Beautiful Object: Double Standard and Double Bind in The House of Mirth
Adaptation studies at a crossroads
Women in History--Marian Wright Edelman: Crusader for Civil and Children's Rights
The meaning and making of childhood in the era of globalization: Challenges for social work
Masculinity research: A review and critique
Psychological defense: Contemporary theory and research
The language and intercultural communication reader
Biomass of the tree layer of a spruce forest in the Bohemian uplands
Tucker, Ralph oral history interview
Crime, justice and discretion in England 1740-1820
The regulation of heroin: Drug policy and social change in early twentieth-century Britain
Interventions to reduce HIV transmission related to injecting drug use in prison
Human competence: Engineering worthy performance
Competing on Resources: Strategy in the 1990s
The Awareness of Conservation Reasons for Reorientation in Library Training
The secret life of things (Virginia Woolf and the matter of modernism
Reflections on food crises past
The impact of unemployment insurance taxes on wages
Long-run economic relationships: Readings in cointegration
Children, war, and the imaginative space of fairy tales
Collecting the Empire: Andrew Lang's Fairy Books (1889-1910
Catholic rites today: abridged texts for students
A state-of-art survey of static scheduling research involving due dates
Myth, reality, and revenge in Hunter S. Thompson's Hell's Angels
Altered states: Taxes and the location of foreign direct investment in America
Private security and public policing
Acoustic emission and mechanical properties of particle reinforced composites
Um olhar sobre a personagem negra em Amanhecer Esmeralda de Ferréz
Roots of the Pax Americana: Decolonization, development, democratization and trade
Genre and Gender in Don DeLillo's Players and Running Dog
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A Dragon in the Clouds by San Hamill, and: Basho's Ghost by Sam Hamill
The Least Satisfying Form of Writing: Seferis on Translation
New Directions in Chicano Scholarship by Ricardo Romo and Raymund Paredes
96.12. 15, O'Brien, Anacreon Redivivus
Can you see the real me? A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development
Mass Media and Society 4th edition
Wild Strawberries: Loss, Meaning, and the Art of Aging
Fashion and Frugality: Eighteenth-Century pocket books for women
Africana Reference Works: An Annotated List of 2000 Titles
The Geography of The Rainbow Trail
End of the World? Hopeful View of 2012 Mayan Calendar
Explaining foreign policy behavior using the personal characteristics of political leaders
Orientalism and the Modern Myth of Hinduism
The meaning of work: The challenge of regaining employee engagement and reducing cynicism
It is what one does: why people participate and help others in electronic communities of practice
European asylum law and international law
Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking
A new encryption algorithm for image cryptosystems
Report on the development of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES
Cluster analysis for applications
The SECOQC quantum key distribution network in Vienna
GCM implementations of Camellia-128 and SMS4 by optimizing the polynomial multiplier
The monster in the closet: Misperception of mental illness
Jordanian patients' perception of stressors in critical care units: a questionnaire survey
Nothing to fear but fear (of Inflation) itself
Osservazioni sull'epidemiologia e sulla patogenicità di Zygotylenchus guevarai (Tobar) Braun et Loof
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The quest for identities: consumption of wine in France
Viticulture and winemaking terminology and terminography: A review of resources
Unilateral neglect of representational space
You don't have to be crazy to be a writer (it does help, though
Water, air and fire at work in Hero's machines
Domestic violence and children: Prevalence and risk in five major US cities
Intuitionists: History and the affective event
The Aroma of Righteousness: Scent and Seduction in Rabbinic Life and Literature by Deborah A. Green
Partitioned lives: migrants, refugees, citizens in India and Pakistan, 1947-65
A life-course perspective on migration and integration
Coffee-drinking and cancer of the lower urinary tract
Psychoneuroendocrinology of depression: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Was Scipio Africanus at Cannae
A Representação da Deficiência em Livros Infantis: séculos XIX e XX
Storying war: A capsule overview
Panicsville: Paul Virilio and the esthetic of disaster
Mr. Simpático: Dean Reed, Pop Culture, and the Cold War in Chile
The Heavy Blues of Sterling Brown: A Study of Craft and Tradition
An exploratory study of teaching English in the Saudi elementary public schools
Conflictos de poder en la literatura infantil y los relatos para adultos de Roald Dahl
Birds of the Great Plains: Appendix A--A Guide to Bird-watching Localities in the Great Plains
Betsy Byars' Slice of'American Pie
Mood disorders in stroke patients: importance of location of lesion
Computer-aided design of RF and microwave circuits and systems
Distributed active transformer-a new power-combining andimpedance-transformation technique
Digital and analog communication systems
Sampling, noise-reduction and amplitude estimation issues in surface electromyography
Jah Dash a Fire pon di Bleacha Dem: Rastafari Affirming the Royal African Presence
Muslim Scholarly Discussions on Salvation and the Fate of'Others
A Bibliography on Imam Al-Ghazali
Supporting scholarly inquiry: incorporating users in the design of the digital library
Kinship foster parents' perceptions of factors that promote or inhibit successful fostering
Radiation pressure forces on typical interplanetary dust grains
The appropriateness of recommendations for hysterectomy12
Earth system governance'as a crosscutting theme of global change research
Sustainable development law: principles, practices, and prospects
The evolution of sustainable development in international law: inception, meaning and status
Religious involvement and volunteering: Implications for civil society
Religious communication and epistemic authority of leaders in wired faith organizations
Challenges to sanctuary: The clergy as a resource for mental health care in the community
Leadership development: Past, present, and future
Impressions: Proust, photography, trauma
BRDF measurement of understory vegetation in pine forests: dwarf shrubs, lichen, and moss
Nature and Geography: Tragic Voids within Marketing Textbooks and the External Business Environment
Nature and Geography: Tragic Voids within Marketing Textbooks and the External Business Environment
Economics and the law: From Posner to postmodernism and beyond
Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm
Law, finance, and economic growth in China
Photo-fiction, a Non-standard Aesthetics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Structural models for interactive drama
Aeroacoustics of flight vehicles: Theory and practice. volume 1. noise sources
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Emblems of mind: The inner life of music and mathematics
William Wordsworth's' double awareness' of memory in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway
Young Coleridge and the philosophers of nature
The Eclipse of the States in the US Senate
Identifying future electricity-water tradeoffs in the United States
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Explaining the Aims, Rise, and Impact of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham
The pretty prudent public: Post post-Vietnam American opinion on the use of military force
Current issues in fisheries governance in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM
Religion in Africa: experience & expression
The God of Abraham and exceptional states, or the early modern rise of the Whig/liberal Bible
Muslim countries and the democracy gap
Preaching fools: The gospel as a rhetoric of folly
Studies on Yeast-like Organisms Isolated from the Mouths and Throats of Normal Persons
Beverly Cleary, Ramona Quimby, and the Teaching of Reading
The foreground dynamics of street robbery in Britain
Re-imaging the warrior: divine warrior imagery in the book of Revelation
The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments
An exploration of high-risk leisure consumption through skydiving
Screening appropriate teaching materials Closings from textbooks and television soap operas
A short history of nearly everything
The primordial cosmic black hole and the cosmic axis of evil
How to Tar and Feather a Thief
Born Again Is a Sexual Term: Demons, STDs, and God's Healing Sperm
The Old Historicism (Mostly) and the New (Maybe
Distraction, the desire to eat and food intake. Towards an expanded model of mindless eating
Plants and human health in the twenty-first century
Life-cycle reliability-based optimization of civil and aerospace structures
Concrete bridge inspection with a mobile GPR system
History Wars Exposed: Right-Wing Influence in APUSH Curriculum Update
Developing fully functional E-government: A four stage model
Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics
Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics
Halliday & Resnick Fundamentals of Physics
Engineering applications of correlation and spectral analysis
The economic value of higher teacher quality
Money and liberation: the micropolitics of alternative currency movements
Cross Age Tutoring: Alternatives to the Reading Resources Room for Struggling Adolescent Readers
The political writings of William Penn
The advanced theory of statistics
The two-machine flow-shop problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date
One machine scheduling problem with fuzzy duedates
Unconverted: outsourcing ebook production at a university press
Effects of travel cost and participation in recreational activities on national forest visits
Of time and space: The contemporary relevance of the Chicago School
Feeding infants and young children. From guidelines to practice
Structural elements in Canadian cuisine
The chef in society: Origins and development
Foodallergy management from the perspective of restaurant and food establishment personnel
From Babel to Pentecost (and back again): the world after the wall came down
Portrait of a young painter: Pepe Zúñiga and Mexico City's rebel generation
Relationship of the Lansing Group and the Tonganoxie ( Stalnaker) Sandstone in south-central Kansas
Understanding death and grief for children three and younger
Tristram Shandy (selected edns
The Hansel and Gretel syndrome: Survivorship fantasies and parental desertion
Direct text entry in electronic progress notes
Pronouns of Address in the Book of Mormon
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Indian Student Placement Service: A History
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Causes, consequences, and deterence of financial statement fraud
Awakening Monster: The Alien Tort Statute of 1789
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Twin Flocks: Guiraut Riquier's Pastorelas and his Book of Songs
Cities as harbingers of climate change: common ragweed, urbanization, and public health
Convergent evolution: pick your poison carefully
The control room operator: The forgotten element in mineral process control
Translation from the Borders: Encounter and Recalcitrance in Waverley and Clan-Albin
The Use of Obsolete Scots Vocabulary in Modern Scottish Plays
Heavy metal and music education
Heavy metal prosthetic groups and enzyme action
It was easy, it was cheap, so what?: Reconsidering the DIY principle of punk and indie music
The impact of rope jumping exercise on physical fitness of visually impaired students
Joan of Arc in New Age Spirituality
On an Equal Footing with Men? Women and Work at the BBC 1923-1939
Un Poco De Ruido Sobre El Ruido
Diario de noticias sobresalientes en Lima y Noticias de Europa (1700-1711), Volumen 1 (1700-1705
Exposición ocupacional a plomo inorgánico en una imprenta de la Ciudad de México
Arreglos institucionales en el régimen político del primer peronismo (1946-1955
El cuerpo en la evolución de la escritura de la danza contemporánea
Construction industry accidents in Spain
Factores y riesgos laborales psicosociales: conceptualización, historia y cambios actuales
Comics-like motion depiction from stereo
The increasing flexibility of the farm and horticultural workforce in England and Wales
Induction and inhibition of hepatic microsomal and mitochondrial enzymes by ethanol
Principles of finance with excel
Adolescent Internet use: What we expect, what teens report
Posttraumatic growth in adolescent survivors of cancer and their mothers and fathers
The anthropology of aging, a new area for studies of culture and personality
How Muslims view democracy: Evidence from central Asia
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
Mission and Missio Dei: Response to Charles Van Engen's 'Mission'Defined and Described
Basic animal nutrition and feeding
Christ and the World of Religions
Migration as a Theologizing Experience
A Reading of Sophocles' Antigone: III
Lacan, Irigaray, and Beyond: Antigones and the Politics of Psychoanalysis
Maltreatment of Strongyloides infection: case series and worldwide physicians-in-training survey
Phylogeography: the history and formation of species
Subaerial laminated crusts of the Florida Keys
Cenozoic dolomites of carbonate islands: their attributes and origin
Preparing project managers to deal with complexity-Advanced project management education
Collaborative synergy and leadership in e-business
IT certification: Demand, characteristics and integration into traditional university MIS curriculum
Attitudes of deaf adults toward genetic testing for hereditary deafness
A sociocultural understanding of deafness: American Sign Language and the culture of deaf people
Sexual adjustment and self-perception in men following prostate cancer
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Intestinal fistulas and the open management of the septic abdomen
Hobbes's moral and political philosophy
The slaughterhouse of literature
KD Magazine: Vol. 1, no. 1 (2007: Winter
Marketing communications: Theory and applications
Growth factor may decrease muscle atrophy secondary to denervation
Bibliography of books printed before 1800
A revolutionary without fanaticism
Legal philosophies of Russian liberalism
The 1863 Polish Uprising and the Russian Public Sphere
Equilibrium critical phenomena in binary liquid mixtures
Quantization of Lie groups and Lie algebras
Configurational thermodynamics of solid solutions
Statistical mechanics of dimers on a plane lattice
The ALPS project release 1.3: Open-source software for strongly correlated systems
Experiments on the small-strain behaviour of crosslinked natural rubber: 1. Torsion
Industrial applications of olefin metathesis
Global brain: The evolution of mass mind from the big bang to the 21st century
Great expectations: America and the baby boom generation
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution
Healing through story telling: An integrated approach for children experiencing grief and loss
Long term outcomes 12 years after major trauma
Twenty-four hour continuous ECG recordings in long-distance runners
Israelology: The missing link in systematic theology
Linguistic and Semantic Changes in the Revised Anglican Liturgy1
Electronic literacy: Teaching literary reading through the digital medium
Unequal chances: Ethnic minorities in Western labour markets
Introduction to error analysis, the study of uncertainties in physical measurements
Islam in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan
Crossing boundaries: Selected writings
Health issues of Afghan refugees in California
Anwesan: A Search Engine for Bengali Literary Works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Subcategories within the emerging genre of the verse novel
A study of the species of Colletotrichum causing ripe fruit rots in Queensland
The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems
Regulation of perithecium development and maturation in Pleospora herbarum by light and temperature
A classified bibliography of recent research relating to project risk management
Enzyme activity in soil: location and a possible role in microbial ecology
Ophiostoma himal-ulmi sp. nov., a new species of Dutch elm disease fungus endemic to the Himalayas
The new life stage of emerging adulthood at ages 18-29 years: implications for mental health
An ecological survey of the mountain area of Basutoland
Dibenzotetraaza [14] annulenes: versatile ligands for transition and main group metal chemistry
Metal toxicity in mammals. Volume 2. Chemical toxicity of metals and metalloids
Some new concepts in the chemistry of the p-block elements
The Yule Tomte and the Little Rabbits by Ulf Stark
Financial systems, industrial structure, and growth
Communitarianism and its Critics
Child's Play: Nature-Deficit Disorder and Mark Twain's Mississippi River Youth
Space is the machine: a configurational theory of architecture
Wild plant classification in Little Dixie: Variation in a regional culture
The Whiskey Merchant's Diary: An Urban Life in the Emerging Midwest by Joseph J. Mersman
Seeing Portland's Urban Forest for Its History
Anthocyanin biosynthetic genes are coordinately expressed during red coloration in apple skin
Nonviolent resistance and conflict transformation in power asymmetries
Health economics: an introduction to economic evaluation
Indigenous people and co-management: implications for conflict management
Contemporary art: From studio to situation
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Ezekiel 1: A commentary on the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24
Refugee Life Writing in Australia: Testimonios by Iranians
Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics
Lessons of the Cryptograph: Revelation and the Mechanical in Kafka's In the Penal Colony
Systematic Theology, Vol. 2: God as Trinity
CL 613 Recruiting and Equipping the Laity
Principles of Christian theology
Soul Quest, Golden Apples Of Immortality, Avala Soul Quest, Golden Apples Of Immortality, Avala
Heteronormative Heroism and Queering the School Story in JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series
New and forthcoming publications
The Pooh perplex: a student casebook
The Comic Spirit and Cosmic Order in Children's Literature
Recruitment, selection and retention of nursing and midwifery students in Scottish Universities
The Once and Future King: Robert F. Kennedy as a Liberal Icon
Brazil: Five centuries of change
The Bush Doctrine: The foreign policy of republican empire
The Noble and the Bastard: The Earl of Argyll and the Law of Divorce in Reformation Scotland
Dynamic deployment and quality adaptation for mobile augmented reality applications
A consumers' republic: The politics of mass consumption in postwar America
Urban identity policies in Berlin: From critical reconstruction to reconstructing the Wall
The paradox of constitutionalism: constituent power and constitutional form
The implications of transnationalism
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Edward Bliss Emerson: The blazing star of a complex constellation
In the eye of the storm: Research, activism and teaching within the Newfoundland fishery crisis
Badiou, Zˇizek, and political transformations: The cadence of change
Jean Baudrillard: selected writings
Telling Tales: The Impact of Germany on English Children's Books 1780-1918
Algorithms of placing recovery points
Perception: An essay on classical Indian theories of knowledge
Don't Stop and Smell the Roses
The Power of the Written Voice
Brentham: a history of the pioneer garden suburb
The disappearance of technology: Toward an ecological model of literacy
Developing global managers' competencies using the fuzzy DEMATEL method
Basin Street blues: drainage and environmental equity in New Orleans, 1890-1930
What's in store for academic libraries? Leadership and management issues
An Interview with Arnaldur Indriðason by Kristín M. Jóhannsdóttir
Emotional Engineering: Hitler Youth Quex
Pay for performance in Medicare: evidentiary irony and the politics of value
The Oxford book of gothic tales
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A Fragmentary history of trashcan literature
Memoirs: with a Full Account of the Great Malaria Problem and its Solution
Party systems in the third wave
Beryllium, cadmium, mercury, and exposures in the glass manufacturing industry
The eye and the I: Identification and first-person narratives in picture books
Reading Miller's Numinous Cock: Heterosexist Presumption and Queerings of the Censored Text
Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p-Pb collisions at
Influence of tourism on attitudes: US students visiting USSR
The life and work of Alexandra Kollontai: A literature review
Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil: Bad Luck or Bad Policy
Notions of Self and Nation in French Author-Aviators of World War II: From Myth to Ambivalence
The architecture of artificial-gravity environments for long-duration space habitation
Quantum communications at ESA: Towards a space experiment on the ISS
Nonradial oscillations of stars
Crater clusters and light mantle at the Apollo 17 site; a result of secondary impact from Tycho
Valuing environmental and natural resources: the econometrics of non-market valuation
Defining the co-operative difference
Competence in nursing practice: a controversial concept-a focused review of literature
Central sensitization: implications for the diagnosis and treatment of pain
Nonlinear neural networks: Principles, mechanisms, and architectures
Série VO: Batman/Houdini: The Devil's Workshop
How to teach your own liberal arts mathematics course
Hockey night in Canada: sport, identities and cultural politics
For Whom the School Bell Tolls: Conflicting Voices inside an Alternative High School
Therapeutic applications of music in the whole language kindergarten
Emotional reactivity to daily life stress in psychosis
Diagnostic interview for children and adolescents (DICA
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Framing tourism geography: Notes from the underground
Culture sits in places: reflections on globalism and subaltern strategies of localization
The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Vol. 1: Beginnings to 1865
The dilemma of Quaker pacifism in a slaveholding republic, 1833-1865
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A review of recent advances on process technologies for upgrading of heavy oils and residua
Design of molecular materials: supramolecular engineering
Plantwide control-A review and a new design procedure
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems
The organizing and operational characteristics of a fast-growing start-up
Economic analysis of agricultural projects
Convictism: Hyde park barracks and the antipodean gulag
AACN essentials of critical care nursing pocket handbook
Parasites, emerging disease and wildlife conservation
Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books
Historical Dictionary of Taiwan
Lead distribution in near-surface soils of two Florida cities: Gainesville and Miami
Point and counterpoint. The unbearable lightness of EFL
Guide to the ecological systems of Puerto Rico
Profiling Taiwanese ecotourists using a behavioral approach
Efficacy of lansoprazole in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children
Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in US Meat and Poultry
Attachment styles, reminiscence functions and happiness in young and elderly adults
A method of obtaining spermatozoa from the domestic fowl
The fatigue damage mechanics of a carbon fibre composite laminate: I—development of the model
On some aspects in the special theory of gradient elasticity
Dynamic programming and optimal control
Delaminations in composite plates under transverse static or impact loads—a model
Captive Audience: Camp Entertainment and British Prisoners-of-war in German Captivity, 1939-1945
A Second Center of Peninsular Gravity: Wellington's Rescue of Cadiz in 1810
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Use of normal tissue complication probability models in the clinic
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Introduction: the study and history of genocide
the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds
Burke and Wills-an overview of the Expedition, its preparation, planning and outcomes
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States
Bioethics: A Reformed Look at Life and Death Choices
Moral individualism and elective death
Radioactivity in the Environment
The MD Anderson manual of medical oncology
The testing of fitness for night flying: The light sense
The dynamics of West Indian economic integration
Encyclopedia> Arnold Schoenberg
Koo-koo-sint, the Star Man: a chronicle of David Thompson
Chlorella vulgaris extract ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatic injury in mice
Cosmology and structure: The'tauhu'in the 19th-century'whare'Mari
New Zealand's indigenous people and their claims to fisheries resources
Kipling's The White Man's Burden and its afterlives
Are botanists becoming the dinosaurs of biology in the 21st century
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Ineffability and its metaphysics: The unspeakable in art, religion, and philosophy
Inventing a modern sculpture garden in 1939 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Inventing a modern sculpture garden in 1939 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
A proactive approach to planning and designing highways in East Tennessee karst
Soil mineralogy and chemistry on Mars: Possible clues from salts and clays in SNC meteorites
Arts of living on a damaged planet: Ghosts and monsters of the Anthropocene
Defibrillation by basic emergency medical technicians: effect on survival
Exploring and Photographing the Empty Quarter
Should I stay or should I go? Student descriptions of the doctoral attrition process
The fundamentals of food engineering
Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Solids
Introduction to modern statistical mechanics
Heuristic scheduling of capital constrained projects
Targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor for therapy of carcinomas
Dynamic Analysis of the Turret for Analyzing the Accuracy Impact Factor of the Ground Combat Vehicle
Proliferace zbrojních technologií ve věku nových médií
Guitar for New and Experienced Players
Solid oxide fuel cells for stationary, mobile, and military applications
The American political dictionary
Information on the spatial distribution of job opportunities within metropolitan areas
Developing creativity in tourist experiences: A solution to the serial reproduction of culture
The anthropologist as tourist: an identity in question
Feminism and sporting bodies: Essays on theory and practice
Feminism's assumptions upended
Theorizing shiny things: archival labors
Partial purification and properties of thiamine pyrophosphokinase from pig brain
Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century
Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century
Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century
Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century
The Roundup Quarterly ed. by Judy Alter
John Murray and paper deterioration
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A mobile robot employing insect strategies for navigation
Exploiting robots in arc welded fabrication
Impedance control of industrial robots
Soft computing in engineering design-A review
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A project management quality cost information system for the construction industry
Letters of credit and bank guarantees under international trade law
A Historical Overview of Mixed Martial Arts in China
Threat displays are not handicaps
Beyond The abysmal brute: a social history of boxing in interwar Nova Scotia
Counterfeit gentlemen: Manhood and humor in the old South
Net generation or Digital Natives: Is there a distinct new generation entering university
Monumental Dreams: The Life and Sculpture of Ann Norton
Meaning-making and the dragons of Pern
The Trouble with Magic: Conjuring the Past in New York City Parks
Why is the only good orc a dead orc? The dark face of racism examined in Tolkien's world
Henry William Mobsby (1860-1933)..... a most valuable officer
An Interview with Steven Millhauser
An Interview with Steven Millhauser
Serialization and Empire in Neil Gaiman's the Sandman
Criss-Crossing in Global Space and Time: Fatih Akın's The Edge of Heaven (2007
Different, not better: gender differences in mathematics learning and achievement
Refining composition skills: Rhetoric and grammar
Mediterranean Joyce Meditates on Buddha
Wilde women and The yellow book: The sexual politics of aestheticism and decadence
Reaching beyond the Word: Religious Themes as Deep Structure in the Anne Books of LM Montgomery
Wilde women and The yellow book: The sexual politics of aestheticism and decadence
Superhero history: Using comic books to teach US history
A Beautiful, Tremendous Russian Book, and Other Things Too
Art Critics in the Cradle: Fin-de-Siècle Painting Books and the Move to Modernism
Colorful marks: past and present perceptions of the development and use of the colored crayon
Making It New: Persephone Books and the Modernist Project
Beyond evolution: Human nature and the limits of evolutionary explanation
Agro-forestry at the United Nations University and its evolving role: introductory remarks
From anger to vulgarity: How some new art updates old issues
Caravaggio: A New Force in European Art
Stigma and the inappropriately stereotyped: the deadhead professional
The Answer to the Atom Bomb: Rhetoric, Identification, and the Grateful Dead
Sexual and reproductive health: a matter of life and death
Identification of circulating tumor DNA for the early detection of small-cell lung cancer
Tripping Out from San Francisco
World food system restructuring under a GATT regime
Competing through service: Insights from service-dominant logic
How Armor Was Employed in the Urban Battle of Seoul
Some Recent Books on American Foreign Policy
The last outpost of Empire: Rockall and the Cold War
USMC Active and Reserve Force Structure and Mix Study. Volume 2. History and Policy
A rapidly convergent descent method for minimization
A new theory of guilds and European economic development
The essential writings of Sudhir Kakar
Potential impacts of human-induced land cover change on East Asia monsoon
White but not quite: tones and overtones of whiteness in Brazil
Second Nature: Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals
Archive for the 'Articles' Category
East German television and the unmaking of the socialist project, 1952-1965
Forgotten at the Fair: Quilts at Chicago's World's Columbia Exposition
Marine Coatings Performance for Different Ship Areas. Volume 1
Twentieth-century French philosophy
International tables for crystallography
Oscar Wilde at Toad Hall: Kenneth Grahame's Drainings and Draggings
The translation of culture-bound elements into Finnish in the post-war period
The Unfeeling Tutelage of the State and Divine Authority in Virgil's Aeneid
Video game violence: A review of the empirical literature
Cohesion, the human element in combat
The Royal Air Force, Combined Operations Doctrine and the Raid on Dieppe, 19 August 1942
Foreign direct investment, domestic investment, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
Brain circulation, diaspora, and international competitiveness
Defining and assessing professional competence
Gonadal dysgenesis in normal-looking females
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Helminths of insectivores and rodents in Bulgaria
Mammals of the world. Their life and habits
Food hoarding in muroid rodents
Biology and medicine of turtles and tortoises
The potential for interspecific competition among African carnivores
Remote sensing and GIS for wetland inventory, mapping and change analysis
Integration of word meaning and world knowledge in language comprehension
The sanctity-of-life doctrine in medicine: A critique
Critical Race Theory and Social Studies: Centering the Native American Experience
Zoning Ordinance Enforced Off-Campus
Culture, evolution and the puzzle of human cooperation
Volcanic fluidization and the Heart Mountain detachment, Wyoming
Reading Nature: The World of a Farmer
Life and death in Australian 'heartlands': pastoralism, ecology and rethinking the outback
Alien vegetation and native biota in tropical Australia: the impact of Mimosa pigra
Narrative possibilities of happiness, unhappiness, and joy
TS Eliot, Dharma Bum: Buddhist Lessons in The Waste Land
Customer lifetime valuation to support marketing decision making
Towards robotic assistants in nursing homes: Challenges and results
The immigrant church as a symbol of community and place in the Upper Midwest
Abject and Defiled: Signora Neroni's Body and the Question of Domestic Violence in Barchester Towers
Days of Past Futures: Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go as Speculative Memoir
Digital crossroads: American telecommunications policy in the Internet age
Honor at Daybreak by Elmer Kelton
The Automotive Industry in an Era of Eco-Austerity
Antennas: Fundamentals, design, measurement
Power electronics and AC drives
Solid State Electronic Devices: Global Edition
Vocabulary Richness in Post-Exilic Prophetic Books
Power and participatory development: theory and practice
Upstream database and digital asset management in variable data printing
Colorful Language of the Rural Midwest, with special emphasis on Missouri and Missourians
Motivating people to be physically active
Substance abuse counseling: Theory and practice
Mental health response to community disasters: a systematic review
Developing your theoretical orientation in counseling and psychotherapy
Neonatal auditory activation detected by functional magnetic resonance imaging
Magnificent Voyagers: The US Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
Pike in the Kansas Flint Hills, 1806
Rituals of Respect: The Secret of Survival in the High Peruvian Andes
Fractional calculus in bioengineering
Introduction to applied mathematics
Integrating Children's Literature into the Elementary Mathematics Classroom
Fables for our time and famous poems illustrated
Rate, type, and cost of adverse drug reactions in emergency department admissions
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems in developed and developing countries
Night of the living dead: reappraising an undead classic
Feminism in Adolescent Literature: A Literature Review of Nancy Drew
Appendix AA guide for newcomers to agent-based modeling in the social sciences
Candies in hell: women's experiences of violence in Nicaragua
Man-of-action heroes: The pursuit of heroic masculinity in everyday consumption
Fengshui forest management by the Buyi ethnic minority in China
Tourism in Raja Ampat: New Chances and Challenges
Dive Industry Use Patterns and Economic Dependency on Apra Harbor's Coral Reefs
Evaluating ecotourism: the case of North Sulawesi, Indonesia
The Spirituality of the Desert
The Internet at the eco-village: Performing sustainability in the twenty-first century
Semidefinite programming relaxations and algebraic optimization in control
Oscar's Tragedy in Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out
In Search of Majapahit: The Transformation of Balinese Identities
Identifying the origins of major Mitchell's quotations, references and footnotes in his
Metal toxicity in mammals. Volume 2. Chemical toxicity of metals and metalloids
Towards a conceptual framework for wildlife tourism
Starting strong II: Early childhood education and care
Drawers of water. Domestic water use in East Africa
De Pictures from a Life à Letters from a Life: exaltation de la vie de Benjamin Britten
Environmental background music and in-store selling
A structured content analysis of five contemporary etude books for the violin
Theorizing queer temporalities: A roundtable discussion
Pavement Recycling Guidelines for State and Local Governments: Participant's Reference Book
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Old Wine in New Bottles: Some Comments on Beall
Golden Gate Bridges Vibration Studies
Self-induced transparency solitons in nonlinear refractive periodic media
Intelligent automatic generation control
Study and comparison of various image edge detection techniques
Granular computing: analysis and design of intelligent systems
An analysis of the finite element method
An analysis of the finite element method
How to make a sensory room for people living with dementia: a guide book
Historical Revivals, Commercial Enterprise and Public Confusion: Negitiating Taste, 1860-1890
The art of placemaking: Interpreting community through public art and urban design
The Forgotten Voice of the Oneida Stake Academy
Framing abuse: Media influence and public understanding of sexual violence against children
Landmarks in the History of Hygiene
Media freedom under the Human Rights Act
Making Shakespeare's Books: Assembly and Intertextuality in the Archives
Toward a North American community: Lessons from the old world for the new
Justice: the most terrible of the virtues
Los blasones manchados: en torno a Los círculos morados. Memorias I, de Jorge Edwards Valdés
Il convito del 1216. La vendetta all'origine del fazionalismo fiorentino
The state of the prisons. Deaths in prison
D'uno, di nessuno, di molti altari. Idee di letteratura italiana
Proposer la traduction littéraire en option au lycée: une étude de cas
Rudyard Kipling: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him Part Two
Hydraulic sorting of heavy-mineral grains by swash on a medium-sand beach
How to swarm: researching sounds of football's play
Football Fables: Some Gridiron Glamour Not Found in the Records
The Philip Smith centre: A place for learning [Book Review
The Common Lot: Sickness, Medical Occupations and the Urban Poor in Early Modern England
The Credo Series: Language/Nature/Cherishing
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry
A poor man's plight: Uncovering the disparity in men's health
The Moribund Moralist: Ethical Lessons in Calvin's Commentary On Joshua
Have elephant seals refuted aristotle? nature, function, and moral goodness
Reading race, aboriginality in Australian childrens literature
The language of success: marketing and distributing semi-luxury goods in eighteenth-century Paris
Altars in The Rape of the Lock: Global Commerce and Catholic Implications
The chef in society: Origins and development
Everyday life: Theories and practices from surrealism to the present
Tying Shoelaces With The Holy Spirit
Perfection: Coming to terms with being human
Blessed Are They That Hunger After Justice: From Vice To Beatitude In Dante's Purgatorio
Biblical Strategy and Shift to Spiritual Driven Church Growth
Righteousness and identity formation in the Sermon on the Mount
The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies
The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies
The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies
The Changing Image of Batman in Comic Books and Movies
Outlaw Heroes as Liminal Figures of Film and Television by Rebecca A. Umland
In-story information Alter ego
From pulp hero to superhero: Culture, race, and identity in American popular culture, 1900-1940
Role conflict and identity salience: College athletics and the academic role
The changing American college student: Thirty-year trends, 1966-1996
Revisions in the international system for staging lung cancer
Beyond Boundaries: Rereading John Steinbeck
Power, distortions, revolt and reform in agricultural land relations
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Operation enduring analogy: World War II, the war on terror, and the uses of historical memory
String figures matter: Embodied knowledge in action
Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in pig buildings in Korea
New directions in econometric practice
Promoting work/family balance: An organization-change approach
Captain Underpants Is My Hero: Things Have Changed—or Have They
Yearning: Race, gender, and cultural politics
A review of bast fibres and their composites. Part 2-Composites
Sustainable leadership: The fundamental solution to lasting superior staff performance
Portrait of the Artist as a Figure of Style: PLINY's Letters
The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Prologue to a New Critical Edition
The Persuasive Defense of Jesus in the Gospel According to John
Social thought from lore to science
Baby name report card: Beneficial and Harmful baby names
Myth, Fairy Tale, Epic, and Romance: Narrative as Re-Vision in Linden Hills
The power-places of Central Tibet: the pilgrim's guide
Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War: Representations of Nuclear Weapons and Post-Apocalyptic Worlds
The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course
The true story of Jimmy Governor
Stalagmite stable isotope record of recent tropical cyclone events
The scientific wealth of nations
Trees and shrubs hardy in the British Isles. Volume III N-Rh
Unruly Edges: Mushrooms as Companion Species: for Donna Haraway
Augmenting mental chronometry: the P300 as a measure of stimulus evaluation time
Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books
Redefining remate: Hemingway's professed approach to writing A Moveable Feast
The rise of competitive authoritarianism
From civil war to 'civil society': Has the end of the Cold War brought peace to Central America
The keys that lock up the world: identifying American interests in the periphery
Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, decolonization, and the Third World Order by Jeffrey James Byrne
Rising Chinese overseas travel market and potential for the United States
Reclaiming the Ecoerotic: Celebrating the Body and the Earth
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
National security whistleblowers
The great Gatsby and its 1925 contemporaries
A History of Absences: The Problem of Reference in Monique Truong's The Book of Salt
God's Traitors: Terror & Faith in Elizabethan England by Jessie Childs
A psychiatric-legal analysis of psychotic criminal defendants charged with murder
Bioremediation engineering: Design and application
Household gardens: theoretical and policy considerations
Mindful bites: culinary acts of love, resistance, and hope
Projectional editor for domain-specific languages
A survey of main memory acquisition and analysis techniques for the windows operating system
Recreation impacts and management in wilderness: a state-of-knowldege review
Political Sermons of the American Founding Era 1730-1805: In Two Volumes
The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world
Understanding and confronting species uncertainty in biology and conservation
Compositional asymmetry in replacement tourmaline—An example from the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps
Complexity, Hybridity, and Comparative Literature
Cerebus: An Aardvark on the Edge
Nettle leaf vs root Nettle Root
Introduction to applied mathematics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Leadership skills for a changing world: Solving complex social problems
The social construction of retirement among professionals 50-60 years old
Political agency, government responsiveness and the role of the media
Economic growth and the persistence of child labor: Evidence from an Indian city
Urban sprawl: metrics, dynamics and modelling using GIS
Inventory of aerosol and sulphur dioxide emissions from India. Part II—biomass combustion
Maternal health situation in India: a case study
Undocumented Migration in the State of Assam in North East India: Estimates since 1971 to 2001
Population and development: a survey
Indian population in transition
Concepts and a model for the comparison of medical systems as cultural systems
Prisoners of war on the eastern front during World War I
A prospective study of predictors of depression symptoms in police
Aspects of discriminatory treatment of women police officers serving in forces in England and Wales
Dividend (Vol. 38, No. 1, Spring, 2007
Thomas A. Daschle Papers. US House of Representatives Papers
The law and economics of regulating ratings firms
Rose Blanche, Rosa Weiss, Rosa Blanca: A comparative view of a controversial picture book
Anthropology and photography, 1860-1920
Given and new information in adverbials: Clause-initial adverbials of time and place
Beyond virtually Jewish: new authenticities and real imaginary spaces in Europe
The Second Adolphe Abrahams Memorial Lecture: Psychology of Athletic Performance
History of Prisoner of War Utilization by the United States Army, 1776-1945
Ethics and excellence: Cooperation and integrity in business
A new paradigm for world agriculture: meeting human needs: productive, sustainable, nutritious
Warfare and tourism paris in World War II
Telecommunications infrastructure investment and economic development
User costs: Information as a social good vs. information as a commodity
US Children's Books about the World War II Period: From Isolationism to Internationalism, 1940-1990
Meeting health need, accessing health care: the role of neighbourhood
The many faces of REST oversee epigenetic programming of neuronal genes
Why refugee warriors are threats
An inquiry into effects of mobile home park rent control
Assessment of gifted students for identification purposes: New techniques for a new millennium
I shall never forget the tearing eyes of my first reader
Confronting the classification problem: Toward a taxonomy of NGOs
Nutrition and school achievement
Once a river: bird life and habitat changes on the Middle Gila
Social ecology versus deep ecology: A challenge for the ecology movement
Good wives, nasty wenches, and anxious patriarchs: Gender, race, and power in colonial Virginia
The temple and the origins of Jewish apocalyptic
Advertising God: Nigerian Christian video-films and the power of consumer culture
Inventors at work: Interviews with 16 notable American inventors
Color atlas and synopsis of pediatric dermatology
Benjamin Schmidt. Inventing Exoticism: Geography, Globalism, and Europe's Early Modern World
The Spine of American Law: Digital Text Analysis and US Legal Practice
A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models
Big questions in public network management research
Disability history: Why we need another other
Electronic transitions of polysilanes and their photochemistry
The choice of gaussian basis sets for molecular electronic structure calculations
Characterization of Si/SiO2 interface defects by electron spin resonance
A novel definition of a molecule in a crystal
Multinational enterprises and the globalization of innovatory capacity
The nervous system effects of occupational exposure on workers in a South African manganese smelter
Baby, you're guilt edged: [and] Pagan perilous
What Role for Nuclear Power in Japan's Future? 日本の未来, 原発はいかなる役割を担うべき
Crisis communication: learning from the 1998 LPG near miss in Stockholm
Defence of Socrates, Euthyphro, Crito
The collected dialogues of Plato
Just men and just acts in Plato's Republic
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Descartes' Solitude Thesis: A Neglected Aspect of the Cartesian Methodology
Rings: five passions in world art
The independent partitive as an Eastern Circum-Baltic isogloss
Teaching second language reading
The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency
Beyond the Qumran Community: Social Organization in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Precarious playbour: Modders and the digital games industry
System for automatic singing voice recognition
Using digital photography to study animal coloration
Golf courses and country clubs: a guide to appraisal, market analysis, development, and financing
The wealth effects of second-generation state takeover legislation
Index des ouvrages recenses Index to Books Reviewed
Peru: Society and nationhood in the Andes
Frontier Life in Ancient Peru: The Archaeology of Cerro la Cruz
Contested territory: Mapping Peru in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Images satellitaires et prospection archéologique. Un cas d'école dans les Andes péruviennes
The History of the Hudson's Bay Company 1670-1870: Volume I: 1670-1763 by EE Rich
Applying colour science in colour design
What do we do when thrombolysis fails?: A United Kingdom survey1
American Civil Defense 1945-1984: The Evolution of Programs and Policies. Volume 2, Number 2
Taming the untamable: planning, programming and budgeting and the normalization of war
Read this and change the way you feel about software engineering
Read this and change the way you feel about software engineering
Solutions when the Solution is the Problem: Arraying the Disarray in Development
Six principles of effective global talent management
Training for transformation: a handbook for community workers. Book 2
Self-directed learning: implications and limitations for undergraduate nursing education
International security studies: a report of a conference on the state of the field
Vernacular literacy in late-medieval England: The example of East Anglian medical manuscripts
Investigations on proteins and polymers. VII. The denaturation of egg albumin
The fulcum, the late Roman and Byzantine testudo: The Germanization of Roman infantry tactics
Jonathan Barry. Witchcraft and Demonology in South-West England, 1640-1789
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Laparoscopic management of giant paraesophageal herniation
Liver failure in galactosemia successfully treated by exchange blood transfusion
Where the Wild Things Are: Sendak's Journey into the Heart of Darkness
Old-Testamentary Prefiguration of Christ in the Book of the Prophet Daniel
Psalms 2: A commentary on Psalms 51-100
Past, present and future of wind engineering
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Complete Home Decorating Book
Modern carpentry: building construction details in easy-to-understand form
Deciphering and reversing tumor immune suppression
Metathesis in phonological theory: The case of Leti
The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective
A contingency framework for management accounting systems research
Stepping of the forelegs over obstacles establishes long-lasting memories in cats
An integrated model for financial planning
Pro-poor economic growth: Role of small and medium sized enterprises
Introduction to tourism in Australia: impacts, planning and development
MILO: Models of innovation in learning online at Key Stage 3 and 14-19: Final report appendices
Modules based on the geochemical model PHREEQC for use in scripting and programming languages
Visualizing solutions in network analysis with Visual Basic for Applications
The Sinhala Maymataya, A Translation into English
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Fables of the East: selected tales 1662-1785
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
How to gamble: Information and misinformation in books and other media on gambling
Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 1868-1961
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) in primary and secondary physical education
Sociable cities: the legacy of Ebenezer Howard
Axes et critères de la créativité en traduction
Beckett's Collaborative Translations in the 1950s
In Black and White: Gender, Race Relations, and the Nardal Sisters in Interwar Paris
Use and perceptions of e-books by academic staff in further education
Oxford English for Careers: Tourism 3: Student's Book
Microglia: a sensor for pathological events in the CNS
Deciphering and reversing tumor immune suppression
Optimalization of adult lifelong learning profiles based on modern learning theories
The entrepreneur-environment nexus: Uncertainty, innovation, and allocation
Schalm's veterinary hematology
Challenges in breeding for yield increase for drought
Elements of botanical microtechnique
Epidemiology and control of malaria
Occurrence and microbial degradation of phthalate esters in Taiwan river sediments
Deindividuation can be a good thing? Say what
Progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone in women with premenstrual syndrome
Pedagogical patterns: advice for educators
Managing professional intellect: making the most of the best
Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789-1815
The occupational choice of school librarians
A biblical and theological analysis of tithing: Toward a theology of giving in the new covenant era
Money, mania, and morals: the churches and gambling
Man-of-action heroes: The pursuit of heroic masculinity in everyday consumption
A handbook for deterring plagiarism in higher education
CE 740 How to Teach for Transformation
Cloud computing—The business perspective
Increasing walking: how important is distance to, attractiveness, and size of public open space
Cofitachequi: A distinctive culture, its identity, and its location
Neurodevelopmental and psychosocial risk factors in serial killers and mass murderers
Javanese markets and the Asian sea trade boom of the tenth to thirteenth centuries AD
Medieval thought: an introduction
Comics and Picturebooks: On the Limits of Visual Literary Genres
A descriptive study of gender bias of images in method books for beginner band
Icon and identity: Dolly Parton's Hillbilly appeal
What happened to the e-book revolution?: The gradual integration of e-books into academic libraries
Ezekiel 1: A commentary on the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24
The Lone Ranger and Tonto: A Comparative Analysis of Book and Screen Adaptations
Lonely hearts of the cosmos: the story of the scientific quest for the secret of the universe
Principles of Christian theology
The government's impact on the labor market status of black Americans: A critical review
Like a Wrecking Ball: Gillian Welch and the Modern South
Refounding environmental ethics: pragmatism, principle, and practice
Freedom and belief. Revised 2nd edition with new appendix
Serendipity: Accidental discoveries in science
Effect of antagonist weakening on developed tension in cat extraocular muscle
Determinants of economic growth: a cross-country empirical study
Intellectual property rights and patents in perspective of Ayurveda
The Bradley challenge: A sea change for Australian universities
Modelling fluctuating populations: reprint of first Edition (1982
A simple method for solving inverse scattering problems in the resonance region
On existence of positive solutions and bounded oscillations for neutral difference equations
Dynamic programming and optimal control
Interval training: The new and better way to train your clients
Sustainable Energy-without the hot air
Weight loss—there is an app for that! But does it adhere to evidence-informed practices
United States synthetic fuels corporation: its rise and demise
The good, the bad, and the ugly: 30 years of US airline deregulation
Fairness in international law and institutions
Love and Independence: The Poems and Letters of Mary Gilmore [Book Review
Whither or whether the stolen base
Crime Fiction Set in the Middle Ages: Historical Novel and Detective Story
Heritability of dominant-aggressive behaviour in English Cocker Spaniels
Microangiography of the humeral condyle in cocker spaniel and non-cocker spaniel dogs
Mortality and coronary heart disease among men studied for 23 years
Mismatched metaphor: user vs system moeel in computer-aided drafting
A Study of Western Influence on Timber Supply and Carpentry in South China in the Early 20th Century
Vanishing cycles of pencils of hypersurfaces
Selective Guide to Literature on Aerospace Engineering
The professional development portfolio process: Setting goals for credentialing
The potential for interspecific competition among African carnivores
Identity: community, culture, difference
ASM speciality handbook: magnesium and magnesium alloys
The world report on violence and health
Anthropology: Theoretical practice in culture and society
Harbin, lanterns of ice, sculptures of snow
Real Women Aren't Shiny (or Plastic): The Adolescent Female Body in YA Fantasy
Promises not kept: the betrayal of social change in the Third World
Adolescent religiosity and sexuality: An investigation of reciprocal influences
The concept of sustainable development: its origins and ambivalence
New conceptual approaches to the study of American Foreign Relations: interdisciplinary perspectives
US Policy and the European War, 1939-1941
Winston Churchill and the European Union
Possessions and the Sense of Past
The Tour to End All Tours: The Story of Major League Baseball's 1913-1914 World Tour
Origin of the Earth and Moon by AE Ringwood-Book Review
Music for the injured soldier: A contribution of American women's military bands during World War II
What's after Political Culture? Recent French Revolutionary Historiography
Portable knowledge: a look inside white coat pockets
CEA and sustainable development: evidence from UK case studies
Information hiding techniques for steganography and digital watermarking
Introduction to community-based SNMPv2
A literature review and classification of electronic commerce research
Salinisation of land and water resources: human causes, extent, management and case studies
Agricultural development: an international perspective
Handfuls of heroes on desperate ventures: When do Special Operations succeed
Evolving environmentalism: the role of ecotheology in creation/evolution controversies
The structure of regulatory competition: Corporations and public policies in a global economy
The geography of innovation: regional innovation systems
Patterns of sound, sight, and story: From literature to literacy
Defining successful aging: A tangible or elusive concept
Communication networks: Toward a new paradigm for research
See how they grow-monitoring child growth for appropriate health care in developing countries
The oppression of women in selected narratives by Namibian female authors
The life forms of plants and statistical plant geography; being the collected papers of C. Raunkiaer
Toward a theory of spiritual leadership
Beyond house and haven: Toward a revisioning of emotional relationships with places
Hans Berger: From psychic energy to the EEG
Hemostasis and Thrombosis—Basic Principles and Clinical Practice
Reputation: Realizing value from the corporate image
Industrial democracy in Europe revisited
Managing employee relations in the hotel and catering industry
Existentialism: A reconstruction
International tables for crystallography
Status and trends of mobile-health applications for iOS devices: A developer's perspective
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The next big thing: the future of diplomatic history in a global age
Phonological patterns in Puerto Rican Spanish-speaking children with phonological disorders
Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in contemporary fiction
Teachable moments: The art of creative teaching in primary schools
Uczynki miłosierne względem ciała-uduchowione powinności
Türkçe ilk okuma yazma öğretimi
Leisure and work in library and community programs for very young children
Writing for interactive radio instruction
Shaw's Black Girl: Layers of Ideas
The gender awareness of Oscar Wilde: Comparison between his women characters and men characters
Introduction to applied mathematics
Understanding unconscious intelligence and intuition: Blink and beyond
Variable precision rough set model
Behavioral economics: how psychology made its (limited) way back into economics
Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs
Women and retirement: Relinquishing professional identity
Especialización manufacturera y aglomeración urbana en las grandes ciudades de México
Los índices de competitividad en México
Capital structure decision making: A model for family business
Handbook of research on strategy process
Corporate entrepreneurship and financial performance: The case of management leveraged buyouts
Economic lessons from some small socialist developing countries
ideology, social science, and destiny: modernization and the Kennedy-Era Alliance for Progress
Charles Doughty, un orientaliste engagé
Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology. Volume 1
The political economy of social security: a survey
A general equilibrium analysis of price controls and subsidies on food in Mexico
Multinational firms and the new trade theory
The 1990s in Japan: A lost decade
Using advanced technologies to reduce motor vehicle greenhouse gas emissions
Renewable energy and sustainable development: a crucial review
Advanced freight transportation systems for congested urban areas
Environmentally compatible next generation green energetic materials (GEMs
From butyribacterium to E. coli: an essay on unity in biochemistry
The Complete Book of Captain Scarlet
Global Conceptualism: points of origin, 1950s-1980s
晩学の 寂しさ沁みる 再帰国 (Late-blooming student, roots of loneliness run deep, as I return home
The Empire of Fashion: Dressing Modern Democracy
Luke 1: A commentary on the Gospel of Luke 1: 1-9: 50
The future of music: Manifesto for the digital music revolution
Classification of industrial services: A model with strategic implications
Classification of industrial services: A model with strategic implications
Issues in supply chain management
Air cargo as an economic development engine: A note on opportunities and constraints
Managing professional intellect: making the most of the best
The Great Plains: from dust to dust
Exploring the urban community: A GIS approach
Deciduous forests of eastern North America
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
The 1982 Falklands War and a critical geopolitical eye: Steve Bell and the if cartoons
Singularities in nonlocal interface dynamics
Pattern formation outside of equilibrium
Flat plate streaming potential investigations: hydrodynamics and electrokinetic equivalency
Introduction to modern statistical mechanics
A scaling analysis of the unidirectional solidification of a binary alloy
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Beyond correlations: Toward a causal theory of war
Real freedom for all: What (if anything) can justify capitalism
Journeys to foreign selves: Asians and Asian Americans in a global era
Political turnover and economic performance: the incentive role of personnel control in China
Hennes & Mauritz: Analysis of the strategic position in marketing terms
Strategy and dynamics in contests
The book of Enoch in the light of the Qumran wisdom literature
Podnikatelský záměr: Detailingové studio
In Search of The Word of the Other: Aboriginal Sign Systems and the History of the Book in Canada
Power and contestation in collaborative ecosystem-based management: The case of Haida Gwaii
Celebration: Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian dancing on the land [book review
Bibliography of British Columbian children's literature
Raw histories: photographs, anthropology and museums
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management
New venture strategic posture, structure, and performance: An industry life cycle analysis
Rereading john donne's holy sonnet 14
Properties of ionic liquid solvents for catalysis
Dipole moments of 2, 4-diketopyrimidines: Part II: Uracil, thymine and their derivatives
Theory of organic corrosion inhibitors adsorption and linear free energy relationships
Wanted: a mid-range theory of international peacekeeping
Mountains & Mesas: The Northern Rockies and the Colorado Plateau by Pete Bengeyfield
Secret spaces: Creating an aesthetic of imaginative play in Australian picture books
Sociable cities: the legacy of Ebenezer Howard
Sociable cities: the legacy of Ebenezer Howard
Choosing literary texts for the Australian curriculum
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia, 1961-1973
The goldilocks principle: Reading children's books with explicit memory representations
Portrayal of disabilities in Caldecott books
Stone soup translation: the linked automata model
In My Own Hand Writing: Benjamin Banneker Addresses the Slaveholder of Monticello
Edmond Halley and early geophysics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Social determinants of health inequalities
Gerontological nursing & healthy aging
Mechanical behavior of materials: engineering methods for deformation, fracture, and fatigue
Shellfish gathering and shell midden archaeology
Analysis of cracked laminates: a variational approach
Advances in the science and technology of carbon nanotubes and their composites: a review
Knowledge-based public order policing: principles and practice
Denmark Vesey's revolt: The slave plot that lit a fuse to Fort Sumter
Famous Americans: The changing pantheon of American heroes
Thalhimers Department Store: Story, History, and Theory
Media And Literary Representations Of Latinos In Baseball And Baseball Fiction
The practice-driven evolution of family business education
Use of Imagry in Teaching Voice to the Twenty-First Century Student
Diction for singers: A comprehensive assessment of books and sources
Optimisation of clarifier-thickeners processing stable suspensions for turn-up/turn-down
Right wing politics in the New Latin America-reaction and revolt
Bringing things back to life: Creative entanglements in a world of materials
You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online
For love and money: Care provision in the United States
Who wants to be a millionaire: Changing conceptions of the American Dream
Smart cities: the Singapore case
Corporate governance and voluntary disclosure
The impact of economic development on land functions in Singapore
He was determined to go: Underage Soldiers in the Canadian Expeditionary Force
Blood, sweat & theory: research through practice in performance
From poison peddlers to civic worthies: The reputation of the apothecaries in Georgian England
Gender politics and post-communism. Reflections from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
Redefining translation competence in an electronic age. In defence of a minimalist approach
Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality
Bring on the Books: The Man Booker Prize for 2012
Elective (Historical) Affinities: Contemporary Women Writing the Victorian
God and global order: The power of religion in American foreign policy
Shakespeare's Last Act: The Starry Messenger and the Galilean Book in Cymbeline
The social shaping of technology
Net neutrality and the EU electronic communications regulatory framework
New Zealand prints 1900-1950: an unseen heritage
15.03. 09, Williams, Pentz, and Wemhoff, eds., Vikings: Life and Legend
Theorizing identity in transnational and diaspora cultures: A critical approach to acculturation
Jews and crypto-Jews in sixteenth and seventeenth century England
E-tribalized marketing?: The strategic implications of virtual communities of consumption
An analysis of the finite element method
ABC of adolescence: Adolescent development
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Programming Ruby: the pragmatic programmers' guide
Things done wisely by a wise enchanter: Negotiating the power of words in the thirteenth century
A Hierarchy of Love: Myth in CS Lewis's Perelandra
A Dozen Strides Brings Him into Eloquence: A Meditation on Don DeLillo's Early, Funny Novels
Seismic behavior of a full-scale RC frame repaired using CFRP laminates
The economics of energy efficiency
Power electronics: a first course
Optimised model for community-based hybrid energy system
An integrated micro-and macrolevel discussion of global green issues:It isn't easy being green
The Paddington Prophet: Richard Brothers's Journey to Jerusalem
Everyday Mysteries existential dimensions of psychotherapy
The good old days': An examination of nostalgia in Facebook posts
The world history of animation
Analysis of heat-flow data—detailed observations in many holes in a small area
Office of the University President Sous fonds: Dr. James A. Gibson
An analysis of the finite element method
The world report on violence and health
Barriers to family-centered services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays
Teaching for conceptual change: A review of strategies
Ancient woodland, its history, vegetation and uses in England
The theological library: in touch with the witnesses; text: Hebrews 11: 32-12: 2
Population mobility and service provision: a report for London Councils
Preparing project managers to deal with complexity-Advanced project management education
Teaching smart people how to learn
The tiger in Anglophone literature
Surface to surface: war, image & the senses in the screenic era
A canary, singing through the gas: Gareth Liddiard's' strange tourist'[Book Review
Go West for a Wife: Family Farming in West Central Scotland 1850-1930
Public policy for tourism in Northern Ireland
Adolescent grief: It never really hit me... until it actually happened
The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered
The 2003 anatomy ceremony: a service of gratitude
Thought in the Act: Passages in the Ecology of Experience
Plasma cortisol of female rhesus monkeys in response to acute restraint
On the expressive power of programming languages
Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics
Control mechanisms in plant development
Evo-devo and an expanding evolutionary synthesis: a genetic theory of morphological evolution
The biology of parasitic flowering plants. University of California Press, Berkeley
Erotic journeys: Mexican immigrants and their sex lives
June Jordan: July 9, 1936-June 14, 2002
Swords and Cimeters in the Book of Mormon
Writing the world from an African metropolis
Archipelagos of sense: Thinking about a decolonised Australian poetics
Multimedia database management systems
The histological nature of epulides in dogs
Where to neoliberalism? The World Bank and the post-Washington consensus in Indonesia and Vietnam
Introduction to human resource management
Creating safer workplaces: assessing the determinants and role of safety climate
Resurrecting the red: Pete Seeger and the purification of difficult reputations
Why Do You Refuse to Eat Pork?: Jews, Food, and Identity in Roman Palestine
Religion and place attachment: A study of sacred places
Levinas and Medieval Literature: The difficult Reading of English and Rabbinic Texts
Deliver us from evil: essays on symbolic engagement in early drama
Tag Archives: accounting for dummies
The martial art of judo as educational contents for children who living in an open society
Risikoabschätzung in der Medizin am Beispiel der Krebsfrüherkennung
Tvořivé psaní v angličtině na prvním stupni základních škol
Joseph Priestley, grammarian: Late Modern English normativism and usage in a sociohistorical context
A Distant Mirror: Are UK Libraries losing the plot
Twenty-first century academic media center: killer app or chindogu
Visual interactive modelling: the past, the present, and the prospects
An affine scaling trust-region approach to bound-constrained nonlinear systems
Mathematical programming for natural resource management
Applications of fuzzy set theory to mathematical programming
Requirements for representation of domain knowledge in intelligent environments for layout design
Brewing science and practice. Vol. I. Brewing materials
Colistin: the re-emerging antibiotic for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections
Parasites and diseases of fish cultured in the tropics
EPA guidance mental health care of migrants
Exploring nurses' experiences of supporting a cancer patient in their search for meaning
Ethnicity and health: a research review
Consumer involvement in health research: a review and research agenda
Stage by stage: A handbook for using drama in the second language classroom
Bodily poeticizing in theatrical improvisation: A typology of performative knowledge
Staged Action: Six Plays from the American Workers' Theatre [Book Review
Distortion and theatricality: Estrangement in Diderot and Shklovsky
Electrochemistry of silicon: instrumentation, science, materials and applications
Prenatal and early postnatal fatty acid status and neurodevelopmental outcome
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide as a window material for high efficiency a-Si solar cells
High-electron-mobility Si/SiGe heterostructures: influence of the relaxed SiGe buffer layer
A Military History of Afghanistan: From the Great Game to the Global War on Terror
The Shire horse. A history of the breed, the Society and the men
Guam in US government publications
Energy from biomass and wastes: 1985 update and review
A geography of hope: pursuing the voluntary preservation of America's natural heritage
Riding the Wave: Finland in the Changing Tides of Globalisation
Imperial history and the human future
Global warning: global warming
Interview with Eric Jensen: Enriching Mindsets for Teachers of Students in Poverty
In search of civil society: Market reform and social change in contemporary China
Corporate warfare: Preventing combat stress and battle fatigue
Natural law: The classical tradition
Enlightened secrets: silk, intelligent travel, and industrial espionage in eighteenth-century France
Assessing the impact of using the Internet for competitive intelligence
The ferns and fern allies of Wisconsin
Posthuman: Exploring the obsolescence of the corporeal body in contemporary art
Filling the gap: Using fishers' knowledge to map the extent and intensity of fishing activity
First words and second thoughts: Margaret Cavendish, Humphrey Moseley, and the Book
Legal ethics and human dignity
A hypercube queuing model for facility location and redistricting in urban emergency services
Economic consequences of regulated changes in disclosure: the case of executive compensation
Complainers and noncomplainers revisited: Another look at the data
Strategic planning workbook for nonprofit organizations
The book of bamboo: a comprehensive guide to this remarkable plant, its uses, and its history
A Bilateral Labor Market: Salary Determinants of National Football League Quarterbacks
The rise of seafood awareness campaigns in an era of collapsing fisheries
Toward a theory of spiritual leadership
De l'argumentativité des figures de rhétorique
The network structure of social capital
Becoming a doctor—Was it the wrong career choice
New public management is dead—long live digital-era governance
Preparation is everything: Meetings in professional contexts in Hong Kong
Artificial nest sites used by Southern Bald Ibis Geronticus calvus
The effect of deviations from linearity on the detection of dotted line patterns
The battered women movement and the creation of the wife beating problem
Infant massage improves mother-infant interaction for mothers with postnatal depression
Herbal and other complementary medicine use by Texas midwives
Uptake and usage of IntelliCare: a publicly available suite of mental health and well-being apps
Constructing mothers: Scientific motherhood in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Parenting advice books about child sleep: cosleeping and crying it out
Market ideology and the myths of Web 2.0
Illustrated dictionary of microcomputer terminology
Information visualization and the challenge of universal usability
Art Critics in the Cradle: Fin-de-Siècle Painting Books and the Move to Modernism
The end of the Salon: art and the state in the early Third Republic
Reading: the State of the Discipline
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics
Random vibration of mechanical and structural systems
Estimation of failure probability of oil and gas transmission pipelines by fuzzy fault tree analysis
Comparative redundancy, an alternative to triple modular redundant system design
Teaching art: Academies and schools from Vasari to Albers
Parent-child joint book reading: An observational protocol for young children
From image vector to matrix: a straightforward image projection technique—IMPCA vs. PCA
Great expectations: America and the baby boom generation
Just skin and bones: the longing for wholeness of the body in the book of Job
Reputation: Realizing value from the corporate image
OAC Review Volume 37 Issue 12, August 1925
Aerobic Treatment in Cold-Climate Countries
Touring mines and mining tourists
Colonial origins of the American constitution
Asklepios: ancient hero of medical caring
Racism, sexism, and social class: implications for studies of health, disease, and well-being
Substance abuse in rural and small town America
NEOBHÁJENO] Fanfiction as a New Phenomenon of Mass Reading Culture: The Twilight Novel Series
Finding Books for Adult New Readers
Native and non-native teachers in the classroom
The Basic Concepts of Legal Thought
Settler common sense: queerness and everyday colonialism in the American renaissance
England's Elizabeth: an afterlife in fame and fantasy
The Neo-Classics:(Re) Publishing the Great Books in the United States in the 1990s
Judging a book by its cover: Publishing trends in young adult literature
Candidate endophenotypes for genetic studies of suicidal behavior
Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the shaping of the self
The International Human Epigenome Consortium: a blueprint for scientific collaboration and discovery
Max Weber and Thomas Mann: Calling and the shaping of the self
Fifty years of Thomas Mann studies: a bibliography of criticism
Prelude to nation-states: the French and German experience, 1789-1815
Australian education and rural-regional sustainability
Women in blue collar and related occupations at the end of the millennium
The new politics of immigration:Balanced-budget conservatism and the symbolism of Proposition 187
Books for developing readers [Book Review
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
School as haven: Transforming school environments into welcoming learning communities
New solid acid based breakthrough technologies
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Art of the Classical World in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Greece, Cyprus, Etruria, Rome
Enduring proximity: The figure of the neighbor in suburban America
Silence, Absence, And Mystery In Linda Hogan's Mean Spirit, Solar Storms, And Power
Digital Economy and Knowledge Economics: Implications on Economic Model
Germán Arciniegas y las editoriales argentinas (1940-1960
Protocell architecture: architectural design
Langston Hughes and the Nonsense of Bebop
The Traditions and Beliefs of Highlanders as a Means of Self-Identity and Ethnos Preserving
Cult formation: Three compatible models
Fourth Ezra: A Commentary on the Books of Fourth Ezra
What do low-income single mothers say about marriage
A tax policy to liberate environmental engineering
Is war obsolete?: a review essay
Northern lights: the age of Scottish lighthouses
Diamonds vs. precious metals: What shines brightest in your investment portfolio
Planning for conflict termination and post-conflict success
Northern lights: the age of Scottish lighthouses
City Limits: Female Philanthropists and West Nurses in Seventeenth-Century Scottish Towns
Did Dublin's Ben Lang Ever Die?: On the revival of rhyming slang in modern Dublinese
Did Dublin's Ben Lang Ever Die?: On the revival of rhyming slang in modern Dublinese
Autoresonant control of ultrasonically assisted cutting
Der Verdammte Krieg (The Cursed War
Evaluation of superintendent performance: Toward a general model
Beatus Rhenanus, Tertullian and the Reformation: A Humanist's Critique of Scholasticism
The stock price-volume relationship in emerging stock markets: the case of Latin America
Torah quotations common to Philo of Alexandria and the Acts of the Apostles
The so-called renaissance of Islam
Rupture and return: Zionist discourse and the study of Arab Jews
The geography of innovation: regional innovation systems
Business information management: improving performance using information systems
The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: implications for strategy formulation
Trends in food packaging and manufacturing systems and technology
Recommendations for Online Training in Hospitality Organizations
A geological model of London and the Thames Valley, southeast England
Model metadata summary report for the Ipswich-Sudbury LithoFrame 10-50 Model
The NP-completeness column: An ongoing guide
Pedestrian detection in crowded scenes
Creole indigeneity: Between myth and nation in the Caribbean
Glucose control lowers the risk of wound infection in diabetics after open heart operations
The financial cost of fraud: what data from around the world shows
Financial Accounting: An Introduction 3e
Causes, consequences, and deterence of financial statement fraud
25 Years of endothelin research: the next generation
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of early-stage cervical carcinoma
Aspectos científicos y beneficiosos del culto tántrico
Le Monstre et le matérialiste dans Le Neveu de Rameau et Le Rêve de D'Alembert
FoxOs are critical mediators of hematopoietic stem cell resistance to physiologic oxidative stress
Systems engineering management guide
The revolt of the generals: army opposition to the new look
Laser ablation of metals: Analysis of surface-heating and plume-expansion experiments
Why international primacy matters
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The wound, the knot, and the book: Marie de France and literary traditions of love in the Lais
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Effects of Literature on Childhood Anxiety and Attachment Issues
Qualitative research methods in human geography
Postcolonial identities in Africa
Odontologic kinship analysis in skeletal remains: concepts, methods, and results
Preliminary evidence for the efficacy of the Canine Surrogacy Approach in the Great Lakes
A ruin of elephants: Trans-species love, labor, and loss
Principles of digital and analog communications
Error-control techniques for digital communication
Introduction to digital speech processing
Digital and analog communication systems
Principles of digital and analog communications
Kindersoldaten in Entwicklungsländern. Das subsaharische Afrika
Who do you think you are?: Race, Representation, and Cultural Rhetorics in Online Spaces
The romance of mechanical engineering
Security Assistance and Cooperation: Shared Responsibility of the Departments of State and Defense
The female urethral sphincter: a morphological and topographical study
Australian laboratory handbook of soil and water chemical methods
Supply chain trust: The catalyst for collaborative innovation
The forging of orthodoxy in Latin Christian Literature: a case study
Moving poems: Kinesthetic learning in the literature classroom
Luke 1: A commentary on the Gospel of Luke 1: 1-9: 50
Sexuality in the testaments of the twelve Patriarchs and the New Testament
Any Possibility of Communion for the Divorced and Remarried without Annulments or Dissolutions
A theory of character in the Fourth Gospel with reference to ancient and modern literature
The White Logic: Alcoholism and Gender in American Modernist Fiction
Improved configurations of lightning rods and air terminals
Rapture Fictions and the Changing Evangelical Condition
Experience in hepatic transplantation
Market models: A guide to financial data analysis
Generalized linear models for insurance data
Generalized linear models for insurance data
Methodology for genetic studies of twins and families
Nonlinear regression analysis and its applications
Generalized linear mixed models: a practical guide for ecology and evolution
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A mathematical author study: Eric Carle
Relationships between the results of nail impact bend tests and selected nail material properties
Adapting your teaching to accommodate the net generation of learners
The nursing outcomes classification
Inward bound: of matter and forces in the physical world
Teacher beliefs and technology integration practices: A critical relationship
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management
Doing research in business & management: An essential guide to planning your project
Covering immigration: Popular images and the politics of the nation
Radar automatic target recognition (ATR) and non-cooperative target recognition (NCTR
The neural representation of time
Analysis of high resolution marine seismic data using the wavelet transform
Playfulness in Lauren Child's picture books
Politics and the Stages of Growth
Health and the developing world
Women's political representation: The importance of ideology
Depression, chronic diseases, and decrements in health: results from the World Health Surveys
Ethnolinguistic identity theory: A social psychological approach to language maintenance
4. Personal initiative: An active performance concept for work in the 21st century
Magical medicine. A Nigerian case-study
Literature of Exploration: Canadian Travel Books of the 1870s
Why students drop out of school and what can be done
The teaching portfolio in US teacher education programs: What we know and what we need to know
Movements of Mind: The Matrix, Metaphors, and Re-Imagining Education
The royal forests of Northamptonshire: a study in their economy, 1558-1714
Glimpse, Encounter, Acquaintance, Friendship
Origin and emplacement of the loess deposited in northern Brittany and under the English Channel
Corporatism and structural change in the British accountancy profession, 1930-1957
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Signifying on Stowe: Ralph Ellison and the Sentimental Rhetoric of Invisible Man
How Christian ethics became medical ethics: The case of Paul Ramsey
Black women's prison narratives and the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality in US Prisons
Empirical assessment of the impact of auditor quality on the valuation of new issues
Conflict on the Michigan Frontier: Yankee and Borderland Cultures, 1815-1840
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Kiss and tell: Gendered narratives and childhood sexuality
The paradox of constitutionalism: constituent power and constitutional form
Occult powers and hypotheses: Cartesian natural philosophy under Louis XIV
Occult powers and hypotheses: Cartesian natural philosophy under Louis XIV
Louis XIV and the parlements: the assertion of royal authority
A decade of reversal: an analysis of 146 contradicted medical practices
The Christian Hebraism of John Donne: Written with the Fingers of Man's Hand
Sawankoloke-Sukhothai Wares from the Empress Place Site, Singapore
Sustainable development: a critical review
Chinese Century. The Eighteenth Century in the China Sea Region
A paradise for rascals': Colonialism, punishment and the prison in Hong Kong (1841-1898
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination: a conceptual framework and implications for action
Statistical theory of reliability and life testing: probability models
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics
Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda
The race for talent: Retaining and engaging workers in the 21st century
Accounting for taste: conversation, categorisation and classification in sensory judging
Understanding farmers' decision making processes and improving managerial assistance
Quality improvement in primary care: the essential guide
The key role of organizational culture in a multi-system view of technology-driven change
Foundations of measurement, Vol. III: Representation, axiomatization, and invariance
Expertise, models of learning and computer-based tutoring
Decision science or decision-aid science
Incompleteness, nonlocality, and realism: a prolegomenon to the philosophy of quantum mechanics
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Design and validation of an augmented book for spatial abilities development in engineering students
Ontologische Relativit㤠T Und Andere Schriften
Doing justice to someone: Sex reassignment and allegories of transsexuality
Space, time, and perversion: Essays on the politics of bodies
Between worlds: Access to second language acquisition
Nominal Devolutions: Poetic Substance and the Critique of Political Economy
Against All England: Regional Identity and Cheshire Writing, 1195-1656
Backgrounds of English literature, 1700-1760
Church, State, and Modernization: English Literature as Gentlemanly Knowledge after 1688
Isabel Allende, Fortune's Daughter
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics
Theory of games and economic behavior
Theory-based Bayesian models of inductive learning and reasoning
Conceptualising forced migration
Social capital: Implications for development theory, research, and policy
Drug policy reform and the reclassification of cannabis in England and Wales: A cautionary tale
Tell me lies: Propaganda and media distortion in the attack on Iraq
Utilitarianism and distributive justice: Jeremy Bentham and the Civil Law
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Expert programming knowledge: a schema-based approach
The relationship of problem-solving ability and course performance among novice programmers
Learning Labs: The New Classroom
Expert programming knowledge: a schema-based approach
Delivery of peptide and protein drugs over the blood-brain barrier
Drug-like properties and the causes of poor solubility and poor permeability
Vibration of cracked structures: a state of the art review
Books Are More to Me than Food: British Prisoners of War as Readers, 1914-1918
Reading knowledge: Curiosity in The golden bowl
Ezekiel 1: A commentary on the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24
Wilfrid Wilson Gibson: people's poet; a critical and biographical study of WW Gibson 1878-1962
The sea their graves: An archaeology of death and remembrance in maritime culture
Searchlights on Contemporary Theology
Out of Johnson's Shadow: James Boswell as Travel Writer
Neurocinematics: The neuroscience of film
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Charity and community: The role of nonprofit ownership in a managed health care system
Health, illness, and the social body: A critical sociology
Traditional medicine and health care coverage: a reader for health administrators and practitioners
Herpetic Whitlow. A Form of Cross-Infection in Hospitals
Coconstructing heritage at the Gettysburg storyscape
Students, librarians, and subject guides: Improving a poor rate of return
All War is Contrary to the Mind of Christ: The Bible and the Fellowship of Reconciliation
Touching greatness: The central midwest Barry Manilow fan club
Through Clouded Eyes: Gas Masks and the Canadian Corps in the First World War
Hemingway's lost friend: Norton S. Baskin
Keepers of the history: women and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Militarised natural history: Tales of the avocet's return to postwar Britain
The Vision of Salome: cosmopolitanism and erotic dancing in central London, 1908-1918
Compact Oxford english dictionary
Two hearts in three-quarter time: How to waltz the social media/viral marketing dance
Labour Legends and Russian Gold: Bolshevism and the British Left part 1
Drugs and discretionary power in prisons: The officer's perspective
Review of shape representation and description techniques
Reconstructing the shape of a tree from observed dissimilarity data
Does governance travel around the world? Evidence from institutional investors
Evil and the Disruption of Order: A Structural Analysis of the Acrostics in the First Book of Psalms
The Performative Letter, from Medieval to Modern
Laugh and learn: 95 ways to use humor for more effective teaching and training
Misquoting Truth: A Guide to the Fallacies of Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus
The American Historical Review XXXI
Shaping Theology: Engagements in a religious and secular world
Stolen language, cosmic models: Myth and mythology in Tolkien
Twin Flocks: Guiraut Riquier's Pastorelas and his Book of Songs
The Yogacara school of Buddhism: a bibliography
Deposition velocities for full-scale corn and soybean canopies: a wind tunnel simulation
Macrohistory and macrohistorians: Perspectives on individual, social, and civilizational change
Blindsided. Lifting a Life Above Illness. A Reluctant Memoir
Dr. Johann David Schoepf, surgeon of the Anspach-Bayreuth troops in America, 1777-1784
Is practical theology a form of 'action research
Diffraction effects in semiclassical scattering
The recovery of the Holy Spirit in evangelical theology
Selected baroque compositions with instrumental accompaniment for amateur choir
Power to Save!?: The Role of the Spirit of the Lord in the Book of Judges
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Selected pedagogical needs of the string class as addressed in the compositions of Carold Nunez
The Official Automobile Blue Book, 1901-1929: Precursor to the American Road Map
Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology
Pion radiation for high grade astrocytoma: results of a randomized study
Campylobacter in the food supply
Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir
When illness goes public: Celebrity patients and how we look at medicine
Poland's Finest Sternean: Izabela Czartoryska (1746-1835) as Reader and Promoter of Sterne
The neoclassical theory of production and distribution
Microeconomics: theory and applications
Microeconomics: theory and applications
Silent Discourse: The Language of Signs and Becoming-Woman
Between chaos and structure: Interpreting lexical data through a theoretical lens
Introduction to the special issue on The Beatles: Nothing you can know that isn't known
Principles of drug disposition in domestic animals: the basis of veterinary clinical pharmacology
A quantitative analysis of undisclosed conflicts of interest in pharmacology textbooks
The international sale of goods
First Things First: Rediscovering the States' Bills of Rights
Environmental ethics: An anthology
Teaching culture: Perspectives in practice
The symphysis-fundus height graph and fetal growth retardation: gimmick or useful clinical tool
Snowball: A language for stemming algorithms
The CALLA handbook: Implementing the cognitive academic language learning approach
Critical thinking and computer conferencing: A model and tool to assess cognitive presence
Reconsidering research on teachers' professional identity
Meaningful course revision: Enhancing academic engagement using student learning data
Gaydar: Using Skilled Vision to Spot Gay Bears in Taipei
A Beautiful, Sinister Fairyland: Gay Sunshine Press Does Latin America
A framework for an industry supported destination marketing information system
Jack-in-the-Box Faith: The Religion Problem in Modern American History
New religious consciousness and personal religious experience
Audience and voice in current L1 composition texts: Some implications for ESL student writers
AHR Conversation: On Transnational HistoryAHR ConversationOn Transnational History
Diets of families of employed wage earners sod clerical workers in cities
The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency
Yeast cells allow high-level expression and formation of polyomavirus-like particles
Asset markets, exchange rates and the balance of payments
Cell biology of viruses that assemble along the biosynthetic pathway
Protein targeting by the signal recognition particle
Connections and exchanges in European thematic cartography. The case of 19th century choropleth maps
Agile web development with rails
Developments in handmade carpets: Introduction
Gender studies approaches to the relationships between religion and development
The Kurdish Question in Turkey
Curriculum leadership: Readings for developing quality educational programs
Images: A way of understanding the practical knowledge of student teachers
Hand Book of Entomology for South India
Migratory bird hunting activity and harvest during the 2009 and 2010 hunting seasons
The silence of the lambs [Book Review
The physics of medical x-ray imaging
Deranged doctors and panicked patients: the doctor-patient relationship in fin de siécle literature
Disaggregative policy Delphi: Using cluster analysis as a tool for systematic scenario formation
Para-adaptation: Or how i learned to stop worrying and love convergence culture
International trade and competition law in Japan
Profiles in Courage, JFK's Book for Boys
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
Medicinal chemistry in the new millennium. A glance into the future
Watching the clock: Keeping time during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences
Tompkinsville, Cape Breton Island: Co-operativism and Vernacular Architecture
Large California Tsunamis From Central Coast Historians And Central Coast Newspaper Records
The Safavids under western eyes: seventeenth-century european travelers to Iran
The Safavids under western eyes: seventeenth-century european travelers to Iran
Books in Action: Armed Services Editions
中国现代小说中的南洋之旅= A study on journeys to Nanyang in modern Chinese fiction
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Discipleship Counseling: Developing Healthy, Growing, Multiplying Followers of Jesus
American Encounters: Art, History, and Cultural Identity
The impact of tourism on the physical environment
Waguih Ghali, Beer in the Snooker Club: 1964
Development of a Recipe Book for Customers Who Shop at Dollar General Stores
Teachers' Guide to Education Programs with New Jersey State Parks
James Burnes (1801-1862): Scottish Freemason and Empire Builder
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Sexual Economics, Chaucer's Wife of Bath, and The Book of Margery Kempe
Kennis van het Koninkrijk: geloofsopvoeding in zaakpedagogisch perspectief
Thirst for Enchanted Views in Ruskin's The King of the Golden River
Epidemiology of accidental drowning in Denmark 1989-1993
A handbook for deterring plagiarism in higher education
Birthday Booktalks: Fostering Emergent Literacy and Self-esteem in Young Children
Epistemology of the jungle: Progressive-era sexuality and the nature of the beast
Undercurrents of Jewish Prayer
A simplest systematics for the organization of turn taking for conversation
Peer response in second language writing classrooms
Effects of feedback complexity on dynamic decision making
Marketing antecedents of industrial brand equity: An empirical investigation in specialty chemicals
The ACP Evidence-Based Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Invitation to fixed-parameter algorithms
Quality of life: Its definition and measurement
Pain measurement and pain behavior
Economic analysis of transfer programs targeted on people with disabilities
Vocational Rehabilitation in Shizophrenia
Growth and external debt under risk of debt repudiation
Little science, big science... and beyond
Alex Buzo and Norfs: with thanks and in appreciation
Resilience strategies for new teachers in high-needs areas
Manipulating and complementing content teaching to maximize second language learning
Virtual schooling standards and best practices for teacher education
Design guidelines for operator entry-exit systems on mobile equipment
Varieties of healing. 1: medical pluralism in the United States
Varieties of healing. 1: medical pluralism in the United States
The New York Medico-legal Society: Legitimating the union of law and psychiatry (1867-1918
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
Establishing the supremacy of European law: The making of an international rule of law in Europe
Urban development: Theory, fact, and illusion
Nigerian Population and Urbanization, 1911-1974: A Bibliography
Estimating the demand for housing characteristics: a survey and critique
Value of information in the oil and gas industry: past, present, and future
Law, finance, and economic growth in China
Social networks uncovered: 10 tips every plastic surgeon should know
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
The vocabulary of critical thinking
Environment and the Arts Perspectives on Environmental Aesthetics
Factors affecting attitudes and intentions towards knowledge sharing in the Dubai Police Force
Before the Bride Really Wore Pink
Periodicity and stochastic trends in economic time series
Determinants of capital structure of Chinese-listed companies
Food security and food assistance programs
Future scenarios of European agricultural land use: I. Estimating changes in crop productivity
Yearbook of forest statistics 1990-1991
Silvics of North America. Volume 1. Conifers
The status of wheat diseases and disease research in warmer areas
Developing your theoretical orientation in counseling and psychotherapy
Counseling children and adolescents
A report on an internship producing KID SmART's ART JAM
Study Guide to Accompany Managerial Economics in a Global Economy
The role of multiplier bounds in efficiency analysis with application to Kansas farming
Facing Death in The Book Thief: Confronting the Real of the Holocaust and Mortality
Representative chordates. A manual of comparative anatomy
A guided tour of veterinary anatomy: domestic ungulates and laboratory mammals
Crystals that nature might miss creating
Advanced interaction: A return to mental models and learning by doing
Human remains in archaeology: a handbook
The physical principles of magnetism
Lectures on Cosmology and Action at a Distance Electrodynamics
Quantum gauge theories: A true ghost story
British leaders and irregular warfare
The doctrine of vicarious punishment': space, religion and the Belfast Troubles of 1920-22
Relations: medieval theories, 1250-1325
Capital: a critique of political economy, 3 vols
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
GK Chesterton: Daylight and Nightmare: Uncollected Stories and Fables
Engaging characters: Fiction, emotion, and the cinema
The New Forest: setting, sanctuary & the supernatural
Amazon Presents a Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure
Enrichment techniques for inorganic trace analysis
Historical papers: session 1907-8
The International Children's Digital Library: viewing digital books online
Going graphic: Comics at work in the multilingual classroom
Applications of microcomputers in libraries
Gender and HIV/AIDS in Africa south of the Sahara: interventions, activism, identities
What is the concept of globalization good for? An African historian's perspective
FTAs and the prospects for regional integration in Asia
The nature of rainfall variability over Africa on time scales of decades to millenia
Competing hegemons? Chinese versus American geo-economic strategies in Africa
The 3-5-7 Model: Preparing children for permanency
Facing Two Ways: The Story of My Life
Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books
University physics with modern physics
A post-Kantian perspective on recent debates about mystical experience
Perception: An essay on classical Indian theories of knowledge
Negotiating cross-cultural issues at the end of life: you got to go where he lives
Intervento: Psicoterapia e ricerca scientifica
Adolescent grief: It never really hit me... until it actually happened
A systematic investigation of depression
Wandering: Youth and travel behavior
Modern day Moabites: The bible and the debate about same-sex marriage
Jack-in-the-Box Faith: The Religion Problem in Modern American History
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology (Vol. 2
State and society in Iraq ten years after regime change: the rise of a new authoritarianism
Millennium Cohort: the 2001-2003 baseline prevalence of mental disorders in the US military
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS
Unmanned aerial vehicles: Background and issues for Congress
Update on bullying at school: Science forgotten
Books with a Christmas theme [Book Review
Learning from text: A multidimensional and developmental perspective
Vivekananda's Ramakrsna: an untold story of mythmaking and propaganda
The east Australian current 1978
Fatty acid composition and cholesterol content of selected marine fish in Malaysian waters
Our home on the ocean': Lady Brassey and the voyages of the Sunbeam, 1874-18871
The beautiful game: a journey through Latin American football
The field guide to the birds of New Zealand
Ethics in the public domain: essays in the morality of law and politics
Handbook of veterinary neurology
The effects of neurologic assessment E-learning in nurses
Fundamentals of neurology: an illustrated guide
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Disegni intagliati: A forgotten book illustrating the first discoveries at Herculaneum
Seeing and singing: visions and hymns in the book of Amos
A Contextual Approach to Multi-dimensional Analyses of Sai Bhajan: A Vocal Genre from South India
Category Archives: The funny comics with Dizzy Don
Disfluency in Swedish human-human and human-machine travel booking dialogues
Embodied cognition: A field guide
Children's literature: criticism and the fictional child
Modern history of child sexual abuse awareness: Cycles of discovery and suppression
Why are people different?: Multiracial families in picture books and the dialogue of difference
Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet 9th Edition
Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet 9th Edition
Forest inventory and analysis: a national inventory and monitoring program
Internet dictionaries and lexicography
Understanding media enjoyment: The role of transportation into narrative worlds
Medicine and the Holocaust: learning more of the lessons
The Book of Mormon as Amerindian Apocalypse
Language, power and the social construction of animals
The historical Jesus: The life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant
The last imaginary place: A human history of the Arctic world
Illusory Scenes Fade into and out of View Fading illusions play hide-and-seek with your perception
Andrews' diseases of the skin: clinical dermatology
Clinical experience with hyaluronic acid-filler complications
Bioactive compounds from natural resources against skin aging
Acne scarring: a classification system and review of treatment options
The anatomy of the aging face: volume loss and changes in 3-dimensional topography
Modern scleral contact lenses: a review
Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers
Structural and social psychological determinants of prisonization
Reclaiming fundamental principles of criminal law in the Darfur case
Literacy and technology: Deictic consequences for literacy education in an information age
El Abraham de Nuevo México: La exposición del diputado Pedro Baptista Pino by Eduardo Garrigues
Sustratos folclóricos en la literatura áurea: la cesión de la esposa y el caso de Maladros
Exorcism and Its Texts: Subjectivity in Early Modern Literature of England and Spain
The Mormons: Looking forward and outward
New literacies: Everyday practices and classroom learning
The spirit and the forms of love
Molly mormons, mormon feminists and moderates: Religious diversity and the latter day saints church
Silence. How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes Are Choking Freedom Worldwide
The use of οικονομία for the missional plan and purpose of God in Ephesians 1: 3-14
Listening for a life: A dialogic ethnography of Bessie Eldreth through her songs and stories
She's a Rebel: Exploring Mary Magdalene Through History
Subsecond multi-slice computed tomography: basics and applications
Quantum field theory and critical phenomena
Succulent flora of Southern Africa
Pushing the Limits with Cacti and Succulents in Cold Climates# 25
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Deliberate introductions of species: research needs: Benefits can be reaped, but risks are high
Financing health care in Sub-Saharan Africa through user fees and insurance
Late Pliocene and Quaternary deformation of the Reelfoot rift
Youth on the Road: Reflections on the History of Tramping
Motivations for ISO 14001 in the hotel industry
A hotel in Anatolia in the last period of the Ottoman Empire: Hotel Tadia (1892-1922
Can bird atlas data be used to estimate population size? A case study using Namibian endemics
Tourism, social memory and the Great War
The History of the Communist Party of Great Britain Volume 4: 1941-51 Second World War and Cold War
Could the Allies Have Bombed Auschwitz-Birkenau
British Air Power in Peripheral Conflict, 1919-1976
Women narrate later life remarriage: Negotiating the cultural to create the personal
The molecular revolution in cutaneous biology: investigating the skin microbiome
Virtual brush: a model-based synthesis of Chinese calligraphy
Potential of the city: the interventions of The Situationist International and Gordon Matta-Clark
Recent advances in intergroup contact theory
Establishing jurisdiction through a Most-Favored-Nation clause
The many faces of cosmo-polis: Border thinking and critical cosmopolitanism
The battle to define the future of the book in the digital world
Daniel: A commentary on the book of Daniel
Social science and salvation: risk society as mythical discourse
Daniel: A commentary on the book of Daniel
Progressive failure of hanging wall and footwall Kiirunavaara Mine, Sweden
Inter-lingual uncertainty in bilingual and multilingual law
Metabolic consequences of dietary trans fatty acids
A novel monolithic pixelated particle detector implemented in high-voltage CMOS technology
A review of conduction phenomena in Li-ion batteries
Role models, ethnic identity, and health-risk behaviors in urban adolescents
close this book Feminism and Politics
Synthetic Experiences: How Popular Culture Matters for Images of International Relations
The Confounding Problem of Race: Passing and Adoption in Charles Chesnutt's The Quarry
Gothic passages: Racial ambiguity and the American Gothic
The Confounding Problem of Race: Passing and Adoption in Charles Chesnutt's The Quarry
Charles W. Chesnutt and Uncle Julius: Black Storytellers at the Crossroads
Literature for Social Change: From Realism to Modernism
To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature
Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management
Exploring the effect of the environment on physical activity: a study examining walking to work
Using International Standard Book Numbers as Uniform Resource Names
Modelling reality in mathematics classrooms: The case of word problems
The case for e-book literacy: Undergraduate students' experience with e-books for course work
DDN (Defence Data Network) Protocol Implementations and Vendors Guide
Availability of Ada and C++ Compilers, Tools, Education and Training
Privatization of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone: Was it a good policy decision
Sex stratification, technology and organizational change: A longitudinal case study of AT&T
Politicizing the nursery: British children's literature and the French revolution
Planar antennas for wireless communications
Planar antennas for wireless communications
Contemporary debates in aesthetics and the philosophy of art
Locke: His philosophical thought
Locke: His philosophical thought
A letter concerning toleration and other writings
Noting the Mind: Commonplace Books and the Pursuit of the Self in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Inward bound: of matter and forces in the physical world
Advanced control for constrained processes and systems
Selective interpretation and eclectic human heritage in Lithuania
Insulin resistance: definition and consequences
Macroeconomics after Keynes: a reconsideration of the General Theory
Looking at lovemaking: Constructions of sexuality in Roman art, 100 BC-AD 250
The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course
4sh: Coping via Crayons, Canvas, and Mixed-Media Artmaking
A monitoring tool for the provision of accessible and attractive urban green spaces
William Randolph Hearst: maverick collector
Qualitative research methods in human geography
Spatial data analysis by example. Volume 1: Point pattern and quantitative data
Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology
From me to we: Transforming values and building professional community through narratives
Beyond toxicity1: Human health and the natural environment
Posttraumatic stress disorder in general intensive care unit survivors: a systematic review
William Dampier's Mixt Relation: Narrative Vs. Natural History in A New Voyage Round the World (1697
Bakhtin and Intergeneric Shift: The Case of Boris Godunov
The Oera Linda Book and The Snow Queen: Two Destinies of One Myth
Framing literary text worlds through real-world social negotiations
Panelling parallax: the fearful symmetry of Alan Moore and William Blake
Angel song: the suite life and music of Kenny Wheeler
The Five Stages of Masculinity: A New Model for Understanding Masculinities
Earth honouring: Western desires and indigenous knowledges
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
Program factors influencing client satisfaction in alcohol treatment
Religion, Slavery and Secession: Reflections on the Life and Letters of Robert Hall Morrison
At the Magistrate's Discretion: Sexual Crime and New England Law, 1636-1718
On the battlefield of women's bodies: An overview of the harm of war to women
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
The cult of personality: some comparative reflections on political culture in leninist regimes
Role of MR imaging in clinical research studies
Trigeminal neuralgia treated by the injection of glycerol into the trigeminal cistern
MRI and CT atlas of the dog.[Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging in medicine and biology
AACN essentials of critical care nursing pocket handbook
Echo-planar imaging: magnetic resonance imaging in a fraction of a second
Biography as empowerment or appropriation: Research and practice issues
Consumer-centered social work practice: Restoring client self-determination
The Illness Management and Recovery program: rationale, development, and preliminary findings
George Washington and the founding of democracy
Book Review: Lincoln and His Books
The seven deadly sins: Jewish, Christian, and classical reflections on human psychology
The Society of the Cincinnati: Conspiracy and Distrust in Early America
Parenting stress in first-time mothers of twins and triplets conceived after in vitro fertilization
For a more effective organization—Match the job to the man
Re-presenting feminisms: Past, present, and future
Gendering transnational communities: a comparison of Singaporean and British migrants in China
Design of an ultra high speed AES processor for next generation IT security
Paddy Jumps Jim Crow: Irish-Americans and Blackface Minstrelsy
Vagabonds of the Western World (s): Continuities, Tensions and the Development of Irish Rock Music
Looking Through the Glass: An Album of Original Music and Accompanying Artist Book
Acoustic guitar practice and acousticity: establishing modalities of creative practice
Compelling voices [Book Review
Land-use proximity as a basis for assessing stream water quality in New York State (USA
Geographical gerontology: new contributions and spaces for development
The loss of animal companions: A humanistic and consumption perspective
Electric Light as a Medium in the Visual Fine Arts: A Memoir
Rhabdomyolysis and secondary renal failure in critically ill surgical patients
Peeling the onion: Layers of interactivity in digital narrative texts
Advertising in the news: Paid-for content and the South African print media
The American Elsewhere: Adventure and Manliness in the Age of Expansion
Displacement, Belonging and Identity in Susan Muaddi Darraj's The Inheritance of Exile
The commodification of mountaineering
Firewood consumption pattern of different tribal communities in Northeast India
Competing on the edge: Strategy as structured chaos
Is Azerbaijan the 2nd Oldest Wine Region
The mediating role of fathers' school involvement on student achievement
Why don't they listen to us? Fashion notes on the imperial wardrobe
Strong women in Appalachian folktales
Music: A whole systems approach
Herbal medicines. A guide for health-care professionals
Can you see the real me? A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development
Music database Musician Louis Armstrong
Jazz Icons: Heroes, Myths and the Jazz Tradition
Jazz Icons: Heroes, Myths and the Jazz Tradition
Legend and Legacy: Fifty Years of Defense Production at the Hanford Site
Cowardly lions: missed opportunities to prevent deadly conflict and state collapse
Human carrying capacity and human health
Host country reforms and FDI inflows: How much difference do they make
Why soft law dominates international finance—and not trade
The challenge of good governance for the IMF and the World Bank themselves
IMF lending programs: Participation and impact
Yeasts in foods and beverages: impact on product quality and safety
My Dream: Jesus, Wilderness, Satan's Sweet
Greetings from Wisdom, Montana by Ruth Rudner
Floral morphology and anatomy of Ophiocaryon, a paedomorphic genus of Sabiaceae
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Hopkins' Idealism: Philosophy, Physics, Poetry
Farm tourism in New Zealand: A social situation analysis
Practical and theoretical geoarchaeology
Handbook of environmental data on organic chemicals: Vol. 1
Investigating murder: Detective work and the police response to criminal homicide
A global history of convicts and penal colonies
The books that sailed with the Endeavour
The figure of the South and the nationalizing imperatives of early United States literature
The mountain man myth: A contemporary consuming fantasy
Gaston La Touche: A Painter of Belle Époque Dreams
Cynthia Amneus. Separate Spheres: Dressmakers in Cincinnati's Golden Age, 1877-1922
Micro-thermal analysis: techniques and applications
New organophilic agents of montmorillonite used as reinforcing agent in epoxy nanocomposites
Exposed: Environmental politics and pleasures in posthuman times
Mohan Rakesh, Modernism, and the Postcolonial Present
Shakespeare in Performance: The Henry VI Plays
Analysis of heat and mass transfer
Fundamentals of digital particle image velocimetry
Application of thermodynamic principles in ecology
Particle-to-fluid heat and mass transfer in packed beds of fine particles
O'donnell's illusions: A rejoinder
Music and art in conflict transformation: A review
Peacemaking in Rwanda: the dynamics of failure
Planning post-conflict reconstruction in Iraq: what can we learn
Governance of integrated urban water management in Melbourne, Australia
Essential and trace elements content of commercial infant foods in the UK
Consoling ghosts: Stories of medicine and mourning from Southeast Asians in exile
Introduction to computer graphics
Using technology to help ESL/EFL students develop language skills
Intelligence collection operations and EEZs: the implications of new technology
Managing professional intellect: making the most of the best
Angels and Demons in the Book of Jubilees and Contemporary Apocalypses
Hazards associated with sitting and carrying devices for children two years and younger
Female heroes and moonish lovers: women's paradoxical identities in modern Chinese songs
Structures of cage, prism, and book isomers of water hexamer from broadband rotational spectroscopy
Regime shifts in lake ecosystems: pattern and variation
Media digitali per il godimento dei beni culturali
Using Technology to Enhance Literature Study
Image power: seriality, iconicity and The Mask of Fu Manchu
Elliptic Flow of Charged Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at
X-ray tomography in material science
Honoring the Civil War dead: Commemoration and the problem of reconciliation
Postcolonial identities in Africa
Focus On Quran and the Syriac Bible
Statistical tables for biological, agricultural aad medical research
An adaptive control scheme for systems with unknown actuator failures
Optimal and nonlinear decoupling control of systems with sandwiched backlash
Fuzzy adaptive control of multivariable nonlinear systems1
Parameter adaptive control algorithms—A tutorial
Evolutionary parasitologythe integrated study of infections, immunology, ecology, and genetics
Agnosia, alexia and a remarkable form of amnesia in an adolescent boy
Visually oriented teaching strategies with deaf preschool children
This is Life: A Love Story of Friendship
The effectiveness and efficiency of public spending
Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at sNN= 2.76 TeV
World record breakers in track & field athletics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Cell biology of the mycoplasmas
Sulphate utilization in an aphid symbiosis
한약 처방 (복합제) 의 Influenza Virus Type A 에 대한 항바이러스 활성 효과
Evaluation of cerebral perfusion reserve in patients with carotid-artery occlusion
Blood flow in microvascular networks. Experiments and simulation
An introduction to biofluid mechanics—basic models and applications
Endothelial function in health and disease: new insights into the genesis of cardiovascular disease
Blood flow in microvascular networks. Experiments and simulation
The rural-urban interface in Africa: Expansion and adaptation
Entrepreneurship in and around institutional voids: A case study from Bangladesh
Rural sociology and rural development. Its application in Kenya
The restructuring of social imaginations in rural geography
Rural sociology and rural development. Its application in Kenya
Rural sociology and rural development. Its application in Kenya
Street-rats and gutter-snipes: Child pickpockets and street culture in New York City, 1850-1900
Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books
Perforation of the inferior alveolar nerve by the maxillary artery: An anatomical study
Kinesiology and applied anatomy
Listening to hymns and tears of mourning in Augustine's Confessions, Book 9
The Fin de Siècle: A Reader in Cultural History c. 1880-1900
Citizenship: The rise and fall of a modern concept
High school students' perceptions of evolutionary theory
Beginners and winners: The fate of initiators of interstate wars involving great powers since 1495
Understanding conflict and war: Vol. 4: War, power, peace
Louisiana's Unique Conditions and Andrew Jackson's Martial Law Declaration, 1814-1815
The institutional sources of military doctrine: Hegemons in peripheral wars
The royal palaces of Tudor England: architecture and court life, 1460-1547
La politique suisse des bons officies du Peace Building: le cas du règlement du conflit algérien
Classroom silence: Voices from Japanese EFL learners
Nghiên cứu quy hoạch giao thông công cộng thành phố Phủ Lý, tỉnh Hà Nam đến năm 2030
Exploring the concept of Face in Vietnamese: evidence from its collocational abilities
Quản lý những thay đổi trong tổ chức
From creative economy to creative society
Information literacy: Essential skills for the information age
The accountability of policing
Blood of brothers: Life and war in Nicaragua
Politics of Latin America: the power game
Traditional food systems, erosion and renewal in Northwestern North America
The practice and politics of food system localization
Children of incarcerated parents: Challenges and resiliency, in their own words
Direct and indirect effects of white-tailed deer in forest ecosystems
Field Trials with Fertilizers in South Dakota 1945
Business model design: an activity system perspective
A conceptual model for managing long-term inter-organisational relationships
New managerial challenges from supply chain opportunities
The Music of Sympathy in the Arts of the Baroque; or, the Use of Difference to Overcome Indifference
Don't Look Now: Opera, Liveness, and the Televisual
Urban nightmares and future visions: Life beneath New York
Educational performance of the poor: lessons from rural Northeast Brazil
Price and purity analysis for illicit drug: data and conceptual issues
William Withering: His Friends, His Work, His Health
Color atlas and synopsis of pediatric dermatology
The history of injectable facial fillers
Neighbourhood alcohol availability and gonorrhea rates: impact of social capital
The Right versus the Wrong Child: Shades of Pain in Bend Sinister and Pnin
Barack Obama and the revitalization of public reason
Home is where the art is': Women, handicrafts and home improvements 1750-1900
The fair wage-effort hypothesis and unemployment
Hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis in synthetic organic chemistry
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Perceiving benefits in adversity: Stress-related growth in women living with HIV/AIDS
The 3 H and BMSEST models for spirituality in multicultural whole-person medicine
Knot Floer homology and the four-ball genus
Senior Moments: Looking Back, Looking Ahead by Willard Spiegelman
A solution-focused approach to mental health intervention in school settings
Preference reversals in evaluations of cash versus non-cash incentives
Isolation of yeast complex IV in native lipid nanodiscs
Confucian patriarchy reexamined: Korean families and the IMF economic crisis
The silk road in world history: a review essay
Famine and household coping strategies
The ecosystem dynamics of the garden
Identification and quantification of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in saliva
Identification and quantification of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in saliva
Is brain estradiol a hormone or a neurotransmitter
Lactogenic hormone signal transduction
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects
Fundamentals of color: shade matching and communication in esthetic dentistry
Photographic identification of ground-nest predators in Australian tropical rainforest
Memory Emphasizing Digital Camera
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events: Daniel Handler and Marketing the Author
Global recommendations on physical activity for health
Laplace-Beltrami spectra as 'Shape-DNA'of surfaces and solids
On the sound insulation of acoustic metasurface using a sub-structuring approach
Fractal and multifractal analysis: a review
The statistical and strong p-Cesaro convergence of sequences
Molecular forces, statistical representation and Maxwell's demon
Flow and heat transfer in the boundary layer on a continuous moving surface
Experimental investigation of air flow around blunt aerosol samplers
Current research developments on polyphenolics of rapeseed/canola: a review
Noise due to turbulent flow past a trailing edge
Steamed ginger (Zingiber officinale): Changed chemical profile and increased anticancer potential
On moral confidence and moral belief from the perspective of moral changes
Sustainable livestock production: methodological and ethical challenges
The year of eating politically
Is agricultural intensification in The Netherlands running up to its limits
Magic, memory and natural philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
The Thai village economy in the past
Why landscapes of the past are important for the future
Novel food and non-food uses for sorghum and millets
On-line to healthy weighs: electronic messages for employed women on maintaining a healthy weight
The healthy eating index: design and applications
Do bicycle safety helmets reduce severity of head injury in real crashes
State of the field: Sports history and the cultural turn
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
State of the field: Sports history and the cultural turn
The Pekin Chinks: a historical account of a city's tradition
Fast science: A history of training theory and methods for elite runners through 1975
Give and take in families: studies in resource distribution
Simplified methods and efficiency: Stalin's terror managers
Reinterpretation of China's under-urbanization: A systemic perspective
Principles and techniques of electron microscopy. Biological applications
Science and technology in Russia: problems and prospects
The romance of economic development and new histories of the Cold War
Plan execution and the workability of Soviet planning
Polymer nanocomposites: from fundamental research to specific applications
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Regional economic impacts of Grand Canyon river runners
Invitation to Corrections: With Built-in Study Guides
Higher market valuation of companies with a small board of directors
The death of distance: How the communications revolution will change our lives
Fundamentals of cards business
Never mind the Web. Here comes the book.: Continuity and discontinuity in the fate of reading
Sexual dysfunction in the United States: prevalence and predictors
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases
Infection and disease epidemiology
Gogol'un Hikâyelerindeki Derin Yapı
Captain Westmacott's Drawing Book-A Colonial Oddity
The Veech Library Australian Church Music Collection
Visualizing knowledge in project-based work
The landscape of contemporary infrastructure
Toward an integrative view of strategic human resource management
Balanced Scorecard: A Strategic Tool in Implementing Homeland Security Strategies
Private security: implications for social control
The theory of knowledge: A thematic introduction
The interpretation of nature and the psyche
Jesus and the six objectives of Daniel 9: 24
Upstart Crow'? The Myth of Shakespeare's Plagiarism
In defence of Francis Bacon: A criticism of the critics of the inductive method
Der Einfluss des Faksimile auf die Interpretation
The baobab and the mango tree: lessons about development-African and Asian contrasts
Synthetics: Aspects of art and technology in Australia, 1956-1975 [Book Review
Olfactory remediation: Current evidence and possible applications
Quantitative X-ray fluorescent analysis using fundamental parameters
Paleolimnology: the history and evolution of lake systems
ATOMKI: Publication list of Vatai E
The Arab spring: Its origins, evolution and consequences... four years on
Testosterone-10 Ways to Boost Testosterone Naturally
Extinction debt: a challenge for biodiversity conservation
Money Disorders and the Illusion of Happiness
Still the Spirit of the Age: Recent Shakespeare [Book Review
Formal aspects of a generic model of trust for electronic commerce
Postnormal science and the maturing of the structural contradictions of modern European science
A new paradigm for world agriculture: meeting human needs: productive, sustainable, nutritious
Xenophobia in South Africa: order, chaos, and the moral economy of witchcraft
Patent republic: representing inventions, constructing rights and authors
Rural nuring in Canada: a voice unheard
A History of the Royal College of Nursing 1916-90: A Voice for Nurses
Evidence-based nursing: what it is and what it isn't
Constitutional reform in the United Kingdom
From the outside looking in: experiences in'barefoot economics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Witchcraft Criminality and Witchcraft Research in the Nordic Countries
Wave mechanics applied to semiconductor heterostructures
Wave mechanics applied to semiconductor heterostructures
The Gale encyclopedia of psychology
Bicycling and walking in the Southeast USA: Why is it rare and risky
Greenway planning in the United States: its origins and recent case studies
Use of urban greenways: insights from Indianapolis
Dreaming Africa: Mary Kingsley and Writings on Africa, One Hundred Years Later
Strategic actions in information technology investment based on real option theory
Institutional investors and equity prices
Information technology and productivity: a review of the literature
What is a Company Really Worth? Intangible Capital and the Market to Book Value Puzzle
How reading books fosters language development around the world
OSI field experiment, October 1-11, 1999, Kurchatov city, Republic of Kazakhstan
Track two diplomacy and regional security in the middle East
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Love: An unromantic discussion
The Encyclopaedia of Medical Ignorance: Exploring the Frontiers of Medical Knowledge
How Did Buddhism Influence James Joyce and Kenji Miyazawa
Shingles: a belt of roses from Hell
Nurturing Yesterday's Child: A Portrayal of the Drake Collection of Paediatric History
Ten Percent of Nothing: The Case of the Literary Agent from Hell
Lively Rigor: The 2009 Lion and the Unicorn Award for Excellence in North American Poetry
Elizabeth Smart's Novel-Journal
Competition and Control at Work: A New Industrial Sociology
Alcohol in developing societies: a public health approach
Les théories de la criminalisation à l'épreuve de la prostitution
The role of parental alcohol-specific communication in early adolescents' alcohol use
Greenways, blueways, skyways and other ways to a better London
The New Silk Road: Swedish Apparel Companies' Challenges in China's Market
Dying in character: Memoirs on the end of life
Reading race, aboriginality in Australian childrens literature
Influence of pH and oxygen on copper corrosion in simulated uterine fluid
Extrauterine mislocated IUD: is surgical removal mandatory
Phase I clinical trial of a World Health Organisation birth control vaccine
The prevention and management of treatment related morbidity in vulval cancer
The effect of video game violence on physiological desensitization to real-life violence
A survey of computer vision-based human motion capture
The world history of animation
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Imagery of Light in Old English Poetry: Traditions and Appropriations
The significance of names in Old English literature
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Term extraction and automatic indexing
Performance of Rh/Al2O3 catalyst in the steam reforming of ethanol: H2 production for MCFC
Oscar Wilde's Fictions of Belief
The total library: non-fiction 1922-1986
Time's Turbulence: Mapping Journalism Networks
Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic Gothic: Walter Pater, Dark Enlightenment, and The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde, Recent Research: A Supplement to Oscar Wilde Revalued
Trends and challenges in aerospace offsets: proceedings and papers
The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency
Predicting rainfall erosion losses-a guide to conservation planning
Recent literature on Truman's atomic bomb decision: a search for middle ground
Heisenberg's war. The secret history of the German bomb
Effects of the special bomb: recollections of a neurosurgeon in Hiroshima, August 8-15, 1945
Inertial confinement fusion: The quest for ignition and energy gain using indirect drive
Ethological dictionary. German-English-French
A survey of substantial scholarship on Nick Cave to 2012
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semantics applied to English-German lexical structures
An interview with Bruno Latour
A Psicologia pedagógica de Vigotski-considerações introdutórias
Power electronics: a first course
Power electronics: a first course
Learning from text: A multidimensional and developmental perspective
The world beyond the hill: Science fiction and the quest for transcendence
Our Kind of People: Inside America\'s Black Upper Class
Good wives, nasty wenches, and anxious patriarchs: Gender, race, and power in colonial Virginia
Louisa May Alcott, William T. Adams, and the Rise of Gender-Specific Series Books
Quantum cryptography: from theory to practice
An Internet virtual reality collaborative environment for effective product design
A taxonomy for information security technologies
A symmetric image encryption scheme based on 3D chaotic cat maps
Saying prayers at the bottom of the sea
Caethwasanaeth a'r Beirdd, 1790-1840
World War II Pacific Island Guide: A Geo-Military Study
Social class in female star personas and the cross-class romance formula in Depression-era America
The origin and development of a concept: the information society
CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY: The Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning
The Changs next door to the Díazes: Remapping race in suburban California
A liquid-to-solid phase transition of the ALS protein FUS accelerated by disease mutation
Valuing environmental and natural resources: the econometrics of non-market valuation
Technical communication: Principles and practice
Connection cues: Activating the norms and habits of social connectedness
Afterword. On Region and Nation
Spatial data analysis by example. Volume 1: Point pattern and quantitative data
Human factors issues in head-up display design: The book of HUD
The stylistics and stylometry of collaborative translation: Woolf's Night and Day in Polish
Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix
Handbook of human development: Concepts, measures, and policies
Marketing communications: Theory and applications
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Making Arthur Protestant: Translating Malory's Grail Quest into Spenser's Book of Holiness
The ethics of reading and the quest for the audience in the Book of Chronicles
Haunted Weather Music, Silence and Memory
Sparkling divas! Therapeutic music video groups with at-risk youth
Viking heritage tourism: Authenticity and commodification
Shared book experiences in kindergarten: Helping children come to literacy
The portrayal of science in children's television
Believe: A Motion Graphic Animation Brings Positive Power to Life
Aspects of the Greek Children's Novel: 1974-1994
The Sound the Stars Make Rushing Through the Sky: The Writings of Jane Johnston Schoolcraft
Mapping vulnerability to multiple stressors: climate change and globalization in India
Exploring spatial data representation with dynamic graphics
Interactive map projections and distortion
Exploratory spatio-temporal visualization: an analytical review
Using novels in the language-learning classroom
Film music and narrative agency
Philosophical ethics: An introduction to moral philosophy
The perceived problem solving ability and values of student nurses and midwives
The late Roman gold and silver coins from the Hoxne treasure
Manipulating and complementing content teaching to maximize second language learning
The adaptation and function of myth in a Neopagan congregation
The review of natural products: the most complete source of natural product information
On the origin and spread of Dupuytren's disease
Graphical method and discipline: Self-recording instruments in nineteenth-century physiology
Science, medicine, and the future: Virtual reality in surgery
Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice
Macroeconomics: imperfections, institutions, and policies
Occurrence of the seagrass Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae) in the southern Mediterranean Sea
The charophytes of Israel: historical and contemporary species richness, distribution, and ecology
Writing Arab-American Identity Post 9/11
Pakistan: The economy of an elitist state
Theory and practice of recursive identification
Fractional Fourier transform as a signal processing tool: An overview of recent developments
Spatial and temporal variabilities in underwater acoustic transmission: an analytical review
Education and the common good: A moral philosophy of the curriculum
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus
Ask about degree and department) Handwoven Fabrics for Outerwear
Textiles: function and symbolism within the social and ritual systems of Sumba, Eastern Indonesia
Giotto and the Arena chapel: art, architecture and experience
Preziose trasparenze. la miniatura veneziana sotto cristallo di rocca (secoli XIII-XIV
Alberti Before Florence: Early Sources Informing Leon Battista Alberti's De Pictura
Painting, power and patronage: the rise of the professional artist in the Italian Renaissance
Preparing Teachers in Evidence-Based Practices for Young Children With Autism
Toward a technology of treatment individualization for young children with autism spectrum disorders
The principle of normalization in human services
Comparison of free amino acid, carbohydrates concentrations in Korean edible and medicinal mushrooms
Changing course in ageing research: the healthy ageing phenotype
Comics. Problematik und Emanzipation eines Medienhybriden
Aspect Magazine vol. VIII, August-September 1972
An overview of the Mosuo language
A strand of contemporary Tantra: its discourse and practice in the FPMT
Islam and modernity: Muslim intellectuals respond
Reconstruction of gender in Islamic thought: Iqbal's vision of equal opportunity
Discrete mathematics applets etc
An analysis of the finite element method
Charles Taylor and Liberia: Ambition and atrocity in Africa's lone star state
The Responsibility to Protect: A Beaver Without a Dam
Filling in versus finding out: A ubiquitous confusion in cognitive science
Where this path may lead: Understanding career decision-making for postcollege life
Only connect: teamwork in the multinational
Successful women in leadership: Portrait of a gentle warrior
Mrs. Molesworth: Victorian Visionary
Corporealizing fairy tales: the body, the bawdy, and the carnivalesque in the comic book Fables
The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence: media performance and public transformation
Laughing with Medusa: classical myth and feminist thought
The role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of inflammatory eye disease
The Pastoral epistles: A commentary on the Pastoral epistles
A quantitative model for the sedimentary rock cycle
Are semantic systems separately represented in the brain? The case of living category impairment
A review of behavioural ecology of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus
Conversational aspects of the speech of language-disordered children: Revision behaviors
The structural determinants of urban poverty: A comparison of whites, blacks, and Hispanics
The many HATs of transcription coactivators
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Histone acetylation and chromatin remodeling: which comes first
Preziose trasparenze. la miniatura veneziana sotto cristallo di rocca (secoli XIII-XIV
Portatori e imprenditori di cultura per una lettura 'a memoria'del territorio
Collins guide to the insects of Britain and western Europe
The migration atlas: movements of the birds of Britain and Ireland
Eternity's commissioner': Thomas Carlyle, the Great Irish Famine and the geopolitics of travel
Local, national and global: Redrawing the design historical map
«Athenry That Was, Galway That Is, Aran That Will Be»: Recent Works on Aran
Early Modern Needlework Pattern Books: Tracing the International Exchange of Design
Second water utilities data book: Asian and Pacific region
The biomechanics of sports techniques
Experiments on safety in the use of portable ladders
Participation and child protection: The importance of context
Creating community responsibility for child protection: Possibilities and challenges
Pedagogical classroom practice and the social context: The case of Botswana
How do slot machines and other electronic gambling machines actually work
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
English grammar in school textbooks
Taking the imaginative leap: Creative writing and inquiry-based learning
Vigilance and group size in ostriches
Breastfeeding handbook for physicians
Internet retailing: enablers, limiters and market consequences
A training transfer study of simulation games
Responsible vendors, intelligent consumers: Silk Road, the online revolution in drug trading
The converging business models of Internet and bricks-and-mortar retailers
Who's using PDAs? Estimates of PDA use by health care providers: a systematic review of surveys
Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 45 (1985) 399-403 F. Vattioni, I Giu
Burden and clinical features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD
Palace of Culture: Andrew Carnegie's Museums and Library in Pittsburgh
Feature essays: The scholarship of teaching and learning: A personal account and reflection
The revolution betrayed? Globalization, neoliberalism, and the post-apartheid state
The expansion of international society
Reinvigorating the study of foreign policy decision making: toward a constructivist approach
Foreign policy analysis: Actor-specific theory and the ground of international relations
29] Computer-assisted rational drug design
Theory of brain function, quantum mechanics and superstrings
The dielectric properties of biological cells at radiofrequencies: applications in biotechnology
Preparation and wear behaviour of woodworking tools coated with superhard layers
Principles of plasma diagnostics
Suetonius. The Scholar and his Caesars by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, and: Suetonius by Barry Baldwin
Proto-Avalonia: a 1.2-1.0 Ga tectonothermal event and constraints for the evolution of Rodinia
The origins of the history and physical examination
Discovering the expanding universe
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Leadership development:: A review in context
Six Sigma: Definition and underlying theory
Teaching smart people how to learn
Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix
Parental involvement in children's schooling: Different meanings in different cultures
From silence to a whisper to active participation: Using literature circles with ELL students
Poets, Playwrights, and the Politics of exile and asylum in ancient Greece and Rome
A new theoretical analysis of deindustrialisation
The influence of culture on cognition
Governments, globalization, and international business
Governments, globalization, and international business
Determination of pH: theory and practice
Early development and fitness in birds and mammals
Governments, globalization, and international business
The virtual corporation: Structuring and revitalizing the corporation for the 21st century
Serrated flow in magnesium alloy AZ91
Fire and Ice: Treasures from the Photographic Collection of Frederic Church at Olana
Stories of women: gender and narrative in the postcolonial nation
Sport ethics: Applications for fair play
A review of enterprise agility: Concepts, frameworks, and attributes
Carrying your long tail: Delighting your consumers and managing your operations
Gone to the dogs: an ethnography of breeding and rearing registered dogs within the Montreal area
Missiology as global conversation of (contextual) theologies
My Pilgrimage from Atheism to Theism: A Discussion between Antony Flew and Gary Habermas
Classroom discipline & management: An Australasian perspective
Computer mediated communication and the online classroom: distance learning
Complex systems and applied linguistics
Extensive reading: an expensive extravagance
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Towards an ecological economics of sustainability
The slaughterhouse of literature
Fabulierbuch: Geschichten und Bilder
Sammelrezension Neuere Punlikationen zur Rock-Lyrik und Rock-Musik
Maternal characteristics, neonatal outcome, and the time of diagnosis of gestational diabetes
Realizing the potential of the family business
Historia y ficción en el cine de David Puttnam
Aproximación a un modelo de Gestión Humana que agregue valor a la empresa colombiana
La empresa familiar en España. Fundamentos económicos y resultados
Village life in ancient Egypt: Laundry lists and love songs
Land tenure in village Ceylon: a sociological and historical study
Mystery or History: The Dead Sea Scrolls as Pop Phenomenon
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Testing hypotheses of aging in long-lived painted turtles (Chrysemys picta
Ecotourism in rural developing communities
Apparent hibernation by the Atlantic loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta off Cape Canaveral, Florida
Ecosystem effects of marine fisheries: an overview
Measuring IT performance and communicating value
Information security management standards: Compliance, governance and risk management
Guam in US government publications
Neurorhetorics: cybernetics, psychotropics, and the materiality of persuasion
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Dead planet, living planet: biodiversity and ecosystem restoration for sustainable development
The last imaginary place: A human history of the Arctic world
The making of moral theology: A study of the Roman Catholic tradition
GK Chesterton's Lepanto and the First World War
A good night out. Popular theatre: audience, class and form
Pineal serotonin-N-acetyltransferase activity in four mammalian species
On the geometric complexity of earthquake focal zone and fault systems: A statistical study
Bridging the Gap between the Sacred and the Secular in the History of American Foreign Relations
Emulation: making artists for revolutionary France
The flickering mind: The false promise of technology in the classroom and how learning can be saved
By the book: Assessing the place of textbooks in US survey courses
By the book: Assessing the place of textbooks in US survey courses
Sociocultural contexts of language and literacy
War and popular culture: resistance in modern China, 1937-1945
The cultural turn in Cold War studies
The SOE and Preparations for the Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
Prague writer Lenka Reinerova: Kafka's Last Living Heir
Mafika Pascal Gwala (1947-2014): The poet-activist and the mirage of freedom
Plant root systems: their function and interaction with the soil
Tapeworm eggs in a 270 million-year-old shark coprolite
Military Review: The Professional Journal of the US Army. Volume 83, Number 4, July-August 2003
Photo filter apps: Understanding analogue nostalgia in the new media ecology
Handbook of genetic algorithms
Patterns in game design (game development series
The New, New Political History
Ephraim McDowell: the qualities of a good surgeon
Charleston merchants 1790-1819: the structure of a profession
The Buildings of Charleston: a guide to the city's architecture
The Fin de Siècle: A Reader in Cultural History c. 1880-1900
The Nile River Basin Initiative: too many cooks, too little broth
Obesity discourse and the crisis of faith in disciplinary technology
Manning Clark's history of Australia [Book Review
Introduction: graphic narrative
Getting It Right: Language, Literature, and Ethics
Popular cultures: rock music, sport and the politics of pleasure
Analysis of volatiles of malt whisky by solid-phase microextraction and stir bar sorptive extraction
Inferring Phylogenies.—Joseph Felsenstein. 2003. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts
Leading with soul: An uncommon journey of spirit
Shaping a cultural tradition: The picture book in Taiwan, 1945-1980
Four steps in the history of museum technologies and visitors' digital participation
The innocent eye: Children's art and the modern artist
An investigation of changing patterns of entry for GCSE Geography: choice, diversity and competition
The common sense book of baby and child care
Marketing low-cost airline services to business travellers
A perceptual mapping of online travel agencies and preference attributes
The Best kept Secrets In Government
La déduction transcendentale dans l'oeuvre de Kant
Victor Hugo à quatre sous. L'édition populaire illustrée des œuvres complètes de Victor Hugo
Œuvres Complètes Viii-Ix Recueil de Toutes les Réponses À Monsieur Arnauld
The Popularity of Mme de Graffigny's Lettres d'une Péruvienne: The Bibliographical Evidence
Public health, nutrition, and the decline of mortality: the McKeown thesis revisited
Listening to Mozart enhances spatial-temporal reasoning: towards a neurophysiological basis
A Nation Improving in Religion': Jane Austen's Prayers and Their Place in Her Life and Art
The Station of the Kitáb-i Íqán
Development of Extended Piano Techniques in Twentieth-Century American Music
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Popcorn N'Picture Books: Promoting Children's Books in Academic Libraries
He Is Our Friend: Thomas L. Kane and the Mormons in Exodus, 1846-1850
Along the Waterfront piece on books for boaters by two veteran Maine editor-wr
Wood-pyrolysis oil as fuel in a diesel-power plant
Power electronics and AC drives
Power electronics and AC drives
Moving Social Justice: Challenges, Fears and Possibilities in Dance Education
Editorial Community development and the arts: reviving the democratic imagination
The revised Stroop color-naming task in social phobics
Development and risk factors of juvenile antisocial behavior and delinquency
Women and Dixie: The Feminization of Southern Women's History and Culture
A typology of project management: emergence and evolution of new forms
Earth in the balance-ecology and the human spirit
Hero or deserter?: Gordon Bennett and the tragic defeat of the 8th division [Book Review
Financial markets and corporate strategy
The intersection of market and credit risk
The theory of financial intermediation
Changing the Traditional Education of Igbo Females: The Role of Religion in Colonial Education
Revolution in psychology: Alienation to emancipation
Linguistic imperialism: African perspectives
Learning to teach in South Africa
We're not liberated yet in South Africa
Research summary: Young adolescents' developmental characteristics
Writing the reader: The literary child in and beyond the book
1-2 brother trees or AVL trees revisited
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Factors inhibiting educated mothers in Kenya from giving meaningful sex-education to their daughters
Miracle-Workers and Nationhood: Reinhard Bonnke and Benny Hinn in Fiji
Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy
Practical NIR spectroscopy with applications in food and beverage analysis
Basic principles of organic chemistry
The American national interest and global public goods
Problems of liberalising the electricity industry
An outline of the history of game theory
Past, present, and future of decision support technology
Queueing theory in manufacturing: A survey
Equivalence relations in queueing models of fork/join networks with blocking
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A general approach to get series solution of non-similarity boundary-layer flows
An artificial unity? Approaches to post-socialist nostalgia
Where the Wild Things Are: Sendak's Journey into the Heart of Darkness
Corporate governance and market valuation in China
Limited Liability in California 1928-31: It's the Lawyers
Laparoscopic bowel injuries: forty litigated gynaecological cases in Canada
Energetic Characterization of Metal-Hybrid Fuels
Children's reviews [Book Review
Embroidery without tears [artists' book
Integration Based on STEP Standards
The Viking way: religion and war in late Iron Age Scandinavia
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A new herbicide 1: 1-ethylene-2: 2-dipyrilium dibromide
An approach to the history of early astronomy
What Enrages Us, What Sustains Us: Reflective Narratives by Women Teachers at Midlife
Altars of sacrifice: Confederate women and the narratives of war
Chimborazo Hospital: a description and evaluation of the Confederacy's largest hospital
Homeopathic use of modern medicines: utilisation of the curative rebound effect
Therapeutic uses of inorganic nitrite and nitrate: from the past to the future
Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 02, Number 1 (Fall 1989
Organizational time: Temporal demands and the experience of work in restaurant kitchens
Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 12, Number 1 (Fall 1999
The complete Sagas of Icelanders: including 49 tales
La falocedad de continuos: salud reproductiva entre adolescentes en Oaxaca de Juárez
Moving forward: The inclusion of characters with Down Syndrome in children's picture books
The Velveteen Rabbit: A Kleinian Perspective
Doug Peacock and the American West
Learning across differences: Native and ethnic studies feminisms
Teaching word stress patterns of English using a musically-simulated technique
The ELP through time: Background motivation, growing experience, current beliefs
Teaching word stress patterns of English using a musically-simulated technique
John Wain, Remarks on the short story
Talking like a Book: Exception and the State of Nature in Benjamin and Molière
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
One classroom, many worlds: Teaching and learning in the cross-cultural classroom
Lsst science book, version 2.0
Reading women/women reading: The making of learned women in antebellum America
Where There Is Oppression, There Is Resistance—An Analysis of the Motives of Heathcliff's Revenge
The psychology and philosophy of luck
Index herbariorum. Part I. The herbaria of the world
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
The sociology of religion of WEB Du Bois
Claude McKay, Code Name Sasha: Queer Black Marxism and the Harlem Renaissance
Mao's Travelling Mangoes: Food as Relic in Revolutionary China
Stem cell research: new frontiers in science and ethics
A Place of First Permission: Robert Duncan's Atlantis Dream
Neurofinance versus the efficient markets hypothesis
The Powers of the Word: Selected Essays and Notes, 1927-1943
Collecting Cultural Magazines' Retrospectives
Essay examination prompts and the teaching of academic writing
English as a lingua franca: Attitude and identity
Playing with Picturebooks: Postmodernism and the Postmodernesque by Cherie Allan
Salvador Dalí's Literary Self-portrait: Approaches to a Surrealist Autobiography
Explosive welding of aluminum to aluminum: analysis, computations and experiments
Outdoor activity during class recess reduces myopia onset and progression in school children
LibGuides: African American Studies Research Guide: Web Sites
The Vitamins: Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health
Quantitative echotexture analysis of bovine ovarian follicles
A history of comparative anatomy from Aristotle to the eighteenth century
Limb bone bilateral asymmetry: variability and commonality among modern humans
A 10-year review of a minimally invasive technique for the correction of pectus excavatum
Genre games: Edward Gorey's play with generic form
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Referencias de la historia mexicana en la novela Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo
Actores y cambio social en la Revolución mexicana
Secretos del abuelo, la historia del niño que aprendió a soñar
American Girls, Beer, and Glenn Miller: GI Morale in World War II by James J. Cooke
Craft beer in San Diego: social consumption and a new urban identity
The Happy Planet Index 2.0: Why good lives don't have to cost the Earth
Multi-objective optimization based on brain storm optimization algorithm
Metis studies: the development of a field and new directions
What is past is prologue: a history of archival ideas since 1898, and the future paradigm shift
Multiraciality, Haunting, and People Like Us
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Idea of Rococo by William Park
Phase coding: spikes get a boost from local fields
Distant Reading: Performance, Readership, and Consumption in Contemporary Poetry
Tragic No More: Mixed-race Women and the Nexus of Sex and Celebrity
From Prodigy to Pathology: Monstrosity in the British Novel from 1850 to 1930
Nature: Barrels of monkeys and kettles of fish: Truth, lies, and the hundredth monkey phenomenon
Goodbye conflict, hello development? Curriculum reform in Timor-Leste
Explosive anger as a response to human rights violations in post-conflict Timor-Leste
Basal insulin supplementation in type 2 diabetes: refining the tactics
A specific radioimmunoassay for the novel opioid peptide dynorphin
An overview of the ultrasonically assisted extraction of bioactive principles from herbs
Literary Tourism, the Trossachs, and Walter Scott
Crowing in relation to status in roosters
The Spy in early America: The emergence of a genre
What will my teacher be like?: picture storybooks about starting school
Wee Rhymes: Baby's First Poetry Book by Jane Yolen
Adultery by the book: Lysias I (On the murder of Eratosthenes) and comic diegesis
OT 820 Research Methods in Old Testament Interpretation
Selfmotion: A declarative approach for adaptive service-oriented mobile applications
Winter annual grass-legume bicultures for efficient nitrogen management in no-till corn
Materialism and the modern US Christmas
Love's Availing Power: Imaging God, Imagining the World
Kierkegaard: the self in society
Figuring Kierkegaard's Religious Individual
Kierkegaard in golden age Denmark
Single Imperfection: Milton, Marriage, and Friendship
The marginalization of evangelical feminism
Understanding the religious and spiritual dimensions of students' lives in the first year of college
The new brain: How the modern age is rewiring your mind
Phantoms in the brain: Probing the mysteries of the human mind
Mind-brain interaction: Mentalism, yes; dualism, no
Role for estradiol in female-typical brain and behavioral sexual differentiation
Hysteria and the medical narrative
Three-Gorges dam--experiment in habitat fragmentation
Shakespeare and the Popularity of Poetry Books in Print, 1583-1622
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Shakespeare and the Popularity of Poetry Books in Print, 1583-1622
Shakespeare and the Popularity of Poetry Books in Print, 1583-1622
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Managerial accounting: creating value in a dynamic business environment
Economic rationalism and the Heroninos Archive
The nature of work-related neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders
The distribution of occupational injury risks in the Victorian construction industry
A genre-based investigation of the discussion sections in articles and dissertations
Muslim women's new defenders: Women's rights, nationalism and Islamophobia in contemporary Australia
A review of gay and lesbian themed early childhood children's literature
Effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on sensory characteristics of yellow passion fruit juice
Making something for myself: women, quilts, culture and feminism
The politics of print: the historiography of the book in early Spanish America
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Practice review of five bioreactor/recirculation landfills
Erasure: Alienation, Paranoia, and the Loss of Memory in The X-Files
Guitar for New and Experienced Players
To Utopianize the Mundane: Sound and Image in Country Musicals
Tamworth, Australia's 'country music capital': place marketing, rurality, and resident reactions
South African red data book-terrestrial mammals
Subject to Power: The Postmodern Child Spectator
What's wrong with tombstoning and what does this tell us about responsibility for health
Creating an intentionally dialogic space: Student activism and the Newcastle Occupation 2010
Novel ecosystems: implications for conservation and restoration
Willa Cather's Archbishop: A Western and Classical Perspective
Dealing with Absolutes: Religion, the Operational Environment, and the Art of Design
Elie Wiesel's Memoirs: a review essay
Utopian Enterprise: Articulating the Meanings of Star Trek's Culture of Consumption
House of cards: The legalization and control of casino gambling
Cathal Ó Searcaigh and Aspects of Translation
The Lawrence O'Shaughnessy Award for Poetry: Moya Cannon
Activity-related incentives as motivators in open innovation communities
Systematic parameter study for ultra-fine fiber fabrication via electrospinning process
Studio Jewellery: mapping the absent body
Markov and Markov reward model transient analysis: An overview of numerical approaches
Mobile Monitoring System: A Convenient Solution for Reducing Cost of Producing Crude Oil
UDT: UDP-based data transfer for high-speed wide area networks
MEGA: a biologist-centric software for evolutionary analysis of DNA and protein sequences
OT 711 Archaeological Discoveries in Palestine
The attraction of Palestine: Tourism in the years 1850-1948
The Soviet Union, the Holocaust, and Auschwitz
Role of inferior vena cava diameter in assessment of volume status: a meta-analysis
Applied statistical decision theory
Picture Book Animals: How Natural a History
Dynamic programming and optimal control
Zar Z Keally Wrote about the Jar.(Standard Edition of the Works of
The asset vulnerability framework: reassessing urban poverty reduction strategies
Colombia's income from the drug trade
Transnational Security Threats and State Survival: A Role for the Military
International Organization: What Do We Know and How Do We Pass on Our Knowledge
Professional, Spiritual & Inspirational Writings of Hedwig Lewis
God-Denying Fools and the Medieval'Religion of Love
A Pearl of Great Price: Reframing a Queer Critique of Sexual Norms within Postcolonial Uganda
The Virgin Mary, Creation, Incarnation, and Redemption: From the Church Fathers to Chiara Lubich
The gospel of Christian atheism
The Research about Rules Change of Basketball Institutional Culture [J
A survey of injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee in female basketball players
The mind's eye: nonverbal thought in technology
Composing the Citizen: Music as Public Utility in Third Republic France
Design of a performance-oriented workplace e-learning system using ontology
Squaring the circle? Some thoughts on the idea of sustainable development
Sampling microbiological aerosols
Sampling microbiological aerosols
Catecholamines in mutant mouse cerebellum: fluorescence microscopic and chemical studies
Climate change and the collapse of the Akkadian empire: Evidence from the deep sea
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Intermediaries as quality assessors: Tour operators in the travel industry
More brilliant than the sun: Adventures in sonic fiction
Rabelais Unsheathes the Book: The Linguistic Critique Offered by the Catalog of Saint-Victor's
Aphrodite's Island: The European Discovery of Tahiti
Magic Realism in Louis de Bernières's Novels
Cephallonia and Captain Corelli's Mandolin: the influence of literature and film on British visitors
Natives, Nostalgia, and Nature in Children's Popular Film Narratives
Stacy Gregg combining two passions
The Shock of Presence Peter Brook & Jerzy Grotowski-The Reinvention of Australian Theatre
On the idea of novelty in cuisine: a brief historical insight
Wordsworth's and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads: The Quarrel between the Natural and the Supernatural
East is Not a'Big Bird': The Etymology of the Star Altair in the Carolinian Sidereal Compass
The discovery of ancient history in the deep sea using advanced deep submergence technology
Youth and Society: The Construction and Deconstruction of Youth in in West and East Europe
Methodological bases for documenting and reusing vernacular farm architecture
An analysis of the finite element method
Introduction to mathematical statistics
AS and A2 books and resources: deciding what to buy
Dynamic programming and optimal control
AS and A2 books and resources: deciding what to buy
Introduction to The Economic Theory of Annuities
Every tongue brings in a several tale: The Filth and the Fury's counterhistorical transgressions
Moving pictures: A new theory of film genres, feelings, and cognition
Film Composers and their Symphonic Music
Organelles in Blastocystis that blur the distinction between mitochondria and hydrogenosomes
Systems biology, metabolic modelling and metabolomics in drug discovery and development
In vitro cultivation of Schistosoma mansoni
Politics, democracy and the media: Case studies in Fiji, Tonga and the Solomon Islands
The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups
Coups in Fiji: A personal perspective
Children of war: Responses to psycho-social distress in Cambodia
The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups
Thinking differently about thinking positive: a discursive approach to cancer patients' talk
The Book of Durrow: A Medieval Masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin
Jesus, the Voice, and the Text: Beyond The Oral and the Written Gospels
The Book of Durrow: A Medieval Masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin
The historical Jesus: The life of a Mediterranean Jewish peasant
From Jesus to the New Testament: Early Christian theology and the origin of the New Testament canon
Climate change and marine plankton
The US JGOFS synthesis and modeling project-an introduction
Eastern Mediterranean deep water renewal on the basis of chlorofluoromethane and tritium data
A taste for pop: pop art, gender, and consumer culture
Science and fiction: James Nasmyth's photographic images of the moon
The canonization of jazz and Afro-american literature
Cosmopolitan domesticity: Importing the American dream, 1865-1920
RFID Antenna Coverage Optimization
Microstrip and printed antenna design
Characteristics of bow-tie slot antenna with tapered tuning stubs for wideband operation
The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Countermeasure Systems, Volume 7
Regulating online: participant-driven approaches
Basic strategy and expectation in casino blackjack
Information flows within financial conglomerates: Evidence from the banks-mutual funds relation
Business models: A discovery driven approach
Socially responsible investments: Institutional aspects, performance, and investor behavior
Child sexual abuse: Immediate and long-term effects and intervention
The empirical status of cognitive-behavioral therapy: a review of meta-analyses
Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy
Audio Description and Semiotics: The Translation of Films for Visually-Impaired Audiences
Managed realignment-the developing story of a comparatively new approach to soft engineering
Towards a model for m-learning in Africa
E-government research: Reviewing the literature, limitations, and ways forward
Enterprise Electronic Government in California: The Project Ednet Communications Model
Energy, environment and sustainable development
The disability paradox: high quality of life against all odds
The Art of Haiti by Eleanor Ingalls Christensen
N-acetylcholinesterase-induced apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease
Health, disease and society: an introduction to medical geographycontinued
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The virtual corporation: Structuring and revitalizing the corporation for the 21st century
Progress made in student union, U-Pass
Victorian women and the Jack the Ripper murders: creating a strong story through fact and fiction
The Popular Images Of John Brown And Thomas stonewall Jackson
Natural operations in differential geometry
The Undiscovered Dewey: Religion, Morality, and the Ethos of Democracy
Beowulf and the Grendel-kin: Politics and poetry in eleventh-century England
Increasing interest and achievement in mathematics through children's literature
The Town Beyond the Wall: A Novel
Climate change and its biological consequences
Artificial night lighting affects dawn song, extra-pair siring success, and lay date in songbirds
Engaging young people in civic life
PIXE analysis of Italian ink drawings of the XVI century
Representing masculinity: Male citizenship in modern western culture
Rosie the Riveter's Job Market: Advertising for Women Workers in World War II Los Angeles
Hijacked justice: Dealing with the past in the Balkans
The telling stories of novice teachers: Constructing teacher knowledge in book clubs
A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews
Random regression model of growth during the first three months of age in Spanish Merino sheep
The control of corporate Europe
A developmental history of the Hispano-Romance verb conjugations
Increased renal vascular resistance in dogs with hepatic disease
Media constructions of dying alone: a form of 'bad death
Desiring bodies: Ovidian romance and the cult of form
Frederick Delius and Peter Warlock: A Friendship Revealed
The small gods of participation
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The image of the government flack: Movie depictions of public relations in public administration
A prose of ambivalence: liberation struggle discourse on necklacing
Can't get there from here: The decision to apply to a selective college
Listening to learn:Inactive publics of the arts as exemplar
A tail of two personalities: How canine companions shape relationships and well-being
Thoracic stenosis causing lateral compression of the spinal cord in two immature Dogues de Bordeaux
The Foucault effect: Studies in governmentality
Transformation of Symbols: The New Jerusalem in Rv 21 1-22 5
The chemical biology of fishes. With a key to the chemical literature
Just Peace: A Buddhist-Christian Path to Liberation
Perfume: Joy, Obsession, Scandal, Sin. A Cultural History of Fragrance from 1750 to the Present
The international politics of the Middle East
Soil remediation for petroleum extraction industry
Brexit Plus, Whitelash, and the Ascendency of Donald J. Trump
Horror, hubris and humanity: the international engagement with Africa, 1914-2014
Introduction: the study and history of genocide
Theater Figures: The Production of the Nineteenth-Century British Novel
When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler
Integrating star and snowflake schemas in data warehouses
Special Issue: Children's Science Fiction
How can 575 comic books weigh under an ounce?: Comic book collecting in the digital age
Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality
Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality
The chemical biology of fishes. With a key to the chemical literature
Historic tree collections management: a new vision for old trees
The importance of evidence-based disaster planning
Prescribing by numbers: drugs and the definition of disease
The dread void of uncertainty: naming the dead in the American Civil War
Theories of ethnomusicology and the North American Indian: Retrospective and critique
The signature of hip hop: A sociological perspective
Technically Speaking: Recent Revisionist Evidence for a Modern middle Ages
Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle: Metaphors for a Period of Transition
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Att använda autentisk engelskspråkig skönlitteratur på mellanstadiet
Constructing the self, constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy
Care of souls in the classic tradition
Constructing the self, constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy
Belief in a just world: Research progress over the past decade
Managing the Royal Road: The London & South Western Railway 1870-1911
Proxy voting and the SEC: Investor protection versus market efficiency
A discipline-based approach to information literacy
English Grammar Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide
The case for the indigenous therapist
Critical thinking and evidence-based practice
Control of colloid stability through zeta potential
Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Sphingolipids: Applications for Diagnosis of Sphingolipidoses
Society for Endocrinology Dale Medal lecture
Researching intertextuality within collaborative classroom learning environments
Brave, Determined, and Strong: Books for Girls (and Sometimes Boys
Weegee and the Jewish Question
Art Matters: Howard University's Department of Art from 1921 to 1971
Burnout among American surgeons
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
An overview of machine learning
Improving plant productivity with rhizosphere bacteria
The sublime figure of history: Aesthetics and politics in twentieth-century China
The English Philosophers: From Bacon to Mill
Merleau-Ponty's philosophy of nature
Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World
The root of the problem: what's driving tropical deforestation today
Teaching and learning in the language classroom
Integrating information literacy with a sequenced English composition curriculum
Integrating Multimedia Techniques into CS Pedagogy
Kew lays on a feast of fruit and veg for eyes and mind
Managing the world economy: fifty years after Bretton Woods
Enterprise information systems project implementation:: A case study of ERP in Rolls-Royce
A Brief Recognition of New-Englands Errand into the Wilderness
Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped gases
Exploring quantum matter with ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Principles of the quantum control of molecular processes
Flowering plant families of the world
Ahmed Deedat and the form of Islamic evangelism
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Library and information science literature in Bangladesh: a bibliometric study
Between secular and Islamic feminism/s: reflections on the Middle East and beyond
Loving-kindness and compassion meditation: Potential for psychological interventions
The Function of Models in the Interpretation of Pentecostal Thought
Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Rosaceae to Umbelliferae
Principles of angiosperm taxonomy
Lucid dreaming: Psychophysiological studies of consciousness during REM sleep
The Meaning of Wicca: A Study in Etymology, History, and Pagan Politics
Theatre magick: Aleister Crowley and the Rites of eleusis
Norwegian Ecclesiastical Affiliation in Three Countries: a Challenge to Earlier Historiography
Ur III Studies: Bibliography 1997-2014
Word association norms for two cohorts of British adults
Digital reading spaces: How expert readers handle books, the Web and electronic paper
Tempestuous Poetry: Storms in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Heroides and Tristia
Stalin's Last Crime? Recent Scholarship on Postwar Soviet Antisemitism and the Doctor's Plot
From genealogy to generation: the birth of cohort thinking in Russia
Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality
Forts Henry and Donelson: The Key to the Confederate Heartland
Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books
Dying of nostalgia: Homesickness in the Union Army during the Civil War
Combinatorial approaches to carbohydrates
Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology. Volume 1
Current methods of mutation detection
Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual
Interpreting MARC: Where's the bibliographic data
Encyclopaedia of Australian plants suitable for cultivation. Volume 5
Mengel, K. and Kirkby, EA Principles of plant nutrition
Green roof plants: a resource and planting guide
International diplomacy and the crisis in Kosovo
Eating the empire: Intersections of food, cookery and imperialism in eighteenth-century Britain
War Crimes in the 2008 Georgia-Russia Conflict
The representation of nature in The Wind in the Willows and The Secret Garden
Third world multinationals: The rise of foreign investments from developing countries
Laboratory handbook for oil and fat analysts
Entrepreneurial small business
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Managing professional intellect: making the most of the best
Modern western magic and Theosophy
An Introduction to Hegel. Freedom, Truth and History
Irish television drama: A society and its stories
The distribution of absorbing column densities among Seyfert 2 galaxies
Lewis Carroll photographer: the Princeton albums
Il tema dell'amicizia femminile in L'amica geniale di Elena Ferrante
Juristocracy--Political, not Juridical
Analysis of dynamic behavior and safety of baby carriages in public transportation buses
The Comic Books between Fantasy, Science-Fiction and Politics
Fast Food, Fat Profits: Food industry, obesity epidemic, and food politics in the United States
Cumberland Station by Dave Smith
Cultural approaches to the rhetorical analysis of selected music videos
The ambiguity of khat in Somaliland
The Domino Method of General Integer Nonlinear Programming Applied to Problem 2 of Lawler and Bell
Process analysis and simulation: deterministic systems
Process analysis and simulation: deterministic systems
Manufacturing engineering and technology
Friendship and peer culture in the early years
Little science, big science... and beyond
Fidelity: An essential component of evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology
The criminalization of the state in Africa
The articles: A study of their theory and use in English
Decision making in Greek and English registered nurses in coronary care units
Lived experience of overseas-qualified nurses from non-English-speaking backgrounds in Australia
The valuation properties of earnings and book value prepared under US GAAP in Chile and IAS in Peru
The risks to bird life from chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides. September 1962-July 1963
Contending cultures of counterterrorism: transatlantic divergence or convergence
El saber y ser colectivo de la mujer kichwa: una aproximación indigenista a su identidad
Exercise physiology: Human bioenergetics and its applications
Applied body composition assessment
Thermoregulation in the horse in response to exercise
The physiological basis for exercise and sport
Applied multivariate statistical analysis
Chance encounters: A first course in data analysis and inference
Use of gas sensors and FOBT for the early detection of colorectal cancer
The Domino Logic of the Darkest Moment
Extinct and vanishing mammals of the Old World
Government policies towards innovation: A review of empirical findings
A closed door that leaves us guessing
Freeman, David-Senior Scholars oral history interview
Collecting the Empire: Andrew Lang's Fairy Books (1889-1910
AIDS: conceptual and methodological issues in researching sexual behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa
Making sense of death, dying and bereavement: An anthology
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Introduction to fireworks algorithm
The collected works of Ken Wilber
Hemingway's Francis Macomber in Pirandellian and Freudian Perspectives
PID controllers: theory, design, and tuning
Design criteria for boilers and pressure vessels in the USA
Autonomous motion control of a wheel loader
Analysis of Class 8 truck technologies for their fuel savings and economics
Structural health monitoring of underground facilities-Technological issues and challenges
Getting Started With Knitting & Crocheting in the Library
Performance management: a framework for management control systems research
Reputation: Realizing value from the corporate image
Power electronics: a first course
War and popular culture: resistance in modern China, 1937-1945
A personal, retrospective view of ecological validity
Can you see the real me? A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development
The stakeholder approach revisited
Chiral Lagrangians as a tool to probe the symmetry breaking sector of the SM at LEP
Vocational cognition: Accuracy of 3rd-, 6th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade students
The impact of sex-role stereotypes on performance ratings and causal attributions of performance
A model of public sector wage determination
A model of public sector wage determination
Income distribution and poverty: An interregional comparison
Who gains from trade reform? Some remaining puzzles1
Rising from the Muck: The new anti-Semitism in Europe
Customer-sales associate retail relationships
Developing and validating an instrument for measuring user-perceived web quality
Criminal procedure: A worldwide study
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
The concept of sustainable development: its origins and ambivalence
Library organizations in the Punjab province of Pakistan: An Appraisal
Community-based land reform: Lessons from Scotland
Small town triage: A rural settlement policy for the American Midwest
The need for EIA theory-building
A Victorian Christmas in Hell: Yuletide Ghosts and Necessary Pleasures in the Age of Capital
A Victorian Christmas in Hell: Yuletide Ghosts and Necessary Pleasures in the Age of Capital
Male Order:: Unwrapping Masculinity
Protesting culture and economics in Western Europe: New cleavages in left and right politics
Transnational protest: States, circuses, and conflict at the frontline of global politics
Solid-supported reagents for multi-step organic synthesis: preparation and application
Synthesis and cross-coupling reactions of tetraalkylammonium organotrifluoroborate salts
Financial markets and corporate strategy
Pelvic disruption: principles of management
Introduction to wildland fire. Fire management in the United States
The library collection failure quotient: the ratio of interlibrary borrowing to collection size
Screening of some Indian medicinal plants for their antimicrobial properties
Taboo topics in addiction treatment: An empirical review of clinical folklore
Formation of a Support Group for Women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the Inner‐City of Buffalo
Re-placing imperial landscapes: colonial monuments and the transition to independence in Kenya
Adjustment programs and bank support: Rationale and main results
Testicular cancer in England and Wales: some epidemiological aspects
Holy War in Modern Judaism?Mitzvah War and the Problem of the Three Vows
Pernambuco wood (Caesalpinia echinata) used in the manufacture of bows for string instruments
Between Aufklarung and Sturm und Drang: Leopold and Wolfgang Mozart's view of the World
Queer texts, bad habits, and the issue of a future
Environmental impacts of a North American free trade agreement
3D City models for CAAD-supported analysis and design of urban areas
Canada: The Land and the People
Tackling misconceptions in introductory physics using multimedia presentations
An international comparison of community engagement in higher education
Picturing Hawai'i: The Ideal Native and the Origins of Tourism, 1880-1915
Historical review of medicinal plants' usage
Engaging stakeholders through social networking: How nonprofit organizations are using Facebook
Public and private memory of the Lebanese civil war
The Methods of Statistics. An introduction mainly for workers in the biological sciences
Separation of singing voice from music accompaniment for monaural recordings
Tomorrow is Another Day: The Woman Writer in the South, 1859--1936
Francis Hutcheson in Dublin, 1719-1730: the Crucible of His Thought
Bench and pilot scale process evaluation of reburning for in-furnace NOx reduction
Printer's devil: The life and work of Frederic Warde [Book Review
Ethiopian society and history: a bibliography of Ethiopian studies 1957-1990
Auxentius of Milan: From orthodoxy to heresy
Atrocity, codes of conduct and the Irish in the British Civil wars 1641-1653
From Peacemaking to Peacebuilding: The Multiple Endings of England's Long Civil Wars
From Peacemaking to Peacebuilding: The Multiple Endings of England's Long Civil Wars
Over Shoes Over Boots: Lord Baltimore's Final Days in Ferryland, Newfoundland
El gerundio no perifrástico del español
EGB 2: lengua: material para alumnos
Errores frecuentes en el análisis de datos en educación y psicología
Propuesta de traducción de Princesa de África y comentario traductológico comparativo
La enseñanza de segundas lenguas a través de tareas: una propuesta didáctica para 1º de ESO bilingüe
You Can't Get a Man With a Gun'and Other Life Lessons: Biography and Musical Theatre
Looking behind the curtain—effects from modernization of European Union competition policy
Trinkets and treasures: consuming Jane Austen
Gender and Vision Through the Lens of Cindy Sherman and the Pictures Generation
Special effects: the history and technique
Fairytale adaptations: A bibliography
Mary Lily Walker of Dundee: social worker and reformer
ABC of health informatics: eHealth and the future: promise or peril
The world of bananas in Hawai'i: then and now
Capital in Hawaiian sugar: Its formation and relation to labor and output, 1870-1957
Performance and the Contemporary City: An interdisciplinary reader
Ford Madox Ford: Further Bibliographies
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Images of 'Love'and 'Death'in the Poetry of Jaláluddin Rumi and John Donne
The City of Beauties in Indo-Persian Poetic Landscape
The Crisis of Identity in Rumi's Tale of the Reed
I am the Nightingale of the Merciful: Rumi's Use of the Qur'an and Hadith
Revisiting the empty tomb: The early history of Easter
Magic as a Tool of Social Construction: Cultural and Gender Identity in Contemporary Fantasy
HG Wells's The War of the Worlds as a Controlling Metaphor for the Twentieth Century
Harmful to minors: The perils of protecting children from sex
The right to health as a human right in international law
Imperialism and the integration of accountancy in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Human and physical infrastructure: Public investment and pricing policies in developing countries
Mission in the New Testament: An evangelical approach
Safari adventure: forgotten cinematic journeys in Africa
Developing guidelines to enhance the evaluation of overseas development projects
American Political Writing During the Founding Era: Two Volume Paperback Set
Wounds in the Middle Ages ed. by Cordelia Warr and Anne Kirkham
Esoteric healing traditions: A conceptual overview
Evolution of Consciousness: Studies in polarity
Volcanic rock Bronze Age millstones of Apulia, Southern Italy: lithology and provenance
Moving-load dynamic problems: a tutorial (with a brief overview
The effect of organic compounds upon vitamin C synthesis in the rat
Is the Internet useful for clinical practice
Personal public relations: Identity as a public relations commodity
The God of the Maccabees: Studies on the meaning and origin of the maccabean revolt
Project success: a multidimensional strategic concept
Qualitative research methods in human geography
Measuring service quality at Yale University's libraries
Aboriginal Narrative and Property
Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods
Modern Japanese Ceramics: Pathways of Innovation & Tradition [Book Review
Down East Bookshelf. Review of Maine travel books Michelin Green Guide to Ne
Green chemistry tools to influence a medicinal chemistry and research chemistry based organisation
The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy
Prevalence of common psychiatric disorders among American Indian adolescent detainees
Beyond the prison gates: The state of parole in America
Industry funding and university professors' research performance
Ontologies, socio-technical transitions (to sustainability), and the multi-level perspective
Marx, Weber, and development sociology: Beyond the impasse
A chess combination program which uses plans
Social competence in the schools: Toward an integrative developmental model for intervention
An operant pursuit of generalization
Attaining self-regulation: A social cognitive perspective
Phoenix from the Ashes: The Indian Army in the Burma Campaign
Partial deletion of the short arms of a chromosome of the 4-5 group (Denver
Military loyalty in the colonial context: A case study of the Indian army during World War II
Four Decades and Five Manuals: US Army Strategic Leadership Doctrine, 1983-2011
Encyclopedic dictionary of genetics
The Oxford companion to Scottish history
Poverty alleviation and tropical forests—what scope for synergies
Of quality, harmony, and community: Civilization and the middle class in urban China
Political ecology: an emerging research agenda in Third-World studies
Development of Key Competences in CRM Field and E-learning
The rise of big data on cloud computing: Review and open research issues
The enforcement archipelago: Detention, haunting, and asylum on islands
Application of fine grained tungsten carbide based cemented carbides
Nuclear spin relaxation by translational diffusion in solids
Bringing curriculum down to earth: The terroir that we are
The Civilian Conservation Corps: A Bibliography
Ellington Uptown: Duke Ellington, James P. Johnson, and the Birth of Concert Jazz
Eating Across Borders: Reading Immigrant Cookbooks
Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving
How electrical engineering students design computer programs
Design and development of distributed virtual geographic environment system based on web services
Constructivist grounded theory
Systematic combining: an abductive approach to case research
Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines
Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers
Designing language courses: A guide for teachers
Exploring the effects of ability to pay on persistence in college
Historical Literature on Canada's Participation in the Great War
Why the grass isn't always greener
Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Katie Coyle
Stock return predictability and the adaptive markets hypothesis: Evidence from century-long US data
International macroeconomics: beyond the Mundell-Fleming model
Community-based targeting mechanisms for social safety nets: A critical review
Production Capitalism vs. Financial Capitalism-Symbiosis and Parasitism. An Evolutionary Perspective
Pareto gains from trade, reconsidered: Compensating for jobs lost
Unproductive immigrants: A socially optimal policy for rational egalitarians
Talent management: A critical review
The changing nature of work and organizations: Implications for human resource management
Managing human resources in the European tourism and hospitality industry: a strategic approach
Managing change strategically: The technical, political, and cultural keys
Human resource management in Australia and New Zealand
Claudian's Britain and Empire, 395-402 ce
Time Passes: Virginia Woolf, Post-Impressionism, and Cambridge Time
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Proust and the squid: The story and science of the reading brain
What makes you a scientist is the way you look at things': ornithology and the observer 1930-1955
Purinoceptors: are there families of P2X and P2Y purinoceptors
Serotonin receptors and their ligands: a lack of selective agents
Principles of cellular and molecular immunology
Pharmacological and functional characteristics of metabotropic excitatory amino acid receptors
Sociocultural contexts of language and literacy
Challenging tradition through sustainable bridal wear for a contemporary South African market
Seasonal succession of algal flora in waste stabilisation ponds
Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU rRNA from members of the Chrysophyceae
Modelling structural dynamical changes in a Danish shallow lake
Information models for planning and scheduling of chemical processes
Applying ontologies to business and systems modelling techniques and perspectives: Lessons learned
Initial Investigations into UML Based Architectural Reference Patterns in Set-top Boxes
The virtual corporation: Structuring and revitalizing the corporation for the 21st century
The cage method for determining consumption and yield of pasture herbage
Sexual Economics, Chaucer's Wife of Bath, and The Book of Margery Kempe
The Gate of Darkness: Studies on the Leftist Literary Movement
From social assistance to social development: Targeted education subsidies in developing countries
It's the institutions, stupid! Why comprehensive national health insurance always fails in America
Why are total knee arthroplasties failing today—has anything changed after 10 years
Medical tourism: Sea, sun, sand and surgery
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Frequency of cardiovascular diseases among ski mountaineers in the Austrian Alps
The Worlds of Langston Hughes: Modernism and Translation in the Americas
Journey to the ants: a story of scientific exploration
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Investigator's guide to allegations of ritual child abuse
Tractor-trailer driver fatality: the role of nonconsecutive rest in a sleeper berth
The Institution of Nothing: David Foster Wallace in the Program
The observational sketchbook: strangeness in the familiar
The Colour Reference Library, Royal College of Art, London
The Neal Dawkins Story: Gideon's Dew
An evolutionary tale of moths and men: the untold story of science and the peppered moth
The gift of good land: further essays, cultural and agricultural
Intracerebral opiates block the epileptic effect of intracerebroventricular (ICV) leucine-enkephalin
Money and general equilibrium theory
Radical theology and the death of God
Argument structure and morphology
Cholinergic function and intellectual decline in Alzheimer's disease
Purification of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells by differential plating
Muriel Spark: The Finishing School
My body, my closet: Invisible disability and the limits of coming-out discourse
Najnowsze tendencje w badaniach nad literaturą staropolską
Multiple targets of phrase-final lengthening in American English words
Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής διαχείρισης παραγγελιών πιτσαρίας
Global citizens: the Soka Gakkai Buddhist Movement in the world
The world's wisdom: Sacred texts of the world's religions
The origins of life: From the birth of life to the origin of language
The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism: Its Fundamentals and History
Dewey and pragmatic religious naturalism
Learn to Earn: A Pragmatist Response to Contemporary Dialogues About Industrial Education
Carnap's Conventionalism in Geometry
A Secret History of American River People
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Misperceived perceptions: Perrault's fairy tales and English children's literature
Effie Louise Power: librarian, educator, author
New wine in old bottles: Angela Carter's translation of Charles Perrault's La Barbe bleue
Wilde's The Happy Prince and A House of Pomegranates: Bedtime Stories for Grown-Ups
Back to the future: the journey of The Bloody Chamber in Italy and France
Healing by heart: Clinical and ethical case stories of Hmong families and Western providers
SY Agnon: word systems and translation
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A Review of Shmuel Yosef Agnon: A Revolutionary Traditionalist
Orientalism, Secularism, and the Crisis of Hebrew Modernism: Reading Leah Goldberg's Avedot
Do cave features affect underground habitat exploitation by non-troglobite species
The importance of psychiatry in undergraduate medical education in India
Deconstructing rural protest: the emergence of a new social movement
Deliverance as a way of confronting witchcraft in modern Africa: Ghana as a case history
Deliverance as a way of confronting witchcraft in modern Africa: Ghana as a case history
There'sa SMART way to write management's goals and objectives
Clusters facing competition: the importance of external linkages
Reading on the computer screen: Does font type has effects on web text readability
A survey on 30 months electrical burns in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Burn Hospital
Automotive control systems: for engine, driveline, and vehicle
Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs
Masculinities and femininities as communities of practice
Boys, books and homophobia: Exploring the practices and policies of masculinities in school
Second language vocabulary learning among adults: State of the art in vocabulary instruction
Reading comprehension and second language development in a comprehension-based ESL program
Caminhadas longas, jornadas incríveis: fantasias populares de fuga e de regresso a casa
Assessing Gender in the Construction of Scottish Identity, c. 1286-c. 1586
The headaches of monarchy: kingship and the kirk in the early seventeenth century
Presbyterians and episcopalians: the formation of confessional cultures in Scotland, 1660-1715
A numerical approach to ergodic problem of dissipative dynamical systems
Investigations of multigrid algorithms for the estimation of optical flow fields in image sequences
In search of a good drink: punches, cocktails, and imperial consumption
Qualitative assessment of training programs for alcohol servers and establishment managers
The digital imperative: Making the case for a 21st-century pedagogy
A letter from Japan: the photographs of John Swope
Delta Dogs by Maude Schuyler Clay
Estimation of leaf area index in eucalypt forest using digital photography
Drenched in Dirt and Drowned in Abominations: Insects and the Civil War
A review of scopes of practice of health professions in Canada: A balancing act
A nurse's guide to presenting and publishing: Dare to share
AACN essentials of critical care nursing pocket handbook
E-book use by students: Undergraduates in economics, literature, and nursing
An introduction to medical mycology
Study on Immunization Status of Slumdwelling Children Living in Gazipur
Selected observations from the Harlem jazz scene
How Belfast got the blues': Towards an alternative history
The Book And The Nature Of Knowledge In Muslim Northern Nigeria, 1457-2007
Under skin: a critical essay of gender and the travel narrative
Foster parenthood: A role analysis
Threads: My Life Behind the Seams in the High-stakes World of Fashion
Outdoor and environmental studies: More challenges to its place in the curriculum
Crime, justice and discretion in England 1740-1820
Theology, Prophecy and Politics in Dante
Study of the spatial distribution of natural radioactivity in the upper Egypt Nile River sediments
Hydropolitics of the Nile valley
Networks versus markets in international trade
Planning language, planning inequality
Can book-to-market, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth
New developments in wind energy forecasting
Plants Versus Animals: Do They Deal with Stress in Different Ways?1
The salutogenic model as a theory to guide health promotion
The strengths perspective in social work practice: Extensions and cautions
Buddhist perspectives and human communication
Development and conservation of Philippine mangroves: institutional issues
Web Design, Development and Security
Is Education 1.0 ready for Web 2.0 students
Housing tenure and social classes in Kingston Ontario 1881-1901
Harper's history: does the right hand know what the other right hand is doing
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
An institutional interpretation of unemployment: the case of postwar Canada
On the production of artificial colour-blindness by moonlight
All Man!: Hemingway, 1950s Men's Magazines, and the Masculine Persona
The effect of international institutional factors on properties of accounting earnings
The Pink Book: The Japanese Eroduction and Its Contexts
Thought in a hostile world: The evolution of human cognition
Parenting advice books about child sleep: cosleeping and crying it out
Nationalism, democracy and development: state and politics in India
Manufacturing engineering and technology
Needs and trends in building and HVAC system design tools
Aviation Automation Design and Implementation-the Need for Human Factors Considerations
Critical issues in internet retailing
Planning for retirement in 2025: A Delphi study. Retirement preparation-why is it so difficult
Crustal structure of China from deep seismic sounding profiles
The wolf in the dog: animal fables and state formation
Wireless sensor networks for healthcare: A survey
Principles of wireless communications
Current economic problems with special reference to India
Urban transport crisis in India
Leading issues in development economics
Asian security order: instrumental and normative features
Daily Archives: January 16, 2013
PD 12 (1) Reserves of Natural Gas Outside the Communist Bloc Countries
Evaluating pre-1914 Australian test bowlers [Book Review
Promises not kept: the betrayal of social change in the Third World
Practical lessons in endodontic surgery
To Fight Aloud Is Very Brave: American Poetry and the Civil War
Adobe Flash Professional for iOS Game Development: A Feasible and Viable Alternative to Xcode
Implementation of Multiplatform Game Application for Decorating The Lab
Adobe Flash Professional for iOS Game Development: A Feasible and Viable Alternative to Xcode
Electronic components and human interventions: Distributing television news online
Fuzzy compromise programming for portfolio selection
Geography, environmental education and disaster mitigation: Great expectations
German expressionism: art and society
Introduction to mathematical statistics
Concepts in American local history: community in Winder, Idaho
Applied statistical decision theory
Dvaravati, Si Thep, and Wendan
Monsters and men: the life and works of Sascha Schneider
Rockefeller's Guernica and the collection of modern copies
The role of possessions in constructing and maintaining a sense of past
Global Conceptualism: points of origin, 1950s-1980s
An integrated adoption model for e-books in a mobile environment: Evidence from South Korea
Teaching character education through the Four blocks: an honors thesis [(HONRS 499
Picture Book Update, 2006-2007
Adventures in Poetry: The Modern Poetry Collection at the Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Art, design and gestalt theory
Modern medical yoga: Struggling with a history of magic, alchemy and sex
Science and higher education in Brazil: an historical view
Positivismo y antipositivismo en América Latina
Llywelyn ab Iorwerth: the making of a Welsh prince
An incorporating union? British politicians and Ireland 1800-1830
Blue books and the Victorian reader
The distribution and impact of South/North American stipoid grasses (Poaceae: Stipeae) in Australia
Grounded theory and social process: A new direction for leadership research
The progress of school education in India
Potassium research and agricultural production in India
Thomas Hardy's The Well-Beloved: Love's Descent
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Where She's From: The Mystery of the Making Place
Postpartum depression effects on early interactions, parenting, and safety practices: a review
Fashion Victims: Mina Loy's Travesties
Tennyson's Name: Identity and Responsibility in the Poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson
The administrative, social and economic structure of the Durham bishopric estates, 1500-1640
Taming the Female Politician in Early-Nineteenth-Century England: John Bull versus Lady Jersey
The Great Exhibition of 1851: the struggle to describe the indescribable
Computer-based assessment: a versatile educational tool
Technological teaming as a marketing strategy
التوسع السوفيتي في منطقة البلطيق1939-1941
Collecting in a consumer culture
Eroticism and sexual pleasure in Diane Case's Toasted Penis and Cheese
Climbing mountains, hugging trees: A cross-cultural examination of love for nature
Little science, big science... and beyond
What would animals say if we asked the right questions
Creating classroom contexts that support young children's development of self-regulated learning
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The millennium bugs—the need for and development of new antibacterials
Hume's philosophy of belief: a study of his first'Inquiry
Mental health symptoms following war and repression in eastern Afghanistan
Macroeconomic theory and the labor market
Unemployment, wage bargaining and capital-labour substitution
Unemployment insurance takeup rates and the after-tax value of benefits
Unemployment, well-being, and wage curves in Eastern and Central Europe
Mathematical Packages for Teaching and Research in Internet-Application and Information Support
Evaluation research: An overview
Beyond rigor and relevance: producing consumable research about information systems
What are digital libraries? Competing visions
Two opportunities to deliver on the Doha development pledge
The United Nations' Celebrity Diplomacy
Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people
Securitizing trade: The case of the Korea-US free trade agreement
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
TNM atlas: illustrated guide to the TNM/pTNM classification of malignant tumours
Darius Milhaud: modality & structure in music of the 1920s
Darius Milhaud: modality & structure in music of the 1920s
Developing variations: Style and ideology in western music
Experiencing Stravinsky: A Listener's Companion by Robin Maconie
A propulsion model of creative leadership
Home and work: Housework, wages, and the ideology of labor in the early republic
Placing splintering urbanism: Introduction
Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth
Dual language instruction: A handbook for enriched education
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Diasporic Cross-Currents in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost and Anita Rau Badami's The Hero's Walk
Bede's Ecclesiastical history of the English people: a historical commentary
Catalogue of Books in the Sabbath School Library of the First Congregational Church, Brewer, Maine
Holocene sea-level changes and landscape evolution on the northern Carmel coast (Israel
Introduction: The Genres of Postcolonialism
Mapping Wild Gardens the Symbolic Conquest of South Africa
The Newbery Medal and Honor Books: 1922-1981
Where the wild things are: Translating picture books
Food, livestock production, energy, climate change, and health
Evolution of China's response to HIV/AIDS
Departmental Performance Report
Is there really a teacher shortage
Principles of equilibrium statistical mechanics
Quantum field theory and critical phenomena
The child sexual abuse accomodation syndrome
The child sexual abuse accomodation syndrome
Community participation, social development and the state
The secret life of pronouns. What our words say about us
An Interview with Philippa Pearce
The universal dictionary of trade and commerce
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown
The universal dictionary of trade and commerce
The grand tour: Sources and a methodology for an historical study of tourism
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown
Kansas Honor Flight-Wamego High School: service and sacrifice, promise and potential
Chris Riddell: Illustrator-United Kingdom
Castle Hangnail by Ursula Vernon
Love and Other Foreign Words by Erin McCahan
Lexical semantics: The problem of polysemy
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Teaching teachers to just say know: Reflections on drug education
Equity of access in the spatial distribution of GPs within an Australian metropolitan city
Para comerte mejor: cultura calibanesca y formas literarias alternativas
En busca de un nuevo El Dorado: Análisis del fenómeno migratorio
June Jordan: July 9, 1936-June 14, 2002
Los puertorriqueños queer y el peso de la violencia
Brillarán como diamantes. Un programa de resiliencia budista en arte
The intensive care unit work environment: Current challenges and recommendations for the future
Overview of technologies for building robots in the classroom
Regional disparity and economic development in the European Community
Power and contestation in collaborative ecosystem-based management: The case of Haida Gwaii
The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education: 1876-1999
Why are some people (and countries) more protectionist than others
Blocked by caste: economic discrimination in modern India
Do living wage ordinances reduce urban poverty
Attracting and retaining food servers: How internal service quality moderates occupational stigma
Global trends in migration: theory and research on international population movements
Inclusive Design Research Initiatives at the Royal College of Art'Book in Universal Design Handbook
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
An analysis and design method for linear systems subject to actuator saturation and disturbance
Power electronics: a first course
Adaptive neural network control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems using backstepping design
Multivariable adaptive control: A survey
Dissipative dynamical systems: Basic input-output and state properties
An analysis of the finite element method
Gandalf, Please, Should Not'Sputter
Civil Rights Childhood: Picturing Liberation in African American Photobooks
Th-ardexeriencPs as colonist. evidently thinksthat that way
Teaching English as a second or foreign language
Exploring the relationship between presence and enjoyment in a virtual museum
Creating Effective Style Documents: A Practicum in Trade Publication
Feedback in the writing process: A model and methods for implementation
Advanced access: reducing waiting and delays in primary care
Invitation to fixed-parameter algorithms
Phonology and pronunciation in integrated language teaching and teacher education
Reading motivation and reading comprehension growth in the later elementary years
A study of critical attitude across English and Spanish academic book reviews
Mathematics achievement of Chinese, Japanese, and American children
The irony tower: Soviet artists in a time of glasnost
Scholarly publishing in sub-Saharan Africa in the twenty-first century: Challenges and opportunities
The short story: The long and the short of it
AND THROUGH ITS NAMING BECAME OWNER Translation in James Thomas Stevens's Tokinish
English for an era of instability: aesthetics, ethics, creativity and'design
The short story: The long and the short of it
Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools
The politics of human rights in Argentina
Little science, big science... and beyond
A review of microbial deterioration found in archaeological wood from different environments
Damage due to hydrogen embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking
Biodiesel from palmoil—an analysis of its properties and potential
Self-propagating exothermic reactions: the synthesis of high-temperature materials by combustion
Solid oxide fuel cells: fundamental aspects and prospects
The Seychelles magpie robin Copsychus sechellarum: ecology and conservation of an endangered species
Amphibians and reptiles of Madagascar and the Mascarene, Seychelles, and Comoro Islands
Rival ecologies of global commerce: Adam Smith and the natural historians
Flowering plants of Seychelles
Law and Social Change in a Chinese Community. A Case Study From Rural Taiwan
Effect on performance of weanling alpacas following treatments against gastro-intestinal parasites
Reading Forough Farrokhzad's Poetry From The Perspective Of Systemic Functional Linguistics
Media and the Chinese diaspora: Community, consumption, and transnational imagination
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The myth of global ethnic conflict
The submarine in naval warfare, 1901-2001
The Excedrin Headache of ASW: From U-boats to the New Boats
Total Rhetoric, Limited War: Germany's U-Boat Campaign 1917-1918
Total Rhetoric, Limited War: Germany's U-Boat Campaign 1917-1918
Situationsanalyse: BPM in Deutschland
Grundlegende Überlegungen zum adäquaten Detaillierungsgrad von Geschäftsprozessmodellen
Mark-to-market accounting and liquidity pricing
définition-john f kennedy assassination conspiracy theories
The three waves of globalization: A history of a developing global consciousness
The macrobiotic diet in cancer
South Asian womens' views on the causes of breast cancer: images and explanations
An anthropological approach to the problem of obesity
The Nourishing Revolution: Exploring the Praxis of the Weston A. Price Foundation
Real men don't diet': An analysis of contemporary newspaper representations of men, food and health
Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums
The Beginners Guide to Natural Bodybuilding
So, how does popular culture relate to world politics
The economy of the Mughal empire c. 1595: A statistical study
Initial characterization of cold seep faunal communities on the New Zealand Hikurangi margin
the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds
Ninja turtle dilemmas and age appropriate moral judgments of four-and five-year-old children
Musical topics in the comic book superhero film genre
Dangerous information: product tampering and poisoning advice in revenge and murder manuals
His Grief Is the Plague': poetry of loss and the risk of losing one's readers
Transformation of the education of health professionals in China: progress and challenges
Prairie plants and their environment. A fifty-year study in the midwest
Two'Double'Dedications at Ephesus and the Beginning of Ptolemaic Control of Ionia
Labor supply of New York City cabdrivers: One day at a time
Much ado about nothing? Do domestic firms really benefit from foreign direct investment
Censorial interferences in the dubbing of foreign films in Fascist Italy: 1927-1943
A model of interpersonal Christian prayer
Yoga, Krishna, Hindu-Tempel. Hinduismus in der Schweiz
Additional facts about noun incorporation (in Inuktitut
An onomasiological theory of English word-formation
Efficient sub-grid scale modeling of membrane wrinkling by a projection method
Research and development on aspects of daylighting fundamentals
The link between artistic creativity and psychopathology: Salvador Dalí
The People and the Dao: New Studies in Chinese Religions in Honour of Daniel L. Overmyer
Enhancing motivation for change in treatment-resistant eating disorders
Magic in late antiquity: the evidence of magical gems
Everyday life: Theories and practices from surrealism to the present
The poetics of psychoanalysis: In the wake of Klein
Coyote in the maze: tracking Edward Abbey in a world of words
The transition experience: The first 100 days of the middle school principalship
Crossover animal fantasy series: Crossing cultural and species as well as age boundaries
The Sickness Unto Death, a Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakening
Nuclear dynamite: the peaceful nuclear explosions fiasco
The Tornado Tree: Drawing on Stories and Storybooks
Knit fashion design by application of a flower image of Georgia OKeeffe painting
Getting Started With Knitting & Crocheting in the Library
Integrating Art Education and Literacy Education: A Curriculum for the Secondary Level
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Water, earth, and man. A synthesis of hydrology, geomorphology, and socio-economic geography
Race, racism, and antiracism: UNESCO and the politics of presenting science to the postwar public
A review of the impacts of nature based recreation on birds
Soil biology with special reference to the animal kingdom
A dictionary of ecology, evolution and systematics
Treatment of behavior problems in dogs and cats: a guide for the small animal veterinarian
Actual causes of death in the United States
Incident at the Otterville Station
Little science, big science... and beyond
Can book-to-market, size and momentum be risk factors that predict economic growth
Modelling rumors: the no plane Pentagon French hoax case
Introduction to computer graphics
Fixing King John by No Name Players
Group decision support system impact: Multi-methodological exploration
The resourceful earth: a response to Global 2000
Rome: Capital of Anglo-Saxon England
Economic evaluation of biological invasions—a survey
International linkage and democratization
Causes and explanations: A structural-model approach. Part I: Causes
The ethics of care: A feminist approach to human security
Whales & Dolphins of the World
The impact of the Fukushima nuclear accident on European energy policy
Late Miocene and Pliocene large land mammals and climatic changes in Eurasia
Clinical, educational, and epidemiological value of autopsy
Post-mortem radiology—a new sub-speciality
Production planning and control for remanufacturing: industry practice and research needs
The consequences of information technology acceptance on subsequent individual performance
Forecasting the impact of office automation on clerical employment, 1985-2000
Measuring information output: A communication systems approach
Technology planning: A roadmap to successful technology integration in schools
I Wish To Speak to the Despisers Of The Body: The Internet, Physicality, and Psychoanalysis
Hotten: Rotten: Forgotten? An Apologia for a General Publisher
Money as Moral and Social Catalyst in Children's Books of the Nineteenth Century
The self-assembly of spherical plant viruses
Buddha philosophy and western psychology
Function allocation: algorithm, alchemy or apostasy
The Buddhist Art of Gandhara: The Story of the Early School; Its Birth, Growth and Decline
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
The way of Buddhism: Introducing the Buddhist experience
Publishing new media in higher education: Overcoming the adoption hurdle
Application mobility in pervasive computing: A survey
Multi-modal Topic Modelling and Summarization with Dense Block Detection: A Review
Object-oriented programming with Java: an introduction
How my daughter learned to read at home
Personal names and identity in literary contexts
Evolution of stars and galaxies
Christmas Books: Remembrance of disease lifelong: Marcel Proust and medicine
Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma
Mapping the green product development field: engineering, policy and business perspectives
Community action for sustainable housing: Building a low-carbon future
Natural resources, national accounting and economic depreciation
Prices versus quantities: choosing policies for promoting the development of renewable energy
H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection during pregnancy in the USA
Rehabilitation after Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Principles of Christian theology
Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry
Law and gospel as hermeneutic: Martin Luther and the Lutheran tradition
Genesis, Structure, and Meaning in Gary Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End
The grammar book: An ESL/EFL teacher's course
Choose Your Own Adventure: Mystery of the Maya
Monthly Archives for July 2014
New literacies: Everyday practices and classroom learning
High resolution dating of loess profile from Strzyżów (Horodło Plateau-Ridge, Volhynia Upland
Taxonomy for the technology domain
The Democratization of Financial Gerontology
ASAP (automatic software for ASL processing): A toolbox for processing arterial spin labeling images
Swift mobile platform analysis
Rhyme chinoiserie. Chinese traditional patterns and handicraft in contemporary bag design
Illness trajectories and palliative care
Not breaking the rules. Not playing the game. International assistance to countries at war
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Road to Stalin: Mandelstam's Ode to Stalin and The Lines on the Unknown Soldier
When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler
Inside the Kremlin's Cold War: From Stalin to Krushchev
Missional Communities: Equipping Churches to Reach Their Local Context
Spiritual and religious diversity in the workplace: Implications for leadership
Religion, reform, community: Examining the idea of church-based prisoner reentry
Water rights and legal pluralism: some basics of a legal anthropological approach
Sociocultural component in the content of teaching foreign languages to pre-school children
An assemblage of habits: DJ Waldie and Neil Campbell—a suburban conversation
The naturalization of Scotch pine, northeastern Oneida County, New York
The effect of IMF programs on economic growth
Evaluating California local land use plan's environmental impact reports
Tourism, Culture and Religious Universe of the Pantaneiro Man in Pantanal Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil
The choice made from no choice: English writing instruction in a Chinese University
Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics
Invitation to fixed-parameter algorithms
Category Archives: history of computing Post navigation
Human leukocyte antigen class I supertypes and HIV-1 control in African Americans
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Spiritual and religious diversity in the workplace: Implications for leadership
Public enterprise in less developed countries
Determinants of economic growth in China: Private enterprise, education, and openness
Political economy of agricultural policy
Inward technology transfer and competitiveness: the role of national innovation systems
Hybridity, or the cultural logic of globalization
Innovation in East Asia: diversity and development
Cold hearths and barren slopes: the woodfuel crisis in the third world
Telephone Interviewing Practices within Academic Libraries
I. Reforming Civil-Military Relations
Import, export, and regional consent in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Domestic violence and mental health: correlates and conundrums within and across cultures
Explaining the deterrence effect of human rights prosecutions for transitional countries
The Nicaragua and Tadić Tests Revisited in Light of the ICJ Judgment on Genocide in Bosnia
An introduction to mathematical ecology
Social innovation: what it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated
A word-stem completion task to assess implicit processing of appearance-related information
The art of hearing God: Absorption, dissociation, and contemporary American spirituality
panied by any impairment of his general health, which was tolerably good
On the role of context in first-and second-language vocabulary learning
Handedness and longevity: archival study of cricketers
Kailyard, Scottish literary criticism, and the fiction of JM Barrie
The orientation of early medieval churches in England
A correlation of the British Permotriassic Rocks: Part 1. North England, Scotland, and Ireland
Why do soldiers rape? Masculinity, violence, and sexuality in the armed forces in the Congo (DRC
Myanmar: State, Community and the Environment
Wanda Gá g Collection Open for Research
Facilitator talk in EAP reading classes
Scale formation and control in high pressure membrane water treatment systems: a review
Higher education during the Islamic government of Iran (1979-2004
Astronomia practica: The principal instruments and their uses at the Royal Observatory
The Origins of the Second World War in Asia and the Pacific: Synthesis Impossible
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Boron isotopic composition of fumarolic condensates and sassolites from Satsuma Iwo-jima, Japan
Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Samurai Santa: A Very Ninja Christmas by Rubin Pingk
Queering the ABCs: LGBTQ Characters in Children's Books
Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm
A passion for exploring new countries. Matthew Flinders and George Bass [Book Review
Corporate reputation and social responsibility: an analysis of large companies in Croatia
Susceptibility of some peach rootstocks to root-knot nematodes
Historicizing the Imagery of the Demonic in the Duchess of Malfi
Post-soul president: Dreams from My Father and the post-soul aesthetic
Newark Maid Feminism in Philip Roth's American Pastoral
What online Hong Kong travelers look for on airline/travel websites
Understanding Harry Potter: Parallels to the deaf world
Towards a Structured Approach to Reading Historic Cookbooks
Holistic health and the critique of Western medicine
Wyoming Folklore: Reminiscences, Folktales, Beliefs, Customs, and Folk Speech
Financing transportation networks
Sentimental modernism: women writers and the revolution of the word
Tanoak target: the rise and fall of herbicide use on a common native tree
Valuation of internal growth opportunities: The case of a biotechnology company
The future of competition: value-creating networks
Critical success criteria for mass house building projects in developing countries
Degeneracy of the genetic code: extent, nature, and genetic implications
Characterization of human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein-induced cell-cell fusion
Ecological developmental biology: integrating epigenetics, medicine, and evolution
Cytogenetics. The chromosome in division, inheritance and evolution
Animal and model systems for studying cystic fibrosis
Candida and candidosis: a review and bibliography
Molecular staging of prostate cancer with the use of an enhanced reverse transcriptase-PCR assay
Law and Availability of Credit: Evidence from India
The rule of law and economic growth: where are we
The new multinational corporations from transition countries
Living standards and incentives in transition: the implications of UI exhaustion in Hungary
Black hole tariffs and endogenous policy theory
In Memoriam: Margot K. Louis (1954-2007
Using Children's Books to Develop Reading Skills
Rural madness: a geographical reading and critique of the rural mental health literature
Caring for children and older people-a comparison of European policies and practices
Thinking about dementia: Culture, loss, and the anthropology of senility
A new age of old age?: Gerotranscendence and the re-enchantment of aging
How Come There's Only Men Up There?: Catholic Women's Grassroots Anti-Abortion Activism
Claiming authority: How women explain their ascent to top business leadership positions
The roles of hopeful thinking in preventing problems and enhancing strengths
Leo Strauss and the American right
Man to Man: Basketball, Movement, and the Practice of Masculinity
The Young Lions: Confederate Cadets at War
Medical Greek and Latin at a glance
Don't Expect to Depend on Anybody Else: The Frontier as Portrayed in the Little House Books
Peak performance and age among superathletes: track and field, swimming, baseball, tennis, and golf
Social media and human need satisfaction: Implications for social media marketing
Town Ball: The Glory Days of Minnesota Amateur Baseball
The Other Union Ironclad: The USS Galena and the Critical Summer of 1862
Lyes' and 'Hyghe Treason' in 1570: John Stow Annotates Grafton's Abridgement of the Chronicles
Dancing in the distraction factory: Music television and popular culture
The Sea is Swinging Into View': Modern British Maritime History in a Globalised World
Frederick Douglass: freedom's voice, 1818-1845
Re-marking slave bodies: Rhetoric as production and reception
Computer Science Unplugged: An enrichment and extension programme for primary-aged children
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Gamma Knife thalamotomy for treatment of essential tremor: long-term results
Effect of GPi pallidotomy on motor function in Parkinson's disease
Prolonged relief of pain by brief, intense transcutaneous somatic stimulation
Idiopathic cranial hypertrophic pachymeningitis responsive to antituberculous therapy: case report
Two-stage model of memory trace formation: a role for noisy brain states
Religion in Africa: experience & expression
Creating a Creole Estate in early nineteenth-century Russian America
The Hajj as its Own Undoing: Infrastructure and Integration on the Muslim Journey to Mecca
Metropole, colony, and imperial citizenship in the Russian Empire
Prisoners of the Caucasus: Literary myths and media representations of the Chechen conflict
Clans, pacts, and politics in Central Asia
The dilemmas of enlightenment in the eastern borderlands: The theater and library in Tbilisi
Changing the terms: Translating in the postcolonial era
Geomorphology in the tropics: a study of weathering and denudation in low latitudes
Book review: a fiery and furious people: a history of violence in England by James Sharpe
New product adoption and diffusion
Rainer Maria Rilke: the ring of forms
Book review: Bad Boy: My Life on and Off the Canvas, Eric Fischl and Michael Stone
Impact of CDC STAR-100 computer on finite element systems
Resurrection: A Symbol of Hope
Competitive sport and social capital in rural Australia
State of the field: Sports history and the cultural turn
HOSTS―a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants
Performing under pressure: What can we learn from football penalty shoot-outs
The impact of fan attitudes on intentions to watch professional basketball teams on television
Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual
Dictionary of Architecture and Construction
Use of aggregates from recycled construction and demolition waste in concrete
Use of aggregates from recycled construction and demolition waste in concrete
Use of aggregates produced from marble quarry waste in asphalt pavements
Applied mechanics in science and engineering
Little man, little man: a story of childhood
For the Record-A History of the Nuclear Test Personnel Review Program, 1978-1993
Benefits and costs of food safety regulation
The Best kept Secrets In Government
Research on teaching and learning of nature of science
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Path of Thorns: Soviet Mennonite life under communist and Nazi rule
Antarctica Through the Eyes of Writers and Artists
Green River laminites: Does the playa-lake model really invalidate the stratified-lake model
A synoptical classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca
Darwin taxonomist: Barnacles and shell burrowing barnacles
Modeling of cyclic tidal rhythmites based on a range of diurnal to semidiurnal tidal-station data
Gothic connections: Contacts between eastern Scandinavia and the southern Baltic coast 100 BC-500 AD
Imagery in therapy: An information processing analysis of fear
The role of extensive green roofs in sustainable development
Codon usage limitation in the expression of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein
Hemingway's venetian muse Adriana Ivancich
Weekend vs. midweek stays: Modelling hotel room rates in a small market
WHO European review of social determinants of health and the health divide
Choosing among therapies: illness behavior in the Ivory Coast
Regulating incentives: the past and present role of the state in health care systems
The Illustrated Treasury of Children's Literature
The Illustrated Treasury of Children's Literature
The Illustrated Treasury of Children's Literature
Opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 for vaccination decisions
Best practices for preventing or reducing bullying in schools
Teachers' sense of efficacy and their beliefs about managing students
Leap of Faith in Astrid Lindgren's Brothers Lionheart
Simulation of cascade processes in turbulent flows: PMM vol. 38, n≗ 3, 1974, pp. 507-513
Archaeology and animal persons: toward a prehistory of human-animal relations
Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 5 Volume Set
Talking about race: Overcoming fear in the process of change
Mechanisms of governance in the project-based organization:: Roles of the broker and steward
Firm performance, corporate governance, and top executive turnover in Japan
Managerial ownership, accounting choices, and informativeness of earnings
Re-envisioning the role of hydrogen in a sustainable energy economy
Problem loans and cost efficiency in commercial banks
Philippine territorial boundaries: internal tensions, colonial baggage, ambivalent conformity
Western environmental values and nature-based tourism in Kenya
Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
Poipoia te tamaiti ki te ūkaipō
Te Ngākau: He Wānanga i te Mātauranga kia puta he aroha, he māramatanga
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Te Hekenga Nui o Te Waipounamu o Aotearoa
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Moving from didactic to inquiry-based instruction in a science laboratory
Science advisors, representation, and Hollywood films
Scientific Russian. A textbook for classes and self-study
The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decisions
The use of collocations by advanced learners of English and some implications for teaching
Patterns of language learning strategy use
Convergent Hollywood, DVD, and the transformation of the home entertainment industries
On becoming a better therapist
Is perception of light useful to the blind patient
Demons in Eden. The paradox of plant diversity
Images of Hawaii for Children: Cultural Deprivileging and Reprivileging
Floral fragrance compounds of some Anthurium (Araceae) species and hybrids
Biodiversity concepts and urban ecosystems
A 10-year review of a minimally invasive technique for the correction of pectus excavatum
Techniques in large animal surgery
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's principles and practice of infectious diseases
Surgical services for children in developing countries
Educational dark tourism at an in populo site: The Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem
Sampling techniques for forest resource inventory
Patient preferences for uterine preservation and hysterectomy in women with pelvic organ prolapse
Working with teaching methods: what's at stake
Ireland: a new economic history 1780-1939
Decreased interstitial cell of Cajal volume in patients with slow-transit constipation
Refaire la République: André Tardieu, une dérive réactionnaire (1876-1945
Representation of legal knowledge for conceptual retrieval
Food of the gods: cure for humanity? A cultural history of the medicinal and ritual use of chocolate
The authenticity of intercultural communication
Research on K-12 school-based service-learning: The evidence builds
Global warming: are we entering the greenhouse century
Atlas of Pacific salmon: the first map-based status assessment of salmon in the North Pacific
Green roof plants: a resource and planting guide
How do you picture electricity
Imagery in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama: suggestions for a new approach
Toward the analysis of close relationships
A parametric study of CO2/N2 gas separation membrane processes for post-combustion capture
Introduction to quantum mechanics: a time-dependent perspective
Ion exchange membranes: state of their development and perspective
Magnetic nano-and microparticles for metal removal and environmental applications: a review
The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist
Martial, Book IX: A commentary. Vol. 1, Vol. 2
Empirical research methods in operations management
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Colour space models for soil science
Internet dictionaries and lexicography
Monoamniotic twins: case series and proposal for antenatal management
Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing
Evolution of near vertical incidence skywave communications and the Battle of Arnhem
Constant witness: re-framing images of the Second World War
Paris in the French, Czech and American tourist guidebooks (1918-1939
Winter sports resorts in Austria and Japan
The medical and psychosocial needs of children entering foster care
It is what one does: why people participate and help others in electronic communities of practice
The new agenda for organization development
The Impact of Corporate Reputation on Performance:: Some Danish Evidence
Human Factors in Agile Software Development
Training student employees for quality service
Asceticism and Society in Crisis: John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern Saints
Asceticism and Society in Crisis: John of Ephesus and the Lives of the Eastern Saints
Mystery, complexity, legibility and coherence: A meta-analysis
Commercial conspiracy theories: A pilot study
Community—Coca-Cola interface: Political-anthropological concerns on corporate social responsibility
Currently browsing posts about: Uncategorized
The Cambridge encyclopedia of Darwin and evolutionary thought
Reason and religious belief: An introduction to the philosophy of religion
Crack bridging in fiber reinforced cementitious composites with slip-hardening interfaces
The complexity of failure: Implications of complexity theory for safety investigations
Statistical models for prediction of the fatigue crack growth in aircraft service
A clockwork orange: Burgess and behavioral interventions
Preferential Trading Areas and Multilateralism: Strangers, Friends or Foes
Type A behavior and faculty research productivity: What are the mechanisms
Doctors' responses to medical errors
Functional harmony revisited: a prototype-theoretic approach
Efficiency in the crude oil futures market
Temporal Logic Mathematical Foundations and Computational Aspects
Tag Archives: Dr. Eric Karlstrom
From classified to commonplace: the trajectory of the hydrogen bomb 'secret
Neural networks for control systems—a survey
Image analysis and computer vision: 1990
A survey of computer vision-based human motion capture
Image analysis and computer vision: 1993
A taxonomy for information security technologies
Applied security visualization
Beyond family-friendly: The construct and measurement of singles-friendly work culture
Prisoner dilemmas: the American obsession with POWs and hostages
Assembling milk at country receiving stations in Sussex County, August 1944
Spirits of Light at the Padre Pio Healing Center
Elements of a Mystery Play in Madame Bovary: mœurs de province
Is Ukraine's New Prime Minister a Jew
Opposing the Modern World: The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Ireland, 1965-85
Radiolarian distribution and the late Pleistocene history of the southeastern Indian Ocean
Bibliography of Autobiographies, Memoirs and Reminiscences by Indian authors in English (Unpublished
Knowledge discovery in databases: An overview
Teachers reflect on their experience as readers: The literacy club luncheon
The structure of the product space and the evolution of comparative advantage
Ulysses and the sirens: Studies in rationality and irrationality
Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence
Judicial intervention in accounting behavior: A reevaluation of the nineteenth century experience
An analysis of the food plants and drug plants of native North America
JHH Weiler (ed.), The EU, the WTO and the NAFTA-Towards a Common Law of International Trade
The government's role in the early development of English language education in Korea (1883-1945
A workman's tools: the law library of Henry Adams Bullard
Emotionally Focused Therapy & Cognitive Therapy: Slaying My Goliath
The child sexual abuse accomodation syndrome
Gender justice and reconciliation
Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials
Dynamic programming and optimal control
Staff scheduling and rostering: A review of applications, methods and models
Disseminating innovations in health care
Footprints, Imprints: Seeing Environmentalist and Buddhist Marie Byles as an Eastern Australian
Discovery of ETI: Terrestrial and extraterrestrial legal implications
The planet Venus and temple 22 at Copan
Ghost in the Lantern: Consumerism, Appropriation, and Mitate in Nineteenth-Century Japanese Media
Ghost in the Lantern: Consumerism, Appropriation, and Mitate in Nineteenth-Century Japanese Media
Principles of Christian theology
George Katona: A founding father of old behavioral economics
By the book: Assessing the place of textbooks in US survey courses
Island dreaming: the contemplation of Polynesian paradise
Religion and phases of globalization
Peasant rationality: individuals, groups, cultures
Mass Media and Society 4th edition
An ecological framework for the planning, design and management of urban river greenways
Reuse of iron ore mineral wastes in civil engineering constructions: A case study
Canonical Orphans and Critical Ennui: Rereading Edgeworth's Cross-Writing
An ordinary country: Issues in the transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa
Breastfeeding your baby/; Sheila Kitzinger
Effect of Kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes—a pilot study
Wedding citizenship and culture: Korean adoptees and the global family of Korea
Synergies among extinction drivers under global change
The economics of global warming
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays
Compromise solution by MCDM methods: A comparative analysis of VIKOR and TOPSIS
Environmental and social impact assessment: an introduction
Managerial accounting: creating value in a dynamic business environment
Pornography, obscenity, and the case for censorship
Colonial origins of the American constitution
Congress Versus the Supreme Court, 1957-1960
Indagine sull'uso dei nuovi media tra gli studenti delle scuole superiori lombarde
Oxford handbook of public health practice
Challenges to the Australian Guardianship & Administration Model
Feminism and sporting bodies: Essays on theory and practice
Ecocriticism and the Transnational Turn in American Studies
Frequency and causes of vaccine wastage
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act at fifty: Aspirations, effects, and limitations
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act at fifty: Aspirations, effects, and limitations
Putting women in place: Feminist geographers make sense of the world
The seminary experience: Conceptual worlds of first-career and second-career seminarians
The book of the goddess, past and present: an introduction to her religion
Philosophies of social science: The classic and contemporary readings
Toward an integrative view of strategic human resource management
Toward an integrative view of strategic human resource management
Eternal God: A study of God without time
Power, fear, and children's picture books
Culture, literacy, and learning English: Voices from the Chinese classroom
Women Watching Football: The Televisual Gaze and Female Spectatorship
OAC Review Volume 40 Issue 2, October 1927
Gender and the division of filial responsibility between lone sisters and their brothers
The dynamics of family controlled firms: The good and the bad news
Color Multiculturally: Twenty-First-Century Multicultural Picturebooks, Color (ing) Beyond the Lines
Latino parents' perceptions of weight terminology used in pediatric weight counseling
Anxiety in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
A new variety of Bacopa monnieri obtained by in vitro polyploidization
Sports technology education at mid Sweden University
Multiplex reverse transcriptase PCR assay for simultaneous detection of three fish viruses
Engineering secondary metabolite production in plants
n− 3 PUFA and membrane microdomains: a new frontier in bioactive lipid research
Challenges of change: a qualitative study of chronic care model implementation
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, analytical chemistry by open learning
Malay Folk Literature in Early Childhood Education among Malaysians
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Souvenirs of the Old South: Northern tourism and Southern mythology
Symbol and theory: A philosophical study of theories of religion in social anthropology
Russia and the Defeat of Napoleon (1812-14
Who's Afraid of the French Revolution? Austrian Foreign Policy and the European Crisis 1787-1797
Werner von Siemens, Seite 438-575
Behold the corpse: Violent images and the case of Emmett Till
Bonded by Love: A Critical Analysis of Divakaruni's Sister of My Heart and The Vine of Desire
Sacred trees, bitter harvests: globalizing coffee in Northwest Tanzania
Poverty Reduction In Bangladesh: Absence Of A National Framework, An Abundance Of Donors' Strategies
Changing the terms: Translating in the postcolonial era
Hybridity and the Oriental Orientalism of Mingei Theory
A history of experimental film and video
Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health
It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens
Small business owners' attitudes on VAT compliance in the UK
Endemic bird areas of the world: priorities for biodiversity conservation
Ethnozoology: a brief introduction
Highwaymen or heroes: Should hedge funds be regulated?: A survey
No Admission Required: Sovereignty, Slots and Native American Art
The stock market crash of 2008 caused the Great Recession: Theory and evidence
Portfolios of Hedge Funds What Investors Really Invest In
A survey of venture capital research
The intracerebral movement of proteins injected into blood and cerebrospinal fluid of mice
Rituximab reduces B cells and T cells in cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis patients
Most Americans eat much less than recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables
An Interview with Barbara Reid
Qualitative research: standards, challenges, and guidelines
An analysis of mentoring conversations with beginning teachers: Suggestions and responses
Business models, business strategy and innovation
New tools in comparative political economy: The database of political institutions
E-books plus: Role of interactive visuals in exploration of mathematical information and e-learning
Invitations: Changing as teachers and learners K-12
The natural history of urbanization
Progress in tourism management: From the geography of tourism to geographies of tourism-A review
The ineffectiveness of lordship in England, 1200-1400
Affective landscapes: An introduction
Colin Ward: Sower of anarchist ideas
Discovering chord idioms through Beatles and Real Book songs
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Alexithymia and its relationships with anxiety and depression in eating disorders
Human rights overboard: Seeking asylum in Australia
Service-learning as a path to virtue: The ideal orator in professional communication
Identifying success in online teacher education and professional development
Iron chemistry in seawater and its relationship to phytoplankton: a workshop report
von Liebig's law of the minimum and plankton ecology (1899-1991
Complexation of trace metals by adsorbed natural organic matter
James Farrell's Studs Lonigan Trilogy and the Anxieties of Race
Dreams of trespass: Tales of a harem girlhood
The total library: non-fiction 1922-1986
John Dewey and the philosophy and practice of hope
James T. Farrell by Edgar M. Branch
Sounding out the city: Personal stereos and the management of everyday life
CPTED: Interpreting contemporary security practices in the era of homeland security
Teaching English as a second or foreign language
The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case report guideline development
Image fusion techniques for remote sensing applications
Microwave emission from an irregular snow layer
Radar polarimetry for geoscience applications
An icon-based synoptic visualization of fully polarimetric radar data
Forest biomass from combined ecosystem and radar backscatter modeling
All Roads Lead to Rome?: Decadence, Paganism, Catholicism and the Later Life of Oscar Wilde
Meditations on meat and the earlier menarche
Dorothy Wordsworth's Return to Tintern Abbey
Medicinal plant diversity in the flora of Saudi Arabia 1: a report on seven plant families
Marketing tourism in the Galapagos Islands: Ecotourism or greenwashing
Gaelic games and the films of John Ford
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A perturbative Painlevé approach to nonlinear differential equations
Tragedies of the ludic commons-understanding cooperation in multiplayer games
Prison Life Writing, African American Narrative Strategies, and Bad: The Autobiography of James Carr
CGI programming on the World Wide Web
San Andreas fault zone in San Gorgonio Pass, southern California
The role of driver sleepiness in car crashes: a systematic review of epidemiological studies
The first American tourist guidebooks: Authorship and the print culture of the 1820s
Phantoms in the brain: Probing the mysteries of the human mind
Peace Corps fantasies: How development shaped the global sixties
Linguistic strategies and cultural styles for persuasive discourse
Cleaning house: New perspectives on households and economic development
Feminist critiques of science: The epistemological and methodological literature
Shock and Perfect Contemplation: Dorothy Richardson's Mystical Cinematic Consciousness
On the virtues and disadvantage of quantification for democratic life
A semiotics of the public/private distinction
Bovine and equine urogenital surgery
Guide to the dissection of the dog
Six roads from Newton: great discoveries in physics
Gestation period of the woodchuck Marmota monax
The Oxford book of food plants
Scegliere i media per la didattica
Lower and Middle Cenomanian ammonites from the Morondava Basin, Madagascar
Mauna Loa revealed: Structure, composition, history, and hazards
Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet 9th Edition
Periodizing modernism: Postcolonial modernities and the space/time borders of modernist studies
North Atlantic Drift: The Scandinavian Dimension in Modern Scottish Literature
On technology and schools: A conversation with Chris Dede
Crusader castle torn apart by earthquake at dawn, 20 May 1202
Renewable energy from the ocean
Policies on free primary and secondary education in East Africa: A review of the literature
NMC horizon report: 2016 higher education edition
Local government fiscal reform in developing countries: Lessons from Kenya
The elderly in hospital: recent trends in use of medical resources
Current topics in nutrition and disease. Volume 1. Bone loss: causes, detection, and therapy
Immunomodulating agents of plant origin. I: Preliminary screening
I knit therefore I am: An ethnomethodological study of knitting as constitutive of gendered identity
Study on Thanjavur art to design a range of jelwlry
George Herbert and Elizabeth Bishop
The Complete Book of Captain Scarlet
Hotel cleanliness—how do guests view it? Let us get specific. A New Zealand study
Gods last offer: negotiating for a sustainable future
Corporate governance from the Islamic perspective: A comparative analysis with OECD principles
Faith in history and society: Towards a practical fundamental theology
Dava, Daktar, and Dua: Anthropology of practiced medicine in India
Fractional calculus in bioengineering
An exploratory study into the use of CD-ROM storybooks
Warren McCulloch's search for the logic of the nervous system
Going graphic: Comics at work in the multilingual classroom
Disability and employment: Considering the importance of social capital
Career paths and career success in the early career stages of male and female MBAs
the entire wiki with video and photo galleries find something interesting to watch in seconds
Border Life: Experience and Memory in the Revolutionary Ohio Valley.(Book Reviews
Actor network theory and after
A survey on industrial vision systems, applications and tools
Evaluating pair programming with respect to system complexity and programmer expertise
Teaching financial literacy in K-12 Schools: A survey of teacher beliefs and knowledge
One health: Endemic zoonoses in the tropics: A public health problem hiding in plain sight
Translation, adaptation and interpretation of dramatic texts
Developing serious games (game development series
The Teaching of Reading: Getting Started
Gender and inequalities in health in later life
The political theory of possessive individualism: Hobbes to Locke
Picture book reading with young children: A conceptual framework
Fluid-Dynamic Lift, Practical Information on Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Lift
Precise atomic masses for fundamental physics determined at SMILETRAP
The Home Console Dispositive: Digital Games and Gaming as Socio-Technical Arrangements
Tacitus-Historian Between Republic and Principate
Distinctive discipline: Rudolph Agricola's influence on methodical thinking in the humanities
Tacitus-Historian Between Republic and Principate
Tacitus-Historian Between Republic and Principate
Distinctive discipline: Rudolph Agricola's influence on methodical thinking in the humanities
Tacitus-Historian Between Republic and Principate
Distinctive discipline: Rudolph Agricola's influence on methodical thinking in the humanities
Ethics in the public domain: essays in the morality of law and politics
Religious America, Secular Europe? A Theme and Variations
A Tamil asylum diaspora: Sri Lankan migration, settlement and politics in Switzerland
Situational judgment tests: An overview of current research
Situational judgment tests: An overview of current research
Illnesses you have to fight to get: Facts as forces in uncertain, emergent illnesses
What is the best method of surgical training?: a report of America's leading senior surgeons
Homologues, natural kinds and the evolution of modularity
The stomatogastric nervous system: structure and function of a small neural network
America's Great National Forests, Wildernesses, and Grasslands
Museums and touristic expectations
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Localization of breakage points in knotted strings
Beyond Mead: Symbolic interaction between humans and felines
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
Providing medicolegal testimony
Communities of commitment: The heart of learning organizations
International trade and competition law in Japan
Role of libraries and information in the empowerment of women prisoners in Uganda
Fostering multi-cultural awareness: Books for young children
Fostering multi-cultural awareness: Books for young children
Their Own Story: Literature for African-American Children
Metabolic consequences of mitochondrial coenzyme A deficiency in patients with PANK2 mutations
The Sociolinguistic Situation of Creoles in South Louisiana: Identity, Characteristics, Attitudes
The Political and Religious Origins of La Rochelle's Primacy in Trade with New France, 1627-1685
Confronting the Nazi War on Christianity. The Kulturkampf Newsletters, 1936-1939
This time is different: A panoramic view of eight centuries of financial crises
On the interrelations between accounting and the state
Basic animal nutrition and feeding
Principles of drug disposition in domestic animals: the basis of veterinary clinical pharmacology
Traditional healing with animals (zootherapy): medieval to present-day Levantine practice
Finding kicking range of sepak takraw game: Fuzzy logic and Dempster-Shafer theory approach
Business incubators and new venture creation: an assessment of incubating models
Sustainable community development: principles and concepts
Information systems development: methodologies, techniques and tools
Observations on the Scolarly Study of Religions as Pursued in some Muslim Countries
Memory-craft: The role of domestic technology in women's journals
The distribution and sources of archaeological pitchstone in Britain
The Thin Red Line: War Empire and Visions of Scotland
Repetition, Remembering, Repetition: Virginia Woolf's Late Fiction and the Return of War
Whatever Happened to the Age of Art Criticism
Coordination and lock-in: Competition with switching costs and network effects
An operant pursuit of generalization
Helping health workers learn: a book of methods, aids and ideas for instructors at the village level
Beauty and the Priest: The Use and Misuse of Aesthetics in The Damnation of Theron Ware
The king is dead. Long live the king
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
Beyond the law. The image of piracy in the legal writings of Hugo Grotius
International Criminal Law: Cases and Materials
Critical Race Theory and Social Studies: Centering the Native American Experience
Aeschines' Inscription in Epidaurus
Environment, disease and mortality in early Virginia
Universal Emancipation: The Haitian Revolution and the Radical Enlightenment
Violence against women: Relevance for medical practitioners
Memories of Pilots and Planes: World War II in Japanese Manga, 1957-1967
Grandparenthood: An overview of meaning and mental health
Heparin treatment in sinus venous thrombosis
Capturing the daylight dividend in buildings: why and how
Esoteric healing traditions: A conceptual overview
Lost in Lit-Terra Incognita, or What Is and to What End Do We Study World Literature
Journey into light: life and science of CV Raman
Echoes of the teashop in a Tamil newspaper
Governance of megacities: Fractured thinking, fragmented setup
Climate change: potential impact on plant diseases
Tourism, culturalism, and imaginative geographies: the case of US tourism to Mexico
Translation of Transylvanian Culture-Specific Items into English
The biomechanics of sports techniques
The origins of computer weather prediction and climate modeling
Uncivil Wars, Elena Garro, Octavio Paz, and The Battle for Cultural Memory by Sandra Mesinger Cypess
Introduction to computer graphics
What caused the Asian currency and financial crisis
Corporate governance and firm profitability: evidence from Korea before the economic crisis
Do effective state business relations matter for economic growth? Evidence from Indian states
Teaching English as an international language: Rethinking goals and perspectives
Reforming Korea's industrial conglomerates
New Hope: A Mormon Colony in Central California
Demographic redefinition of Hispanos
Parental perceptions of barriers to blood lead testing
Pictures for Use and Pleasure: Vernacular Painting in High Qing China
Paths to power of women legislators in Costa Rica and Nicaragua
Men women messages and media: understanding human communication
Woolf, postcards, and the elision of race: Colonizing women in The Voyage Out
Unearthing Franco's Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain
Peronospora tabacina in Tobacco: transpiration, growth, and related energy considerations
Doctor Who-themed weddings and the performance of fandom
Language-learning tasks: Teacher intention and learner interpretation
Man-of-action heroes: The pursuit of heroic masculinity in everyday consumption
Systems of information: The long view
Fatal neck injuries caused by blank cartridges
Talking shop: Second language acquisition research: how does it help teachers
The evolution of Greek fauna since classical times
The Greek Questions of Plutarch
The Greek Questions of Plutarch
Shifting the foundations: Descartes's transformation of ancient geometry
The collected dialogues of Plato
Public Philosophy in a New Key: Volume 1, Democracy and Civic Freedom
World catalogue of insects. Volume 2: Hydrophiloidea (s. str.)(Coleoptera
The flesh and blood of embodied understanding: The source-path-goal schema in animation film
Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health
SMEs in the Age of Globalization
Derivatives and systemic risk: Netting, collateral, and closeout
Manufacturing engineering and technology
Origin and evolution of tropical rain forests
Melancholy Philosophy: Freud and Benjamin
An introduction to the Back Pages
Japanese production management: An evolution—With mixed success
Cytoadherence and sequestration in Plasmodium falciparum: defining the ties that bind
How to Read a Folktale: The'Ibonia'Epic from Madagascar
Project CHAT: A brief motivational substance abuse intervention for teens in primary care
Classroom teachers and physical activity integration
A recurring geometrical pattern in the early renaissance imagination
National Traditions in the Historiography of the State: the Case of Poland
Teachers' sense of efficacy and their beliefs about managing students
School desegregation and white flight: A reexamination and case study
Separate is never equal: Sylvia Mendez and her family's fight for desegregation
Pursuing the Dream of Educational Equality
The Metamorphosis of Tianxian Pei: Local Opera Under the Revolution (1946-1956) by Wilt L. Idema
Professional Machine Quilting and Its Impact On The Contemporary Quilt Movement
Manufacturing engineering and technology
Kinetic study on pressure leaching of high iron sphalerite concentrate
Electrowinning of cobalt from acidic sulphate solutions—effect of chloride ion
The unity of reason: rereading Kant
Mission from Anywhere to Europe
Mission from Anywhere to Europe
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Guide for First Year Law Students (current version, revised July 2011
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The economics and management of intellectual property
The Handbook of Credit Portfolio Management
Does the choice of performance measure influence the evaluation of hedge funds
The performance of global bond mutual funds
What did the Canadian public learn from the 2004 supreme court decision on physical punishment
Familial antecedents of adolescent drug use: A developmental perspective
What the Warners Wore: An Archaeological Investigation ofVisual Appearance
Paradigm for art education; creation story of jewels, theme, design, artwork, 3D
Design Structures of Treasure Book Covers from the 6th to the 12th Century
Beetle Abominations and Birds on Bonnets: Zoological Fantasy in Late-Nineteenth-Century Dress
Inheritance and linkage of isozyme coding genes in chickpea
We gather together: consumption rituals of Thanksgiving Day
Does trade raise income?: Evidence from the twentieth century
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Harriette Arnow's: chronicles of destruction
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency
Structural geology of folded rocks
Managerial accounting: creating value in a dynamic business environment
Computational science and engineering
Maternal weight gain pattern and birth weight
If I Ever Go Looking for My Heart's Desire: Home in Baum's Oz Books
Wizard of Oz studies—why and how
Who Steals My Purse...'[Book Review
All possible worlds: A history of geographical ideas
Essai d'hipponomastique italienne
Blue tongue: An actual case in Mallorca
No Holding Back: Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944
Subaerial laminated crusts of the Florida Keys
«Little Library»: English children's book in the Vorontsov book collection
Electric discharge and associated behaviour in the stargazer
Factors that prevent children from gaining access to schooling: A study of Delhi slum households
In search of higher persistence rates in distance education online programs
Parent involvement in early intervention for disadvantaged children: Does it matter
Starting strong II: Early childhood education and care
The economic role of the audit in free and regulated markets: A look back and a look forward
Teaching English as a second or foreign language
Land transport, part 1: roads and bridges
Chronotypes: the construction of time
Reflexivity: Definitions and discriminations
Composizione e improvvisazione: dove sta la differenza
The beginnings of tourism in Majorca. 1837-1914
Since Meiji: perspectives on the Japanese visual arts, 1868-2000
Recruiting citizens for soldiers in seventeenth-century English ballads
Taking control of your digital library: how modern citation managers do more than just referencing
Active literature: Jan Tschichold and new typography
REGoLive: Building a web site comprehension tool by extending GoLive
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
My Stevens: Habits and Habitations
Against Telephysics from Contra la tele-visión
The Popular Image of the American West Disrupted by Pioneer Women s Writing
Sufi Narratives of Intimacy: Ibn'Arabī, Gender, and Sexuality
Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine
Origin and theoretical basis of New Public Management
Strategies for information systems implementation: The case of zero base budgeting
The developmental state, government, and Singapore's economic development since 1960
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The language of school design: Design patterns for 21st century schools
Covering the Cinema On Wallpaper in Some Films
How students make book choices
Four good reasons to use literature in primary school ELT
The dis-closure of Huckleberry Finn:. Natura naturata vs. lumen naturale, lighting out vs. Lichtung
Current and potential threats to Nordic duck populations—a horizon scanning exercise
When Death Gave Birth to a Writer: A Collection of Essays and Poems
Escaping Into Nature: The Making of a Sportsman-conservationist and Environmental Historian
Polycultural'capital and educational achievement among NZ-born Pacific peoples
A statistical comparison between non-parametric and parametric stability measures
Picturing Hawai'i: The Ideal Native and the Origins of Tourism, 1880-1915
Recent history of fractional calculus
Quantum-chemical concepts: Are they suitable for secondary students
Anarchism and Nineteenth Century European Philosophy
Anarchy and autonomy: Contemporary social movements, theory, and practice
Design for Life: The Struggle for Utopia
Definitional excursions: the meanings of modern/modernity/modernism
Ask No Questions: Gershom Scholem and the Study of Contemporary Jewish Mysticism
Quantum field theory and critical phenomena
Patient perspectives on the impact of fibromyalgia
Guidelines on the management of fibromyalgia syndrome-a systematic review
Using focus groups to inform pharmacy research
Prosodic phrasing is central to language comprehension
Phonetics of partially nasal consonants
Family-oriented prevention of cardiovascular disease: A social epidemiological approach
Focus on adult health medical-surgical nursing
Surface properties in relation to atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease
Compost bedded pack dairy barn management, performance, and producer satisfaction
Effect of pre-ozonation on optimized coagulation of a typical North-China source water
Wear of zirconium alloys due to fretting and periodic impacting
Lectures on advanced analytic number theory
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Aristotle On Eudaimonia (Book I. 1-5 [1-3] And 7-8 [5-6
Two faces of death: fatalities from disease and combat in America's principal wars, 1775 to present
Guinea-Bissau: a study of political mobilization
A military legacy of the Civil War: The British inheritance
The longitudinal effects of the ISO 9000 certification process on business performance
John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath As a Naturalistic Novel
Brief report: Emotional intelligence, victimisation and bullying in adolescents
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
To His Soul, and: The Fencing Shoe, and: The Turin Horse, and: Elemental
Diet quality and performance of cattle on forest and grassland range
Overweight children overeat after exposure to food cues
faBricio vanden Broeck mexico* illustrator
British hoverflies. An illustrated identification guide
Corporatism and structural change in the British accountancy profession, 1930-1957
Literature on LIS marketing: growth and pattern
Stories from cancer camp: Tales of glitter and gratitude
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The city in modern Chinese literature and film: configurations of space, time, and gender
Are there spillover effects between coastal and noncoastal regions in China
The rural-urban divide: Economic disparities and interactions in China
Red Capitalism in South China: Growth and Development of the Pearl River Delta
Chinese economic statistics; a handbook from Mainland China
The Bible in history: How writers create a past
The blood-brain barrier: an overview: structure, regulation, and clinical implications
Publications-Applied Data Mining
Scripting Short Films: Beyond the Simple Plot with a Twist
Programming Ruby: the pragmatic programmers' guide
Shrinking the borders: Globalization, culture, and belonging
Debating the great emancipator: Abraham Lincoln and our public memory
Arm in arm: Gender, eugenics, and Virginia's racial integrity acts of the 1920s
Civil Society Iraq: Ethnic, Religious, and Location Influences on Outgroup Perception
Introduction: the study and history of genocide
Choice of drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Mezanmi, Kouman Nou Ye? My Friends, How Are You?: Musical Constructions of the Haitian Transnation
American Catholics and the environment, 1960-1995
Nostra Aetate: A personal reflection
Constructing meaning in the face of suffering: Theodicy in Lamentations
High-performance work practices and hotel employee performance: The mediation of work engagement
The friction cost method for measuring indirect costs of disease
Promoting health and preventing disease in health care settings: an analysis of barriers
Oxford textbook of public health
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
A critical response to managerialism in the Academy
Feasibility of quantum key distribution through a dense wavelength division multiplexing network
Free space optic and mmWave communications: technologies, challenges and applications
DWDM fundamentals, components, and applications
Parity, age at first childbirth, and risk of ovarian cancer
Agricultural development: an international perspective
Intellectual capital: realizing your company\'s true value by finding its hidden brainpower
Social support networks and the crisis of bereavement
Viticulture and winemaking terminology and terminography: A review of resources
Predicting wine quality from terrain characteristics with regression trees
Dem Weintourismus auf der Spur
Teachers resilience: A necessary condition for effectiveness
The Texas State Historical Association and the Future of the Past
Psychosocial functioning in pediatric cancer
Gone But Not Forgotten: Children's Experiences with Attachment, Separation, and LOSS
Writing against memory and forgetting
Prairie plants and their environment. A fifty-year study in the midwest
A modern guide to foodservice equipment
Organizovaná občanská společnost z pohledu Václava Havla, Václava Klause a Miloše Zemana
Hebrejská poezie jako výraz protestu ve Státě Izrael
THE LIMITS OF THE SOVEREIGN STATEStrategies of Crime Control in Contemporary Society
The impact of shift and night work on health
The tourist behind the pilgrim in the Holy Land
Knowledge and the Flow of Information
Radical embodiment: neural dynamics and consciousness
A review of feature selection techniques in bioinformatics
The mystery of the missing sovereign debt restructuring mechanism
The new politics of immigration:Balanced-budget conservatism and the symbolism of Proposition 187
Qualitative research methods in human geography
The Seneca restoration, 1715-1754: An Iroquois local political economy
Multi-agent systems: an introduction to distributed artificial intelligence
How the millennium development goals are unfair to Africa
How the millennium development goals are unfair to Africa
Do international migration and remittances reduce poverty in developing countries
Chile: The great transformation
Poverty reduction strategy papers: a new convergence
Do international migration and remittances reduce poverty in developing countries
Electricity demand in Kazakhstan
Supergay: A Queer Analysis of the CW's Supergirl
Revaluing nature: toward an ecological criticism
Intracranial pressure waveform indices in transient and refractory intracranial hypertension
02 The Winter of Our Days: The Anglican Diocese of Sydney, 1950-1960
Thermal comfort. Analysis and applications in environmental engineering
Civil religion in American schools
Colorful marks: past and present perceptions of the development and use of the colored crayon
Extreme Makeover for a Heian-Era Wizard
Hybrid materials science: a promised land for the integrative design of multifunctional materials
Enhancing Business Education: Bringing Ethics and Excellence to Classroom
Krishnamurti: the years of awakening
Psychiatric disorders in two African villages
The mystical theology of Saint Bernard
Discussing religious and spiritual issues at the end of life: a practical guide for physicians
Forty Years On: An Appreciation and Assessment of Baptism in the Holy Spirit by James DG Dunn
A Molinist-Anabaptist Systematic Theology
The Gospels of Margaret of Scotland and the Literacy of an Eleventh-Century Queen
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The Norton book of science fiction: North American science fiction, 1960-1990
May I sleep in your bed? Getting permission to book
New venture strategic posture, structure, and performance: An industry life cycle analysis
Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools
Review on teaching and learning of computational thinking through programming: What is next for K-12
Paternal involvement among unwed fathers
The Psychic Vampire and Vampyre Subculture
Race, bureaucracy, and symbolic representation: Interactions between citizens and police
State-corporate crime: Wrongdoing at the intersection of business and government
Racism, ethnicity and criminology. Developing minority perspectives
The glorification of war in Japanese education
General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pacific War
China by the Book: China Hands and China Stories, 1848-1949
Inclusion of facilitation into ecological theory
Stress and reproductive failure: an evolutionary approach with applications to premature labor
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS): fabrication, design and applications
Magic as Metaphor in Anime: A Critical Study
Graphic novels in academic libraries: From Maus to manga and beyond
The Cure of Folly or The Operation for the Stone by Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450-1516
Practice parameter on disaster preparedness
A npc behaviour definition system for use by programmers and designers
Human-level AI's killer application: Interactive computer games
Real-time strategy: Evolutionary game development
Artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Clark A. Pomerleau. Califia Women: Feminist Education against Sexism, Classism, and Racism
Sport in society: issues & controversies
The sacred and the profane in consumer behavior: Theodicy on the odyssey
Photofission of even-even nuclei near the threshold
Trastorno por estrés postraumático en la niñez
Claves de la música afrocubana en México. Entre músicos y musicólogos, 1920-1950
Medical management of kidney stones: AUA guideline
La representación de la enfermedad de Alzheimer en los álbumes ilustrados
Ambato, caricia honda, fragmentos de un libro inalcanzable
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The bilingual learner's dictionary and its uses
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Industrial Standardization and the Role of Governmental Research Institutes in 1950s Japan
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The future of hydropower in Europe: Interconnecting climate, markets and policies
Designing Online Games Assessment as: Information Trails
Scripture, sin and salvation: Theological conservatism reconsidered
The Collaborative Dog: Wag the Dog (1997
Design and implementation of multi-rate data exchange system for radar signal processing
NeXt generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey
Geometric programming for communication systems
The evolution to 4G cellular systems: LTE-Advanced
Sovereignty, security and the Canadian nuclear submarine program
Endoscopic spray cryotherapy: a new technique for mucosal ablation in the esophagus
This Way Girl Comes Bearing Gifts
On the Role of the Die: A brief ludologic study of pen-and-paper roleplaying games and their rules
A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for student retention management
X-Men as J Men: The Jewish subtext of a comic book movie
Bibliographie sélective: histoire, politique, institutions irlandaises, 1986-1987
Sport in society: issues & controversies
On the representation of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy in Interchange coursebooks
Doctor Faustus and the Printer's Devil
The Tale of Genji: Translation, Canonization, and World Literature by Michael Emmerich
Generalized linear mixed models: a practical guide for ecology and evolution
Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches
Investigating the relationship between intensive English language study and band score gain on IELTS
Reading hypertext and the experience of literature
An exegetical analysis of the vision of peace in the Book of Isaiah (2: 1-5
Crimes of the big four motorcycle gangs
Literature as an Alternative to Teaching to the Test
Collocations and general-purpose dictionaries
Projective geometry for machine vision
Natural operations in differential geometry
Contributions to the theory and applications of tree languages
Visibly pushdown automata and transducers with counters
Angle-restricted tours in the plane
Erasing Anarchism: Sacco and Vanzetti and the Logic of Representation
Time trends in reported prevalence of kidney stones in the United States: 1976-19941
Old Potions, New Bottles: Recasting Indigenous Medicine in Colonial Punjab, 1850-1945
Cancer Narratives and an Ethics of Commemoration: Susan Sontag, Annie Leibovitz, and David Rieff
Higher Harmonic Anisotropic Flow Measurements of Charged Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at
Accounting for Taste: The Triumph of French Cuisine
Making change in the kitchen? A study of celebrity cookbooks, culinary personas, and inequality
Food label use and its relation to dietary intake among US adults
Human-robot interaction: a survey
Deformable models in medical image analysis: a survey
Image-based object recognition in man, monkey and machine
Automotive control systems: for engine, driveline, and vehicle
The Andalusian Music of Morocco: Al-Ala: History, Society and Text
Electronic surveillance, human rights and criminal justice
Australian Constitutional Law: Materials and Commentary
Politics and ethics of the Indian constitution
Early Talking Books: Spoken Recordings and Recitation Anthologies, 1880-1920
The spatial characteristics of inland transport hubs: evidences from Southern India
The role of transport infrastructure in international tourism development: A gravity model approach
India: Economic development and social opportunity
Problem behavior and psychosocial development: A longitudinal study of youth
Postmodernist geopolitics vs Eurasia
L'illustration dictionnairique et les technolectes dans les dictionnaires sémasiologiques
Dire strait? Military aspects of the China-Taiwan confrontation and options for US Policy
Mutual empowerment of state and peasantry: Grassroots democracy in rural China
Ending One-Party Dominance: Korea, Taiwan, Mexico
Planning post-conflict reconstruction in Iraq: what can we learn
I. Reforming Civil-Military Relations
Toward an integrative view of strategic human resource management
Learning and teaching with cultural stories
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
The use and misuse of nineteenth-century English and American ceramics in archaeological analysis
Beyond the crabgrass frontier: industry and the spread of North American cities, 1850-1950
Here we go, here we go, here we go eco
Good wives, nasty wenches, and anxious patriarchs: Gender, race, and power in colonial Virginia
Poincaré's stabilization: stopping a run on government debt
Oscar Wilde, Recent Research: A Supplement to Oscar Wilde Revalued
The homoerotic photograph: male images from Durieu/Delacroix to Mapplethorpe
Extravagant Expression of Travel and Growth: Grove's Quest for America
Seasonal variations of the flavonoid content from Ginkgo biloba leaves
Valuable Internet Marketing Course
The ketogenic diet: a practical guide for caregivers
Real men don't diet': An analysis of contemporary newspaper representations of men, food and health
Eat Y'Self Fitter: Orthorexia, Health, and Gender
Peer support within a health care context: a concept analysis
Nursing rituals, research and rational actions
Continuum of care for maternal, newborn, and child health: from slogan to service delivery
Job satisfaction among nurses: a literature review
Stabilizers, Colorants, and Exopolysaccharides in Yogurt
Teaching and learning in the language classroom
Effect of notetaking instruction on 3rd grade student's science learning and notetaking behavior
Controversies in second language writing: Dilemmas and decisions in research and instruction
Sexual Violence Deconstructed: Simone de Beavoir, Angela Carter and Rikki Ducornet Investigate Sade
A game of cat's cradle: science studies, feminist theory, cultural studies
The Good and the Bad: Two Novels of South Africa
The black flies (simuliidae) of North America
The Mass Murder of Soviet Prisoners of War and the Holocaust: How Were They Related
US hegemony and international organizations: the United States and multilateral institutions
Light in Darkness: Disabled Lives
Distinction in America? Recovering Bourdieu's theory of tastes from its critics
The effects of video game play on young children's aggression, fantasy, and prosocial behavior
Toys Make a Nation: A History of Ethnic Toys in America
Then the Cicadas Sang: a novel and two essays on translingual writing
Classroom Resources: Text Books and Guides [Book Review
Digging Up Digging,Waterfall: Reading Heaney's Early Poetry in Death of a Naturalist
Biological effects of essential oils-a review
The soul of socialism: Christianity, civilization, and citizenship in the thought of Eugene Debs
Stable distributions: models for heavy-tailed data
Pedaling revolution: How cyclists are changing American cities
Railroads and American economic growth: essays in econometric history
Interest group participation in rule making: A decade of change
Transnational governance as the layering of rules: Intersections of public and private standards
Tastes of the'Mongrel'city: Geographies of memory, spice, hospitality and forgiveness
Decolonizing our plates: analyzing San Diego and vegans of color food politics
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Designing for Cultures: An Approach for Product Design Using Components of Regional Culture
Black Women and Music: More than the Blues
The restructuring of the housing finance system in urban China
Helping the poor through housing subsidies: lessons from Chile, Colombia and South Africa
Halloween: An evolving American consumption ritual
Anglo-Saxon: the Key to Stephen King's The Dark Tower
Mary in Islam:No Man Could Have Been Like This Woman
Perilous Pilgrimage: A Lady's Flight into the Rocky Mountain Wilderness
Randomized experiments from non-random selection in US House elections
The third-person effect in communication
Responsible leadership and corporate social responsibility:: Metrics for sustainable performance
Outback mining communities: A cautionary tale
Intercostal variation at the sternal end of the rib
Obesity and the Economics of Prevention
The Path of Names by Ari Goelman
Modelling fluctuating populations: reprint of first Edition (1982
Native Healing in Alaska—Report From Serpentine Hot Springs
Towards dynamic performance measurement systems
Attitudes toward aging as shown by humor
Evaluation in academic discourse: Managing criticism in Japanese and English book reviews
Symbol, Myth, and Culture: Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer, 1935-1945
The aesthetics of self-invention: Oscar Wilde to David Bowie
Kwame Nkrumah. Vision and Tragedy
Harvesting mineral riches: 1000 years of gold mining in Ghana
Africa's growth tragedy: policies and ethnic divisions
Job security provisions and employment
Cold warriors of the book: American Book Programs in the 1950s
Wetland soilsgenesis, hydrology, landscapes, and classification
Streetwise: How Taxi Drivers Establish Their Customers' Trustworthiness
Frankincense and myrrh resources of Ethiopia: II. Medicinal and industrial uses
Business Models and Technologies Used by the Publishers of Printed Periodicals on the Internet
Youth on the Road: Reflections on the History of Tramping
Warfare and tourism paris in World War II
Visible men: African American boxers, the new Negro, and the global color line
Cycles and trends of mortality in 18 large American cities, 1871-1900
The impact of banking and fringe banking regulation on the number of unbanked Americans
Rainbow, phoenix, and plumed serpent: DH Lawrence's great composite symbols and their vicissitudes
The entrepreneur's business model: toward a unified perspective
When illness goes public: Celebrity patients and how we look at medicine
Embracing Poetry: Ten Mentor Text Poetry Books to Entice Middle and High School Students
A comparison of textbook and authentic interactions
Early childhood investments substantially boost adult health
Bringing the provinces into focus: subnational spaces in the recent historiography of Russia
Making a self for the times: Impersonation and imposture in 20th-Century Russia
A intelligentsia ea Revolução de Outubro
Theory of communication. Part 1: The analysis of information
Principles of waveform diversity and design
Segmentation approaches in data-mining: A comparison of RFM, CHAID, and logistic regression
Outlining regulatory space: Agenda issues and the FASB
Design, engineering and utility of biotic games
Der Computer als Medium und Maschine
Free labor: Producing culture for the digital economy
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works
Una revisión teórica de la herramienta de benchmarking
AGING AMERICA AND THE BOOMER WARS: Frank J. Whittington, PhD, Editor
Personal Mastery: Our Quest for Self-Actualization, Meaning, and Highest Purpose
Tolkien's Imaginary Nature: An Analysis of the Structure of Middle-earth
Gene expression correlates of clinical prostate cancer behavior
Breastfeeding as headwork: Corporeal feminism and meanings for breastfeeding
Parents' information needs about the treatment of their chronically ill child: a qualitative study
Blog y ciberidentidad. El caso de Séptima madrugada (2007
Economic backwardness in historical perspective: a book of essays